8 advanced video games that will make you a smarter man

The best ways of science supported returning and spending hours on the couch.

According toThe New York Times, Video games are no longer simply frivolous for sedentary men - orMillions of South Koreans-to pass time. In fact, they can actually help advance the complex area of ​​neuroscience.

Dr. Zoran Popovíc, Director of the Center for the Science Game at the University of Washington, has associated with theAllen Institute of Cerebral Science- Organization founded by Paul Allen, the co-creator of Microsoft-to create a game calledMozak. The gameplay in Mozak is simple: a player is responsible for finding the amorphous forms of forms, which, to the extent that the hardcore games are going, does not ring away from rive. But here is the thing: these forms are reaps of real neurons of the human brain.

Our brain contains 86 billion neurons. There are not enough existing neurologists to even start map, so Popovíc had the brilliant idea of ​​recruiting scientists from the regular population via games. Everyone can play Mozak and every time a player completes a "trace", in order to speak, a 3D model of one of these 86 billion is created and can be used for a subsequent study. Essentially, Popovíc and his team won science.

Mozak is not the only game that is a force for good in this world. Certainly, all video games are not used to map the secret architecture of the human brain - but that does not mean that there are no great game scores that will make you a more collector and more perspicious man. We have demonstrated eight of them here. So game on! And when you have landed the highest score of each one, make sure to brush the13 other ways to make your brain cutting as a tack.

Valley Monument

Video games monument valley

Fans ofCards house Know that Well Frank Widod's complete penchant for video games. He playedKillzone Throughout the first two seasons to free the frustration built daily transactions in the capital. (And who can forget the painfully clumsy, "Is it a PS Vita?" Placement of the productscene?) In Season 3, after Frank finally becomes president (it's been two years old, you can not scream "spoilers"), we see it exchange the ultra-violent shooter for the first person for sub-sensitive .Valley Monument. Frank compares the gameplay-a puzzle game in which you manipulate the environments of Mr. C. Escher-esque to get from point A to the point B-B-to maneuver at D.C.

Even if you do not try to fold the conference to your will, a small plot and your scheme can also do wonders in your life. Research collected by Richard W. Byrne and Andrew Whiten, as indicated in the historical bookMachiavellian intelligence, poses that social manipulation-rather than the tools or inches opposable - is the reason why some primates have evolved in humans. Just say you should keep your Machiavellian skills up to date. Like a lot of games,Valley Monument is available on your phone. If you are addicted, be sure to learn the11 ways to conquer your dependence on your smartphone once and for all.

Titanfall 2

Video games Titanfall 2

As happening, Frank could have been on something more than the liberation of rage withKillzone. Ato study Outside the acts of the National Academy of Sciences showed that the first person shooters are better to recognize patterns, multitasking retention and retention than non-players. Now, fromBattlefield ToHaloThe market is saturated with video shooting games in the first person. For our money, however,Titanfall 2 is the one to pick up.

Titanfall 2 Characteristics All the good things that decades of science fiction cultivation have trained us to wait: spaceships, kickass guns and - the main attraction here-hilarious of oversized robots. When you tire yourself to pull skulls and you certainly do not take any names, you will know in a giant mechanized combination and wreak havoc on all around you. In addition, your character recalls around levels at Breakneck Speed-like a futuristic Tarzan - andshort on the wallsmanufacturingTitanfall 2 One of these most frenetic experiences in video games.

And, look, if you do not like it, there is anotherCall of Dutygo out this year. And next year. And the year after that.

The witness

Video games the witness

Is there something sexier than a foreign language? (Science says:Nope. And we agree.)The witness, a game of adventure puzzle by the Maverick Jonathan industry blows, in his heart, teaches you a new language. The premise is quite simple. You fell on a mysterious island without knowledge or direction; Unlike most video games,The witness Do not tell you what to do at all. After a few minutes, you stumble on a simple labyrinth: this is just a box and you just have to draw a line from the beginning to the end.

It sounds easy, right? Well, as with all languages,my name isis only the beginning. Soon,The witness I will teach you what it means if there is a black point on the labyrinth, or if there are two purple stars and three orange stars. The gradual accumulation of knowledge allows you to solve links that did not make sense. In the end, you come into a complete circle, back at the beginning and you look back and you realize how big this circle is, how far you really come. That's right: Learning a language is really a transcendent experience.

Just do not go out and try to woo someone with shapes and lines. Go with something like French, because it sounds pretty - andYou can search it on your trip.


Capitalism video games

Capitalismliterally part of some schools of Harvard Businesscurriculum. Do you need to know more?


Minecraft video games

MinecraftAlso, is used frequently as an educational tool, however, to be fair, not "a school in Boston". The immensely popular block stacking game (which is, let's be real, essentially 3D Legos) recently published apedagogical editionWhere teachers in primary school can adjust the game settings to teach mathematics, science or just about any grade curriculum other than gym. CornMinecraft We had a foothold on the educational community before the version of education does not hit the shelves. According toBBC7,000 classrooms around the world have already hadMinecraft in their programs.

In addition, it is equivalent to betrayal at this point to write a video game list and not includeMinecraft. And we really do not want to be locked up for betrayal while the country is fundamentallyKillzone.


Video games Portal 2

When the firstPortal Went out in 2007, it made a splash. (The popularity ofPortal authorized for the traprastrase, "Now you think with portals",lift-off On the Internet.) Video games at the time were focused on large scenes and large explosions and large firearms.Portal Given the player a big gun, except instead of shooting bullets or lasers, he shot harmless portals "." The player could place a blue portal or an orange portal on any surface. If the player came into blue, they looked like orange, and vice versa. The goal is to go to the other side of the room. We can say about the experience that complements each room made the player feel intelligent.

A few years later, a suite has come out; The developers did not need to reinvent the wheel. The rooms were more complex, more refined graphics, but the basic gameplay has remained the same. However, the popularity of the original title has drawn a lot of attention toPortal, including the scientific community. Ato study Published inComputers and Education found that playersPortal showed gains in problem solving, spatial reasoning and cognitive persistence - proving once for all that video games make you smarter. Nowit's Think with portals.

Continue talking and nobody explodes

video games keep talking

You know the scene: "Cut the red thread. No! Wait! It's theother Red string! "OfDeadly weapon 3 ToDie with a revenge ToArcher, the scattering scenario of the bomb has been deployed on many occasions. And every time, every guy-yes,all guy, there is no exception - think, at least a little,Man, how cool would it be ... Well, thanks to video games, we have a shot.Continue talking and nobody explodes is exactly this scenario.

The game requires at least two players. A player sees a bomb with all the threads and buttons and buttons of Knick you waited - while the other players display aguide Also tentacular and complex as the Bible. The first player is explicitly forbidden to watch the guide, while the other players speak to walk it through what to do for a given situation. The game requires a quantity of disproportionate cooperation - which, according to to the Acts of Royal Society B , is directly related to intelligence. So, there is a video game that allows us to live badass movie scenarios and makes us smarter? OK, keep talking.

Grand Theft Auto V

Video games GTA V

Because Street Smarts is just as useful as Book Smarts.

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