How to last longer in bed: 15 tips for men

Scientifically proven tips and tricks to prolong sex - and make it better.

Cardio and kegels with tips that you can use while you act, there are several saved advice from science that can helpMen last longer in bed. As you probably already know, there is aMajor orgasm Gap Between men and women. In fact, according to a 2017 study published in theSexual behavior archives95% of heterosexual men stated that they were usually or always orgasms during sex, while 65% of heterosexual women reported the same thing.

And although there are obviously a variety of factors involved, part of this gap may be due to the duration of men and women with orgasm. According toHarry Fisch, MD, author ofThe new nude, an amazing 45% of men above in two minutes or lesswhen they have sex. Women, on the other hand, need more than 15 minutes of sexual stimulation to reach orgasm. Combine these two facts and you look at a seriously embarrassing truth - and many people looking for ways of their sexual stamina.

Fortunately, you can do a number of things to prolong sex. Try these tips to be the best possible partner.

Practice the art of border.

gay couple kissing before bed

Never heard of "border"? It means building until we call "Ejaculative inevitability"The orgasmic point of (almost) no return - then standing for a minute before restarting the action. You probably already know what the point of no return looks like. The key here is to know what time isjust before that feel like. When you feel that you feel that you have sex, do something that does not involve your penis, such as orally or stimulate your partner ... provided it's not a trigger for you.

Finally, build up to at least 20 minutes of stop action to give your partner a chance to have an orgasm before or at the same time as you do. When you are comfortable with knowing where your tipping point is, you can navigate this area without the deadlines. In addition, delaying your climax will make your orgasm all this more powerful.

Change things during sex

woman in robe touching a man's face in bed
Shutterstock / LIDERIE

Expert relationship and family therapistJane Greer, PhD, says that the experimentation withNew positions can oftenhelp men last longer in bed. His reasoning is positively Pavlovian: the routine sexual positions and the preliminaries can anticipate your body at the peak and bring the final, even if it's earlier than what you had in mind. Doing things in a different order can help delay it. "The most embarrassing and unknown, it's better," she saysThe health of men.

Improve your cardio routine.

man running on beach

ImprovementYour overall health Can have a huge impact on your sex life. Cardio exercises such as aerobics, swimming, running and jogging can strengthen your lungs and increase their capacity, which can help you last longer.

Cardio will also help increase your metabolism, improve traffic to your heart, lungs and penis. Working was even demonstrated that it stimulates the release of endorphins, which can help you release the tension, stay calm and enjoy sexual contacts, lowering the chances of culminating prematurely.

Do the Kegel exercises.

modern bathroom with marble walls white toilet and light wood furniture
Shutterstock / New Africa

The best way to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle (Muscle PC), which helps control ejaculation, is to performKegel Exercises. The easiest way to find the PC muscle is to stop the pipi stream when using the bathroom. You use the PC muscle to do it!

To make kegeels, tighten it quickly and release the PC muscle repeatedly for 10 seconds. Make three sets, with a 10 second pause between sets. Once you are in a good routine, you can start to enlighten your new skill while having sex. Contract your PC muscle when you are close to orgasm and you should be able to put a lid on things until everyone is ready.

Engage in many preliminaries.

white mature woman in light pink robe and white mature man in white t-shirt laughing and hugging in bed
Shutterstock / Olena Yakobchuk

Preliminary. The name we give to all other times of the sexual room, in addition to sexual intercourse, it is frankly abuse. Embrace, massage, scratching, manual and oral stimulation does not have to gobefore anything. Back to the outside - A less misleading name for non-penetrating sex, it is both a good way to make sex less scripted and slow down the action.

But that's not all. In a 2018 study published in theJournal of Sex and Marital TherapyOnly about 18% of women surveyed reported orgate sexual intercourse, including other acts in your sessions increases your chances of satisfying your partner.

Enjoy the refractory period.

A couple cozying up in bed.

The refractory period of a man is the duration between the moment he cums and when he can reach and maintain another erection. According toInternational Society for Sexual MedicineThis period is different for every man, but it usually becomes longer with age.

However, this intermission is an excellent opportunity for a man who recurs his attention to pay attention to his partner. And because many men suffer less sensitivity during a performance again, the second round of sexual relationships is likely to last longer.

Masturbate before sex.

young black man leaning against shower wall with head in spray
Shutterstock / vgstockstudio

For some men, masturbate at the completion of an hour or two before sex can make the last event last. However, if you have a longer side refractory period,Masturbate can prevent In addition to closing again when you are with your partner.

Take breaks during sex.

senior asian woman smiling and poking the nose of senior asian man underneath white comforter
Shutterstock / Blue Planet Studio

Provided that you do not have an urgent appointment, take breaks during your session is simple andeffective way to slow down sex, savor the moment and increase your mutual satisfaction. When things feel like they reach a conclusion prematurely, stop and do something that buys time. Back to the hugs, hugs, massages, feeling of game-you and your partner prefer.

Try Viagra for premature cumshot.

man in jeans pouring blue pills into hand
Shutterfly / Oleg Elkov

Sildenafil (known mainly by the Viagra brand name) is intended to help men with erectile dysfunction performed and maintain erections. But this can have other advantages. A 2007 study published in theInternational Journal of Urology showed that sildenafil can also be effective for treating premature ejaculation.

Incorporate more visual contact.

young black woman in white tank top and black man in white t-shirt looking into each other's eyes in bed
Shutterstock / Prostuk-Studio

The above methods should significantly improve your sexual endurance and, hopefully, provide a response to the duration last longer in bed. But making a visual contact with your partner is not only a great way to get sexual commentary in real time, it can also be used as a synchronization signal. It is also a gesture of respect, understanding and interest, so it is very likely to do sex no longer butbetter For you and your partner.

Instead of worrying about knowing how to last longer in bed, take a few moments to intentionally lock your eyes and hold this mutual look for more sexy commitment. At the very least, this visual contact will add a little time to your routine. But you can also see that it helps you connect with your partner more significantly.

Use the compression method.

bare feet of a man and woman peeking out from underneath white sheets
Shutterstock / PiO3

If you look at the Showtime dramaMasters, you knowDr. William Masters andVirginie Johnson, the two-person research team that has explored the nature of the human sexual response and the diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions and disorders across the 1990s. Part of their legacy was their prescription ofThe technique of compression Delay ejaculation and prolong the length of sexual intercourse.

They told the women to place the thumb, the index and the fingers of the environment around the tip of the penis of the man, to tighten immediately before the ejaculative inevitability and continue to tighten until this feeling. was soothed and his body relaxed before slowly release the pressure. Tries. While a man will lose some or most of his erection, he should be able to recover quickly and start again.

Use condoms.

hand of a man putting a condom into his front jean pocket
Shutterstock / FongbeerRedhot

When used properly, condoms are an effective way to reduce your chances of designing a child and contract a number of sexually transmitted infections. They are also very good to reduce the sensation, which means that slide one we could help you in your quest for the duration last longer in bed. If you are on the market of a thicker condom to decrease feeling, tryAdditional force life styles.

Or specifically try a numb condom.

black man and woman lying on their backs in bed touching hands
Shutterstock / Lightfield Studios

Another option to last longer in bed uses a product designed to temporarily desensit your penis. Durex, Trojan and Living Styles All offer condoms containing between 4 and 5% benzocaine, a numb agent that will reduce sensitivity and, ideally, will allow you to slow down the clock during your next session.

If condoms are not part of your routine, you can desensitize your penis using a numb spray.Ian Kerner, Doctorate, LMFT, author ofIt comes first, recommend promises. "You vaporize one or twice on the penis head, and it really absorbs, a woman will not experience a residual numbness," he says.

Speak to your partner.

gay men lying in the bed

If sex seems to be shorter than you and your partner, talk about it. You can start by expressing your intent by saying something like "I like the sex we have so much and I want it to last longer." You can also present the situation as a compliment: "I send me so much when we are in bed together that it is difficult not to lose control."

You may see that you express the problem, rather than avoid or ignore this - has an immediate effect next time you have. From there, you can call your partner's help to help sex with longer speaking of the incorporation of the items listed above.

Talk to a professional on how to last longer in bed.

latinx man and woman smiling at female couples therapist
Shutterstock / Antoniodiaz

If you try all the items above and the sex still does not last as long as you and your partner, it might be time to consult a therapist as an individual or couple. Many sexual dysfunctions are rooted in psychology rather than physiology, and this is particularly true of premature ejaculation. A 2013 study published inJapanese psychological research I have examined 15 people who suffered from 8 to 12 therapy sessions and found that the changes that took place were "statistically significant with a trend towards improvement".

Additional reporting by Sage Young.

Categories: Sex
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