That's why strong respirators annoyed you - and other fascinating facts about sounds

The subject is much more complex than Mother Megahertz and Decibels.

Maybe he is tinkling ice in a cup. Maybe he is vulgarly chewing crunchy. Maybe it's a feared case of noisy breathing. Whatever the tick, it is undeniable: sounds can be exasperating. But how can something so intangible can handle so much power on the human psyche? After all, it's not like you can see megahertz and decibels.

Well, a look at the science of reveals that, of all the senses, the sound can very well be the most complex. The sound can annoy you, but it can also calm you, energize, or even send your mood to stratospheric peaks. The sound can create natural phenomena so far unexplained. Oh, and get this: his factcan being seen.

That's right: get ready to have yourthe spirit (although, fortunately, not your ears) blown, Because here we have tinked the most fascinating things saying about this essential sense and often misunderstood.

That's why strong breathes annoy you

Woman Startled by Loud Noise Sensitive

If there is a specific sound that you users of nuts - whether it's a noisy or otherwise breathing-You could suffer from miscophonyOr a sensitivity to certain sounds. Misophonics received a diagnosis underlined "mouth noise" as the most-inclose common chewing, lip clock, and especially strong breathing everything qualifier.

The intense aversion of the sound of breathingtrigger something In the earlier insular cortex of the brain (or at least brains of those who are sensitive to sounds). This is the part of the brain that plays a role in emotions like anger and in "integrating external contributions (such as sounds) with organ contributions such as heart and lungs," like James Cartreine explains in theHarvard Medial Blog School-And it does not respond in the same way to sounds that are not produced by the human body. In the studies of those who are particularly sensitive to oral breathing, more neutral sound from the soothing sound of lead precipitation not so sweet tone babies who cry-didnt as a lot of agitation as the sound of noisy breaths.

The good news is that therapy exists to treat miscophony. The bad news is that it is a type of desensitization therapy, which means, if you are interested in trying it, you will have to listen to the sound again and again until decreasing your negative emotions.

Sonic Booms Happen When an object captures up to his own sound

fighter set supersonic

What is a sonic bang? Well, since its is a wave, image for a moment a pebble fell into a lake the ripples that propagate in all directions are comparable to the sound waves that travels outside of an object making noise. Now imagine a pebble striking water and zoom and then across the surface. If the pebble went fast enough, it will soon exceed the furthest wave that first caused by striking water. When an object moves faster than the first sound it produces, it breaks the sound barrier and creates asupersonic detonation.

The sound can travel through space

astronaut floating in space

In space, as the emblematic line goes, no one can hear you shout. But do you know why? It has nothing to do with foreigners or Sigourney Weaver. A sound is a series of pressure waves that travels through the material. In general, we think of sound waves while traveling through the air directly in our ears, but they can move through liquids and solids, too. However, if there is no question, thesound wave has nothing to travel through; As a wave of ocean striking the beach, it can go further. The space is empty, which, by definition, does not contain any matter, so all you might shout there goes no further than the walls of a spacecraft containing air.

You can really feel the rhythm

Women dancing

The passage at the other end of the spectrum, the low height sound waves move more slowly than their high frequency counterparts. Therefore, if you increase the volume of weak sounds, you can actually feel moving them into your body. Have you been at a concert and felt thedeaf noise of bass? Have you felt a strong love at first sight in your body at the same time as you hear it with your ears? This is the feeling of sound waves moving through you.

The Sound Loudest on Earth has come from a volcano

Volcano, HI

The strongest noise in the story that man could hear wasThe eruption of Mount Krakatoa In 1883. When this Indonesian volcano broke out, in four separate explosions, sounds can be heard more than 3000 miles. To put this in perspective, if this sound had come from New York, you would be able to hear it in Los Angeles and Dublin, Ireland. Anyone within 40 miles of the volcano himself has undergone the breaking of the eardrums.

The sound can take an "image" of a baby unborn

ultrasound sound facts

You probably know that the doctors of the machine use to take a look at a baby still inside the uterus is called an ultrasound, but you can not know that the machine makes an image out of the sound waves. A technician use A special baguette with sound waves directly at very high frequency (and totally harmless) through the abdomen of the mother, and the sounds bounce at different frequencies for different types of tissues: bones, cartilage, fluids . TheUltrasound machine Then interprets this sound card in different colors or different shades of gray, which allows the doctor and parents who wait to "see" the shape of the baby.

Animals can "see" with its

Two Whales Hilariously Silly Jokes

Like an ultrasound machine can turn different frequencies into an image, some animals can use the sound of maneuver around the world. This capacity is calledfoamage, And although bats are easily the most famous for, some birds, whales and dolphins as an echolocation. These animals produce a sound and listen as it rebounds on different objects; Their brain then interprets the different echoes in distances. Human beings can do the same with Sonar Machines, but some, especially people with visual impairment, can learn how to do it through training and practice.

CAN airplanas faster than the sound

a fighter jet traveling at the speed of sound

The sound spreads more slowly than the light, but it still moves fast enough 758 miles at the time at sea level, in fact. When something moves faster than that, we call it "break the wall of sound", and it creates a strong sound known as a sonic bang (see the previous slide). The first man to break the sound barrier was hunting pilot World War IIChuck Yeager, Who stole a secret military aircraft faster than the speed of sound on October 14, 1947. He appointed his plane "Glamorous Glenenis" after his wife.

Brews Break The Sound Barrier, too

bullwhip sound facts

The planes are not the only thing that can go faster than the sound. If you have already seen a tamer or a cowboy crack a whip, you can assume that the sound of the crack comes from the hardening whip something. In fact, the crack is a tiny sonic bang, which occurs when the person managing the whipholes a loop that moves faster and faster down the whip until hebreeze the sound barrier. It means the lean end of the whip goes faster than 758 mph!

Dogs can hear things that humans can not

belgian malinois dog standing in the field, top dog breeds

There is a wide range of sounds out there, but human beings can not perceive part of it. The height of the sound is measured in hertz plus, the more the number and humans can hear the sounds between 20 Hz and 23 kHz (kilohertz). However, because of their sensitive ears, dogs can hear sounds up to 45 kHz. That's why a human being can not hear a dog whistle, but a dog box.dogs Maybe excellent training tools, but they must be used with care. After all, how would you be able to listen to your boss if they castigate a horn in your face every time you messed up?

His helps plant growth


You may have heard that playing a certain type of music for your plants grow them more quickly, and some studies have shown that this is true. However, they also discovered that he was six hours ofring One day, not necessarily the music, which made the difference. We do not know exactly why this effect occurs, but the plants may have specific needsmechanicswhich allow them to receive sounds. Whether you like classic or jazz, rock or polka, or even simply the radio talk, leave your interior plants also listen.

Music affects your mood

Boombox woman lying down music

Although plants do not distinguish between music and non-musical sounds, the human brain is clear. The music can haveA variety of effects on the brain, Creating emotions that the dopamine of liberation,help reconnect us with our memories, The creation of new neuronal connections to help us learn and improve our attention ability. Some people believe that engagement with music playing an instrument, singing, singing, or can drumming increase the feeling of well-being and balance while reducing stress and anxiety.

Doctors can use to destroy its renal calculations

Man with Kidney Cancer Diseases That Affect Men

If concentrated in the correct way, the sound can be extremely destructive; pressure waves can cause ravages about the question by which they pass. Medical science has exploited this power in a procedure calledExtracorporeal shock wave lithotripsis-A method of breaking the kidney calculations. In this procedure, the doctor finds the precise location of the stone and then uses a special instrument that directs the sound waves at high frequency through your body. Although the waves do not hurt your muscles or organs, they spray kidney calculations into much smaller pieces, making them easier to pass.

The technology of noise cancellation fights his sound with his

energy before noon

Noise cancellation earphones can be a guaze in a strong or cluttered environment. You might think that they just do a very good work of choking, thus preventing sound waves from reaching your ears. However, what they really do is take in the ambient sounds around you and add a second,Reverse sound wave to cancel them. The combined effect of these two waves in your ears is a happy silence.

Some people can see the color

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The term synesthesia refers to a condition where stimulation of a meaning leads to stimulation from another. One of the five senses can be involved, butchromesthesia Refers specifically to people who perceive sounds like colors. What a sound experience of what color is unique to the person, but they remain consistent over time - someone who perceives the middle C as purple always perceives the middle C as purple. Some of these chromethetes even reported colors associating some vocal locations and accents.

Like optical illusions, hearing auditors also exist

father and son listen to music together

In May 2018, a person with an internet connection was asked to the question "Do you hear" Yanny "or" Laurel "?" This viral clip that both sounds could be heard - is an example of hearing illusion, the equivalent of the ears of an optical illusion. Believe it or not, accomplished psychologists and audiologists weighed on the phenomenon, calling it a "Perceptual ambiguous stimulus"Aikin at the Visual Face / Vase illusion. A similar effect can be created with the words" brainstorm "and" green needle ".

Music improves sports performance


In 2007, the New York marathon prohibits its athletes from listening to music as they ran and the runners immediately protested. As it turns out, music hasA measurable effect on these bodies of these athletes. Music can attract fatigue attention, regulate physiological excitement as well as movement, help earn new motor skills andPromote a state of "flow" An ideal combination of energy and concentration. In the end, the Marathon organizers understood that they could not apply the prohibition of music, no runner has been disqualified for listening to their tunes.

Your favorite song changes quickly ... and not at all

listening to yoga music before bed helps you sleep, study says.

Do you have a favorite song of a lifetime, a song that stays stuck over the years and stands out as particularly significant for you? How many times a day listen to you? If you are like most people, probably not much. It seems that most people have two types of "favorite songs"That they listen daily and those they have loved for years. The first changed quickly, but the latter remains constant because they are associated with intensely emotional memories.

The Bloop has been resolved

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In 1997, hydrophones (submarine microphones) across the Pacificpicked up a long and extremely weak sound Without apparent origin. Uncertain what to call it, the oceanographers gathered and decided to ... "The Bloop. "Even if you've never heard it, you can guess what it sounds like. For years, this sound was a great unresolved mystery, with many people imagining that only a huge sea monster could produce such noise. Unfortunately, the truth is not as dramatic-in 2012, scientists announced that the Bloop was consistent with the sounds that glaciers do when they break or cut into the bed of the sea.

No one knows why earthquakes occur in the sky

hearing fun facts

Speaking of unexplained sounds, there is a sonic phenomenon that has been reported worldwide from India to Japan in Italy in the United States, which looks like a cannon from heaven. Called a few times "Skyquake, "These sonic blood noises generally occur nearly large body of water and can cause shock waves that catch up with windows. They have been known to happen around Seneca Lake in New York, winning the nickname "Seneca Guns". People have emitted many causes. , solar flares with underwater caves to UFOs, but none of these explanations are completely satisfactory.

Lyrebirds are the largest sound mimic of the world

lyrebird sound facts

The Australian Lyrebird puts the mocking bird with shame in the department of impressions. In addition to his magnificent tail feathers, theLyrebirdHas such a complex musculature in its throat it can not only imitate other birds, but also koalas and dingoes. It can even imitate human sounds such as chainsaws, car alarms, cell phone rings, babies crying and video game sounds. There are some reports from a population of Lyrebirds who took to imitate the song a local man played on his flute in the 1930s, passing through the generation of the song to generation so that it could always be heard today. ' HUI.

Your brain likes these tunes blocked at your head

Some people call it "repeated". Scientists call it "Melodymania". You can call it an "earworm", -Acque song that always seems to be stuck in the head. The theories vary that this happens. Some say it's the brain trying to have fun while he is idling. Others say it's like trying to delete a thought - the hardest you try to ignore it, the strongest seems to have. However, some characteristics of a song make it more likely to be aword: A simple melody, increased catchy words and unusual functionality as an extra beat. (Incidentally, it describes almost every business jingle you have ever heard.)

Some people can hear their eyes moving

crazy body facts

The bones of your inner ear allow you to hear the sound by picking up the vibrations of sound waves and translating them into information that your brain can interpret. For some people, however, vibrations only come from the outside sound. We can all hear the sounds of our own bodies do: talk, chew and crack joints, for example. However, people withDehiscence of the upper channel hear their bodiestoo much Due to the thinning of a protective bone in the skull, they can constantly hear their own heartbeat, digestive sounds and even eye movements while reading!

The sound can kill you

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You probably know that the sound volume is measured in decibels. Regular speech clocks around 50 decibels, vacuum cleaners and road traffic are about 70 decibels and heavy construction machines - which can damage your audience - about 100 decibels. Sounds above 110 decibels will cause immediate pain and sounds to about 150 decibels will break your eardrums. Around 185 to 200 decibels, a sound would actually bestrong enough to kill you. However, it is sound that strong only on the site of enormous explosive explosions - how much you have more problems than the sound.

The "Big Bang" was more like a buzz

During the Big Bang, the whole issue of the universe expanded with a single dense point and infinitely dense to hundreds of thousands of years of light. With an explosion like that, you will certainly care about a bang. However, whenPhysicist John Cramer Background radiation measured in the edges furthest away from the universe and converted it to his, what he had was "somewhere between a dying video game character [and] a computer of the old school." It was also so low that even if you had been there, you could not have heard it. What was missing from volume, however, it is composed of the length: the big bang potentially pursued for 700,000 years.

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