Science says that the use of small plates will not help you lose weight

You can not deceive your appetite so easily, after all.

If you are on a diet, you know that eating healthy and exercise is not necessarily enough. The control of the portions can often be the key to the bulge battle, and with the massive portions that restaurants tend to serve in the United States, it is not always easy. Anyone who went to Italy knows that a plate of pasta tends to be significantly smaller than among the United States,who is one of their secrets to stay slim.

For years, one of the easiest weight loss hacks suggested by experts has been used for food on smaller plates. The trick is based on the illusion of Delbouef, who found that when you place two black circles of identical size side by side, but surround one with white space, the one that is encircled appears bigger. The theory, then, is that if you arrange your meal on a smaller plate, it will seem a major asset that if you will put the same server on a big and will help you to deceive your brain to eat less food.

Whether it is effective or not is a question of debate in the scientific community,and a new published study in the newspaperAppetiteclaims that it is a myth. When the researchers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) tested the illusion of Delbouef on people, they found that, as was noted previously, they actually perceive identical circles correctly when one of them was surrounded by an annulled. However, this has not been transferred to food, at least not among those who were hungry. Compared to those who had eaten recently, people who had not eaten for three hours were more likely to correctly identify the size of the pizza served on larger and smaller trays, indicating that hunger stimulates analytic treatment that is not so easily with the illusion.

"The size of the plate does not matter as much as we think it's"Dr. Tzvi Ganel, Head of the Laboratory of Visual Perception and Action in the Department of BGU Psychology and Senior Author on the study, said. "Even if you are hungry and you have not eaten, or try to reduce the portions, a portion seems similar if it fills a smaller plate or is surrounded by an empty space on a larger."

This indicates not only that this indicates that serving food on small plates will not help you brake the amount you eat at home, but also suggests that restaurants do not make a lot of obesity among adults by going to Smaller plates.

"In the last decade, restaurants and other food companies use gradually smaller dishes to comply with the perceptual bias it will reduce food consumption," says Dr. Ganel. "This study reduces this notion. When people are hungry, especially when they have to have a diet, they are less likely to be bapped by the size of the plate, more likely to realize they eat less in More topics to eat too much later. "

But before separating your big bowls, it should be noted that other studies have discovered that smaller platescan Reduce consumption under certain conditions. A 2016 study that analyzed 56 previous studies on this issue stating that the reduction in the diameter of a 30% plate results in a 30% reduction in food consumption. However, this is only the case if someone used and if they are not observed by other people.

Even with the BGU study, the stuff of the smaller plate can always work if you are not hungry every time you eat a meal,which maybe why eat several small meals a day is always considered healthier than hunger and inhaling a big dinner.

And if you are looking for a way to eat less and enjoy your food more, check whyScience says this simple thing will make the taste of better food.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Science / wellness
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