That's why bees do honey

In case you do not pay attention to that day at school.

Some facts in life are just gifts: babies cry, bark dogs, bees make honey. But wait why bees do that? Although we are happy to take advantage of the benefits of their hard work - namely in the form of delicious honey flavored candy and sweet deviations - the truth is that few of us really know why bees make honey.

Provides, bees do honey because they need to eat it! During the summer, insects collect Nectar, which they then use to create honey. And they produce atonne Among the stuff, basically because all they produce (or, more importantly, do not produce), that's what they have to stay in the long winter, cold and without flowers.

Here's how the process decreases: First of all, a visit of workers' bees of the HiveFlowers nearby Collect the nectar. The bees store this nectar in their second stomach and then returned to their hive. Once there, they start the process of conversion of nectar into honey. To do this, a bee will regulate the nectar they collected in the mouth of another bee. This bee will chew on the nectar for about half an hour and then transmit it to another bee. Bees repeat this process until the nectar becomes honey. Finally, they store their final product in hive-nest cells.

"Honeycomb cells are like lower case jars in wax", writes the journalist and Beekeeper Bill Bill Billbull for theThe Guardian. "The honey is always a little wet, so that the bees ventilate with their wings to dry it dry and become more sticky. When it is ready, they seal the cell with a wax cover to keep it clean." In this way, it can be stored indefinitely and consumed if other food sources (bees can eat honey, pollen, honey and vegetable spores) become rare-that, in winter, is practically guaranteed.

Producing enough honey in summer is crucial and, depending on the size and situation of a hive, it could take between 40 and 60 pounds of honey to keep a hive through the winter. If the bees fail sufficiently, they may have to resort to cannibalization. This means that feast on their own larvae and eggs. Not the most appetizing meal!

So there you have it. Although you can have thought that bees disappear over the winter months, they really go on the honey they produced during the summer. And if you wonder if the bees are one of the animals that could kill you, check the30 Most dead animals on the planet.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: animals / Trivia
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