33 simple health changes that will add years to your life

Do not let the aging process take another step.

Some people prefer to live life on the edge without any concern for the consequences. But we are more of the mentality that can be here for a good timeand a long moment. Thanks to all the false information, most people believe that living a long and healthy life involves extreme diet and caution at the point of exhaustion, but it is very possible tolive to see your second century While enjoying a night of French fries and family films. In this case, we gathered simple health changes that will give you many years to come.

Wear solar screen every day

best skin

People think that sunscreen needs only to apply in the hottest months when the sun is strong, but it is actually important during each season. "Ultraviolet rays that are the cause of sun damage and skin cancer are always present", dermatologistDr. Shilesh Iyer, M.D.explained toStrong.

Stay more

Man at Standing Desk

"Assisi is really the new smoking because living a sedentary lifestyle increases inflammation and inflammation is the root of most chronic diseases," explainsWalter Gaman, co-author ofStay young: 10 proven steps for ultimate health.If you work in an office environment, things like investing in aStanding desk ($ 339) and make turns around the block during your lunch break could have ahuge Impact on your overall quality of life in the long term.


Couple Lifting Weights
Shutterstock / Kzenon

If you want to get the most out of your gym time, so plan to add weight training to your routine. Ato study Published in the newspaperObesity found that, for overweight adults, a weight training combined with a diet was more effective for fat loss and muscle retention.

Supplement with supplements

best skin

Sometimes your diet provides only all nutrients that your body needs, and this is where the supplements enter.Research has shown that the addition of some vitamins and supplements in your routine could easily add years to your life - make sure you speak first to your doctorwhich are right for you.


man meditate

The advantages of the spirit and body of yoga are virtually unlimited. In fact, according to ato study Published inBorders in human neuroscienceThe practice of yoga and meditation every day can not only reduce anxiety levels, but also improve immunity and inflammation.

Read more books

Reading by the fire

Do not let the look of Netflix prevent you from telling you in a new reading. Not only read is fun, but ato study Published in the newspaperAmerican Journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementia foundSpend one hour a day With a book can reduce your risk of dementia on the road.

Wake up earlier

how to fall asleep

By waking up an hour earlier, you allow you to elaborate, take your nutrient breakfast and enjoy these first rays (whichresearchers found can lower your BMI).

Eat more watermelon

watermelon heart healthy diet

Arterial hypertension is a health risk - and too much too common, for that, because it can lead to everything from renal disease to heart failure. Fortunately, there is a delicious way to bring your blood pressure: eating more melon of water.Researchers found that L-arginine and Citruline L in juicy fruit work well to reduce high rates of arterials.

Enjoy a big breakfast

Breakfast in Bed

Most weight loss programs are too complicated and restrictive. It is therefore a relief that the researchers at the University of Tel Aviv have recently discovered that this is not what you eat it does not matter so much when you eat it. On the basis of their conclusions, people who eat large high-energy breakfasts followed by regular lunches and small dinners lose more weight on average than people with dietitine that consume six small meals throughout the day. By doing this tiny tweak in your diet, you can lose booksand Add years to your life.


50 compliments

Launch a careful hand is the ultimate win-win scenario. Not only do you do something good for better the world around you, butresearchshowed that the selfless act also adds to your life.

Eat more seafood

healthy eating scenes

Add salmon and tuna into your dinner rotation if you want to live an extra decade or two. According toclinical research Published inThe American Journal of Medicine, each tank of 100 grams of fish is associated with a reduced risk of 5% of setting up cardiac failure.

Learn to forgive

man hugs sad woman

You do not have to forget, but if you want to live a long life with minimal health complications, you will have to learn to forgive. According toresearchFrom the University of California, Berkeley, the holding of a rancor increases your blood pressure and heart rate - so for your mental and physical health, you must learn to let things slide.

Remain optimistic

happy couple at airport

The happier people live not only a better life, but also the longest. It dependsresearch From the University of Yeshiva, who found a direct correlation between optimism and longevity.

And laugh a lot


The same research of Yeshiva who have linked optimism to a longer life have also revealed thatenjoy laughter contributed to a long life.

Embrace the idea of ​​aging

older woman smiling outside

Do you want to prolong your life without losing too much energy? Just accept that aging is a natural part of the process. On ato study published in thePersonality Journal and Social Psychology, the elderly who have maintained a positive attitude about aging have lived nearly 8 years more than those who have seen it with a negative perspective.

Slash your time of television

Remote Control Home Cleaning

Even if you look at Netflix Shows is your absolute favorite activity, you need to work on the minimum of your BIMService. When Australian researchersanalyzed data Starting with more than 11,000 adults, they concluded that people watching an average of six hours of television per day lived nearly five years fewer fewer than those that led the cable gap.


man and woman couple running at the beach

It is well known that exercise is good for mind, body and soul, but in particular might be the secret to live a longer life. In fact, according toresearch Published in the newspaperProgress in cardiovascular diseasePeople who have lived nearly three years more than those who jumped on training and every hour of race adds seven more hours to your life.

Nosh on more nuts

Woman Eating Nuts

Nuts as delicious and nutritive. In fact, the fruits are so good for you than oneto study Published inBioma found that people who eaten at least three portions per week reduced their risk of death of 39%.

Intermittent fast

Happy woman eating salad with a fork

According toresearch Published inRejuvenation searchThe study participants who followed an intermittent fast - compromint routine for six days and fasting for a saw at a saw an increase in SIRT 3 levels, a gene related to longevity stimulation.

Surround about loved ones

grandparents with grandkids

We are the most solitaryand the most unhealthy number, according toresearchers Brigham Young University. When analyzing several studies, they found that solitude and isolation have resulted in an increase in mortality from up to 32%, which makes them just as detrimental to a person's life. obesity.

Eating more frequently

elderly couple cooking a healthy meal peppers

If you want to save money and live longer, consider enjoying your cuisine plus. Ato study published in theInternational Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity I noticed that people who have eaten homemade meals more than five times a week were 28% less likely to have BMIs in the overweight beach compared to those who leaned less than three times a week .

Do not forget the morning coffee

Businessman Drinking Coffee

Good news for coffee drinkers: according toresearch Published in the newspaperAnnals of internal medicine, people who have often sipped on the drink (both in its forms of caffeinated and decaffeinated) lived longer than non-Java drinkers.

To drink a lot of water

woman drinking a glass of water

It might not feel important, but drinking a sufficient amount of water each day is extremely important. When you drink enough water, you reduce your risk of having to make increased fatigue.Coronary heart disease.

Eating carbohydrates ... in moderation

pesto pasta

Forget what you have heard about cutting carbohydrates completely. Whenresearchers Follow-up of 15,000 Americans for 25 years, they found that it was the people who have eaten a moderate amount of carbohydrates (50 to 55% of their calories came to them) have lived four years more than those who have Follow-up of low carbohydrate regimes.

Chat your colleagues

coworkers taking a selfie in a brick-walled office

Who said that work must be all business and fun? Binding myself from friendship with your colleagues spends the workday by much faster and based onresearch From the University of Tel Aviv, it can also help you live longer.


Possessing a pet reduces stress levels, reducing the risk of suffering from a person from cardiac problems. In fact, on the basis ofresearch Scientists from the University of Minnesota, cat owners were 43% less likely to suffer from heart disease compared to their counterparts without feline.

Or a dog.

dog sleeping in bed

If you prefer dogs on cats, so do not worry: anotherto study published in theScientific Reports Journalconcluded that possessing a dog also reduces your risk of dying of cardiovascular diseases of 36% and your overall death risk of 33%.

Stop smoking

best skin

Smoking is a dependency that is in no way easy to erase, but if you want to live a long and healthy life, you have to work to reduce the bad habit as soon as possible. According toCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention, Smoking is responsible for 90% of cases of lung cancer in the United States andoverall mortality Among the smokers are three times higher than that of non-smokers.

And drink responsibility

two businessmen drink at a bar

Drinking moderation is acceptable (and even fun), but it is when the habit becomes uncontrollable that it turns into danger to health. According toNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, People who drink in excess are 1.5 times more likely to develop colorectal cancer - and this is just one of the many possible complications.

Have enough sleep

sleeping too much could kill you

You may be tempted to skip a few hours of sleep in favor of staying late at work or shortening your list of things to do, but this decision comes with serious consequences. Whenresearchers Data analyzed by 16 studies, they concluded that people who are less than six hours per night are 12% more likely to die early than those who get the recommended amount.

But noToo much A lot

guy at work in the morning energized

Get too much sleep is actually more harmful for you than not having enough. The same researchers have found that people who slept more than 9 hours per night were 30% more likely to die prematurely than those who have obtained typical 7 or 8 hours.

Get it

a couple having tame sex

In case you need a reason to have more sex, ato study With more than 1,100 men found that those who had sex by once a month had an increased risk of 45% cardiovascular disease compared to their more sexually active counterparts.

Use your holiday time

Travel with Children

Go on a luxurious and relaxing getaway is aExcellent way to relieve stress, Lower the soul and improve your perceived quality of life, which can all contribute to your general well-being.

Categories: Health
Tags: wellness
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