Here's how to understand what you need to use SPF

It's time to ban the burn.

The summer is almost there, which means that those of us who spent the winter parked inside are at the head once again outside to enjoy the heat of the season, the vitamin Rich hug. However, before heading outside, it is important to take a significant measure of security first: SlaThering on some SPF. While many people think they can safely ignore the sunscreen, solar protection does not joke:skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, andAmerican Cancer Society That 91,270 cases of melanoma will be diagnosed this year, killing 9,320 people.

The good news is that the skin regularly self-examination, controls with a dermatologist, and use a sunscreen are all the great ways to reduce your risk of skin cancer or catch it in a treatable stage. The bad news? Finding the perfect sun cream is easier said than done. So, how can you determine what solar screen is good for you?

SPF means "solar protection factor", and it is a time indicator that it takes before the UVB rays of the sun start to blush the skin compared to how long it would need without protection, according to theSkin cancer fund. So, it takes 15 times more for your skin using Rougira SPF 15 than using a solar screen not at all. And a 94 percent FPS blocks UVB rays, while SPF 30 blocks of 97 percent. SPF 50 will block 98 percent. Unfortunately, there is no FPS that blocks 100 percent. Fortunately, most people do not need an FPS above 30 unless they burn very quickly. However, if you have clear skin, red hair, clear eyes, rosy at the slightest sunshine, or take drugs that make your skin sensitive to the sun, FPS 50 or higher will be a better bet.

Of course, are not the UVBs only rays that can potentially cause damage there are also UVA rays to fight. Until recently, UVA rays were thought to cause skin cancer, but recent research suggest that they can damage the basal layer of the epidermis, which is where most skin cancers begin. UVA rays, which represent the majority of the UV radiation that reaches the earth, also play a big role in aging, skin damage and wrinkles, so it is important to protect against them, as well. Unfortunately, all offers of the solar cream protection against UVA. To make sure that you are covered enough, buy a sunscreen that offers either multi-spectrum, wide spectrum, or UVA / UVB protection to keep you safe from UVA raysandUVB Rays.

And before you press the beach, remember these rules: that sunscreen works as well as you apply it, be sure to do a full job and do not often miss spots, like your ears and the Top of your feet. It is also important to remember that water and water resistant are two distinct things, and you may need to reapply after a swim, to check the instructions of your sunscreen to find out. AlsoAmerican Academy of Dermatology Recommends reapplying a solar screen every two hours and using about a quantity shot of the sunscreen glass size each for each application, so do not be struggling when it comes to keeping your skin safe. And for other ways to skip this sizzling summer, learn toBeat the summer sun with these skin care products.

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Categories: Health
Tags: How-To / skincare
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