23 body language tips that will serve you all your life

Yes, the actions speak much stronger than the words.

Body language is an immensely important part of the communication. In fact, it is generally accepted that the language of the body is eventuallyFollowing important in communication that what youActually to say, withstudies Showing that your actions represent 55% of what you communicate (relative to your words, which represent only 7). And seeing that actions seem to speak stronger than the words, we have compiled tips of bodily language that will help you with your next job interview, to nail your next presentation and mark this second date.

Do not suck in your lips.

woman sucking in her lip having an uncomfortable conversation on the phone

Many people, when they are nervous, have a bad habit of sucking their lips until they are no longer visible. However, as a body linguistic expertJanine's driver explained in theHuffington positionThis action "says you hold something back," and it should be avoided for important conversations.

Use your hands while you talk.

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The important brain region for speech is active during discussion, as well as gestures, and an expert in body languageCarol Kinsey Gomanfound that when its customers combine the two actions ", their verbal content improves, their speech is less hesitant and their use of charges decreases."

Do not hide behind your hands.

woman biting nails during a job interview

It is normal to be nervous for a first date or a job interview, but do not let your body language give that. And like Dr. Nick Morgan, author ofPower cues: the subtle science of the main groups, persuad others and maximize your personal impact, explained toInternal business community, one of the worst things to do while talking to someone is to put your hands in front of your face, as this is indicated "nervousness, self-awareness, [and] introvervation in general".

Cross your arms - but only if with friends.

Man sticking to his guns because of his baby, standing firm. He's a better man

Another tips in the driver's language is to use the crosse of arms to "help you find a problem". Since the installation works on both sides of the body, it activates both sides of the brain and recruits them in the problem solving process. However, the expert in body languages ​​warns does not use this pose in all cases - when it meets a new news, it is "listening".

Keep the palms with your hands open.

man giving a presentation

According to the former professional poker player and conversation optimization consultantNicolas Fradet, Keep your palms open by talking "communicates acceptance, openness and reliability." Whether you give a presentation to colleagues or trying to make a fine with a close friend, this gesture is a great way to point out that you are authentic. (Just think about the frequency at which the Pope keeps his palms open when he speaks!)

Hoche your head and tilt your head during conversations.

friends chatting Embarrassing Things

When someone else speaks, you want your body language to communicate that you listen carefully to your complete and individual attention. And according to Goman, a way to do it during a conversation is to "lean forward, shaking his head and tilting your head" -Sans laptop, of course. It's simple, but effective!

Take the place and do not apologize for that.

healthier woman

Be strong and proud to take the place wherever you go. By claiming a space area with an air of trust - whether on the metro or in the office, you send a signal to those around you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

Keep your hands visible.

Man With Hands in Pockets Body Language That Kills First Impressions

Whenever you have a significant conversation, always be aware of your hands - and if you want to make a good impression, make sure they never meet in your pockets. "Hide your hands, whatever the reason, makes people wondering if you have something to hide," Spiritual AdvisorDavida Rappaportexplained toStir.

Plant your feet firmly on the floor.

Two male coworkers

By standing with your feet too close together, we come out the appearance of being shy, keeping your feet around a foot to dock with the confidence of the outgoing signals. As an expert in corporal languageLillian glassexplained toInternal business community:"A confident person literally has two feet firmly planted on the floor. You are more balanced physically, and it shows more confidence than if your legs are crossed or together."

Keep your cup of low coffee.

30 compliments

When you have a conversation, never hold your coffee cup, nor any other physical barrier - in front of your face. In general, people who use physical objects to cover their faces tend to be considered more insecurity, so it's always preferable to hold objects at the waist.

Maintain visual contact.

In all types of social situation, appropriate visual contact is an essential element of the confidence of communication and trust. In fact, ato study Published in the newspaperPersonality and individual differences found that people who turn their face during the conversation tend to be considered shy, anxious and less sincere, while the otherreview Published inImage and IT Vision concluded that people who maintain visual contact are considered more dominant and extroverted.

Do not look at the clock.

man with plastic watch

Do not look at your watch or clock during conversation. People take note of this small gesture but not so subtle, which signals that you feel like you have better things, more important things to do than talking to them.

Never slouch.

standing tall

"The posture does not only impair trust and says you are present, but it reinforces your own connection to yourself"Erica Halnhal, a dance therapist and a clinical advisor, explained toStir. "With your slightly lifted chin, your shoulders and your chest open, you exise the trust and self-esteem to yourself and the people you enter in contact."

Adopt a handshake handle.

Shaking hands mortgage payment

On ato study published in thePersonality Journal and Social Psychology, strong handshake and good first impressions are strongly correlated. Specifically,Those with strong hand hands Are considered more extroverted and open, while people with lower handshakes are considered timid and more neurotic.

Avoid Uppalk.

never say this at work

Yes, vocal habits, according to the label experts, fall within the competence of the body language. (Your voiceis Part of your body, after all.) Unless you really ask a question, avoid dreaded "retreats" or pronouncing declarations with the intonation of a question. On ainvestigation Directed by quantified communications, unnecessarily lifting your voice when you pronounce a statement can bring you out as uncomfortable and respondents to the survey listed this boredom at one of their most common irritants.

Keep your voice strong and smooth.

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According to the same quantified communication analysis of 120 speeches, people associated with "normal" voices, that is, voices that are strong and without survey - with positive features such as success, intelligence and sociability. As a general rule, you should aim to keep your voice low and high, so that all your words are properly stated with the authority.

Keep things interesting and optimistic.

coworkers gathered around a laptop laughing

Your audience will only be so energetic as you want, so it's important to use inflection and enthusiasm in your speech, "said the glass toCNBC. "Do not be boring or monotonous. Show life and movement when you communicate. React if necessary."

Initiate the hand handle.

handshake interview business

Whether you are in a hiring interview or on a first date, there is no reason to wait for the other person to touch a hand handle. On the contrary, being the person to initiate the hand handle makes you confident, both in you and in the situation waiting for you.

Exceed trust with the steeple by hand.

Kevin O'Leary hand steeple Shark Tank

whatDonald Trump,Kevin O'Leary, andGeorge Soros have in common? In addition to all billionaires, the three men are also constantly photographed with their stirred hands, or with their fingers propagated and pressed together almost as in prayer. This gesture is a confidence indication - and even if you do not feel everything that is insured, the bell tower will have at least the air to do it. And for info about how Trump uses his handsincorrectly, Here isThe 5 rules of the hand handle that it breaks each time.

Do not play with your hair.

young woman twirling her hair

Playing with your hair in time of nervousness is a bad habit that is difficult to break, but it is in your interest to do it. Not only does the action be the action a distraction for both you and the person you talk about, but it can also slowly damage your hair over time.

Do not look.

couple Bad Dating Marriage Tips

If you want to walk the walk - the promenade of a chef, that is, you have to make sure you take big steps and always walk with your head up. Walking with your head is a sign of insecurity and people are not going to trust a leader who can not even seem confident.

Hitting a power pose.

Beyonce power pose wonder woman pose

Popularized by social psychologistAmy CuddyA "power pose" is a pose previously adopted by a powerful person who serves to stimulate self-confidence. As she explained: "The approaches to the mind of the body such as the posing power rely on the body, which has a more primitive and direct link to the mind, to tell you that you are confident." One of the most famous Cuddy poses for success is the power of woman Wonder Woman, who involves standing with your feet apart, your hands to your hips and that your chin tacted up (a the,Beyonce here).

Do not forget to smile!

Coworkers Shaking Hands Reasons Smiling is Good for You

Not only smile makes the person with whom you communicate more comfortable, but it's as good for you, according to a to study published in the ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL . Obviously, the smile throughout the day of work can improve your mood and make you more focused on your work in addition to making you more friendly, then Do not forget to say cheese!

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Career / Language
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