That's exactly how many calories you burn by standing at your desktop

Finally, a number!

Dormantbecame the new key to well-beingThe session turned into its biggest enemy, to the point where the session was doubled "the new smoking".

It's a very bad news, since,According to Justand.orgThe average American spends 12 hours a day sitting, whether in a chair at work, an office at school, car or sofa. When you add the 7 hours of sleep that the average American gets, it's almost 20 sedentary hours in a day of 24 hours. In addition, obtaining the 150 hours of medically recommended exercise per week will not necessarily compensate for the negative effects of prolonged session, which include an increased risk of diabetes, several types of cancer, obesity and cardiovascular disease. For optimal health, it is crucial to alternate between sitting and standing every thirty minutes.

In order to raise awareness of raising awareness that the scientific communities have invented the "sitting disease", many offices have initiated standing offices, so that employees can alternate between sitting and standing, and,If you wear an Apple watch, the device alerts you when sitting too long.

What really would motivate people to stand up, of course, would be the knowledge of losing a little weight by doing so, but in the past it was not clear if you could burn calories (and if yes how much?) Standing, since you do not really go.

Now a new study published in theEuropean Journal of Preventive CardiologyHe not only concluded that calories burn standing, but also determined exactly how much.

Researchers have brought data from 46 studies (10 of which were randomized trials), involving 1,184 people, from an average age of 33 and a 60/40 man ratio at the women's ratio.

By measuring the amount of energy that their bodies yielded during breathing and breathing, the researchers concluded that a person from 143 pounds would burn 0.15 calories of a minute, or 9 calories an hour, more standing rather than stay seated. Granted, it does not look like a lot, and the difference in the standing position was much greater in men (which burned calories of 0,19 additional per minute) than women (who burned only 0.10 Calories per minute), probably because women tend to weigh less.

However, it means that if you had to stand instead of sitting through your average workday of 8 hours, you could burn 72 additional calories simply by taking you into account.

If you want other secrets based on science to lose weight without cutting calories or exercise, checkWhy Sunshine is your secret weapon of ultimate weight loss.

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