The largest hiit routine for your heart

We asked two professionals to design the ultimate diet.

Allexercise is good: it can reduce cholesterol, reduce the risk of blood clots and even inverted heart disease. Cardiologists now recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate exercise to vigorous three times a week. But a type of activity is preferable: a high intensity interval formation, or HIIT. According to recent research, a solid hiit session reinforces the strength of the heart by increasing the pumping capacity of your ticker.

"In order to increase the strength of any muscle, you need the stress," says Paul Robbins, a metabolic specialist with the performance of Athletes in Arizona. A HIIT training is better than other exercise routines because rest periods make it possible to complete short drive sessions at higher intensities.

We asked Robbins and the Physiologist Ulrik Wisløff, Ph.D., to conceive the world's global scheme. Make the 42-minute program (which requires a cardiac monitor) twice a week, alternating with your strength sessions. And better of all,Interval training has been proven to raise the clock on aging.

Note: Ask your doctor to evaluate your cardiac health before starting an exercise program if you are not used to a vigorous activity.

Warm up

hiit workout heart health jogging

JOG for five minutes at a rate you can easily keep a conversation. However, if you are not suspected, consider doingThe 5 best warm-up stretching of all time Before your race.

Five-minute intervals

hiit workout heart health swimming

This can work for one of these activities: running or any cardio activity that involves large muscle-e.g group., Cycling, rowing or swimming.

Minute 1: Run 90 to 95% of your maximum heart rate.

Minute 2: Run 75 to 80% of your maximum heart rate.

Minute 3: Run 90 to 95% of your maximum heart rate.

Minute 4: Run 75 to 80% of your maximum heart rate.

Minute 5: Run 90 to 95% of your maximum heart rate.

After completing the five-minute cycle, take a three-minute break. Walking or jogging at a conversational rate for this rest period. Then repeat this complete cycle of five-minute intervals and three minutes of active recovery three times more.


hiit workout jogging

Walking or jogging for five minutes at a rate you can hold a conversation.

Expert advice: Bump Up Your Heart Fitness Another notch by alternating the intervals between the treadmill and other equipment. "The more muscle groups, and the more you will vary the equipment, the better it is for cardiovascular form," says Robbins.

Tip 1: There are 12 sprints of one minute in training. Aim to maintain the consistency of the first sprint at the last sprint, and if possible, finish stronger than you start.

Tip 2: Initially, take more rest between sprints, if necessary, so that your form remains good throughout the HIIT training. If yourheartbeat Do not drop 20 beats between intervals, then take more rest and jump an interval.

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