A new study finds dogs reflecting the stress levels of their owners

These nerves affect definitely Fido.

If you are adog ownerYou know your puppy tends to be extra-anxious when you just have time to walk quickly. And is not it strange how as soon as you identify a particular person in the street as suspicious, Fido starts barking themselves constantly? Well, it turns out that it is in fact no coincidence - it is science. According to a new study published in the newspaperScientific reports, dogsto be stressed When their owners are stressed, hence the nerves and barking.

Researchers from Linkoping University in Sweden asked 58 owners of Shetland Women's Border and Shelfiery to complete questionnaires on theirPersonality traits "big five"-Extraversion, aggregation of approvals, openness, conscience and neurotism, as well as traits of their dogs. Scientists then collected samples from theStress hormone cortisol Hair of dogs and humans both summer and winter. What they have discovered is that no matter the personality of the personality of dogs, the stress levels of the dogs closely corresponded to those of their owners.

"If the owner is stressed, the dog is also likely to reflect this stress"Lina Roth, a professor at the University of Linkoping and the co-author of the study, saidNPR. "It was the personality of the owner who influenced the level of the cortisol of the dog's hair, rather than the personality of the dog itself."

It is also interesting to note that the degree to which human caninestress levels Twin was higher in dogs and owners who participate in competitions together, that Roth speculation can be because "they spend more time together." "This training could [too] increase this emotional proximity," said Roth NPR, which means that there is a possibility that the more youBond with your dog In general, the more your stress levels affect your reliable puppy.

The good news is to know that your anxiety considerably affects your dog can provide the inspiration you need to learn to learn toManage your own levels of stress. It's just one of the many ways of dogspositively affect the health of humans everyday.

And for more things about the power of the link between dogs and their owners, checkScience says your dog adopts your personality over time.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: animals / News / Pets
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