This new celestial study indicates that you are probably an Internet addict

The data in and 26% of Americans are online "almost constantly".

By going up my dog ​​a few days back, I attended something you might have considered bizarre a few years ago. A man stopped his blue car in the middle of the street, was wildly confronted as in a rap video - probably for Snapchat and then led then. This is life in 2018, where the version of ourselves we present online seems to be more important than the one we actually live.

We all have this friend who really seems unable to get out of his phone - the type that slips through the Amadouwhile On a date of amadicle, which makes brunch plans with friends on facebook while in brunch with another pair of friends, who can not stand in a grocery line for a minute without a verification so rushing of at least four different applications.

Unfortunately, according to recent data, more and more Americans turn into a person obsessed with Smartphone.

ThePEW Research Center Noted that 26% of US adults admit to be online "almost constantly" by 21% in 2015. Another 43% admitted to online "several times a day". Only 8% of Americans reported online once a day.

As one could expect, the majority of Internet addicts are less than 50 years old. Thirty-nine adults aged 18 to 29 and 36% of adults aged 30 to 49 admitted to be online "almost constantly. "Interestingly, it would also seem like a correlation between revenues and time spent online, or 35% of those who have made $ 75,000 or more have been reported online without stopping, compared to only 23% of those which achieved between $ 50,000 and $ 75,000.

Other demographic data that appeared to be online to be online 24/24 and 7/7 included college educational adults, African Americans and people living in non-rural areas.

Although this has not yet arrived in America, many countries, such as Australia, China, Japan, India, Italy, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, officially recognized technical dependence in as a mental disorder. The concern about what some experts relate "digital heroin" strong enough that Jana Partners and the Calstras, two major Apple investors,recently put public pressure On Apple to meet the highly addictive qualities of the iPhone and their long-term risks.

Concerned about the time you spend online? Read20 signs that you are addicted to your smartphone To see if you need help.

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