Science says that eating meat and cheese will prolong your life - no joke!

Just not too much. (Sad trombone.)

Every day, it seems that more and more health-conscious individuals are aware of the benefits of joining a largely herbal diet. Earlier this week,directorKevin SmithShared a post on Instagram showing 51 double pounds that he lost As a result of eating mainly vegetables - and photos are sufficient to convince meat and amateurs of dairy products that remaining on potatoes and broccoli are the way forward.

But if you had your eye on longevity instead of extreme weight loss and that the thought of not eating Cheeseburger gives you a new desire to cry, we have good news.

Astudy presented earlier this week At the European Cardiology Congress Company evaluated more than 218,000 people from more than 50 countries on five continents and found that people who consumed a high meat and dairy diet fell by 22% a risk of heart attack and reduced risk of 25% of early death.

As always, moderation is the key.Dr. Andrew MENTProfessor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, said that eating red meat and newspaper is "protective on the rise of service sizes we have identified."

This means up to three portions of dairy products (which could result in six slices of cheese or three yogurt cups in fat) and some of the red meat (about 4 oz serving) per day. It may not seem like a lot, but it's more than theRecommended amount of lawyers in the Mediterranean (in which you can only eat red meat once a week) or the direct prohibition proposed by those who believe that a vegetarian or vegetarian regime is the way forward.

"Think about what constitutes a high quality plan for a global population must be reconsidered"Professor Salim YusufThe principal author and director of the Population Health Research Institute (SHRI) at McMaster University and co-author of the study, said. "For example, our results show that dairy products and meat are beneficial for cardiac health and longevity. This differs from current food advice."

However, even this study concedes that the red meat and the newspaper should represent only one quarter of your daily calorie consumption and that the rest must be taken up by fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and seafood . For what is worth it, omega-3 in fish have had a lot of attention recently in the scientific community for their health benefits, with studies showing thatA rich seafood diet can help you sleep and can evenImprove your sex life and chances of getting pregnant.

And while carbohydrates have long been pronounced to the enemy,A recent study revealed that some carbohydrates can increase your longevity. All stops because a truly healthy diet contains a variety of foods consumed at the size of the appropriate part.

According toDietary guidelines for Americans, "Foods contain combinations of nutrients and other healthy substances. No food can provide all nutrients in the amounts you need. For example, oranges provide vitamin C but no vitamin B12. Cheese Provides vitamin B12 but no vitamin C. To make sure you eat all nutrients and other healthy substances, choose the number of recommended daily portions of each of the five groups of different foods. "

And for more ways to strengthen your life, make sure you choose a copy ofBecome ageless,The new book of Strauss Zelnick, otherwise known as the "CEO of the America's Fittest".

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Categories: Health
Tags: Science / wellness
By: geoffrey
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