The 30 most funny Sitcom jokes of all time

"No soup for you!"

Remember when they made predictions on the death of sitcoms? The scripted comedy would soon be replaced by television on mural. Provides, the rumors of the death of sitcoms have been greatly exaggerated. Not only is the form of dominant TV of TV always, but it has also become more sophisticated, thanks to modern shows likeVegetalize,Blackish, andKimmy Schmidt unbreakable Take the Sitcom format in new adventurous directions.

It's been exactly 70 years since the first 30 US Minutes Sitcom,Mary Kay and Johnny-About an employee of the bank and his wife "Zany but not mute", makes his first on NBC. Many has changed since these first days. Celebrate the birthday by looking back of the most hilarious jokes in the long and always divided sitcom. For more Sitcom Rit, check the30 most funny sitcom characters of all time.

Jim takes a driving test;Taxi (ABC, 1978-1982)

Jim From Taxi Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Never a set worked together as perfectly as this beloved Sitcom sceneTaxi, in which reverend Jim IgnatWerski - played byChristopher Lloyd, the crazy scientistBack to the future - Need help to take the test of its driver's license. Bad communicationreaches hilarious heights When he asks the group, "What does yellow light mean?" We will not spoil it for you, but it's really, really funny. To be a better driver than Reverend Jim, make sureRule the road with these intelligent driving strategies.

"No soup for you!";Breastfield (NBC, 1989-1998)

Seinfeld Soup Nazi Funniest Sitcom Jokes

We always feel a little nervous control soup thanks toThis classicBreastfieldepisode of their seventh season, in which Yev Kassem (played byLarry Thomas), the so-called "Nazi soup" requires such a blind obedience and the order of its customers than an unsolicited comment, could bring them banish to life. And for more "the show of nothing", here is the24 Life Lessons Best Lessons Lessfeld taught you.

The chocolate conveyor belt;I love Lucy (CBS, 1951-1957)

I Love Lucy Chocolate Factory Funniest Sitcom Jokes

All Sitcom jokes do not require One-Liners spirit. Just check this classic scene ofI love Lucy, in whichLucille ball And his Ethel Pal try not to be fired on chocolateerie (and prove to their husbands a job is easier than the household) keeping with conveyor belts. When things start movingfaster than expectedThey grow chocolates wherever they can hide them, including their mouths. It's a pure slapstick shine. And for more brilliance, check these20 celebrities that look like their pets.

"Pivot, pivot, pivot!";Friends (NBC, 1994-2004)

Friends Ross Moves a Couch Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Ross (played byDave Schwimmer) Needs a littlehelp move a sofa In his new apartment, then he is committed to Rachel and Chandler. It does not go as planned, despite his cries of "pivot! Piv-ot! Piv-and !!! piv-etet !!! piv-and !!!" Who just knew how to shout the same word again and again would not change the flexibility of furniture as magically? It's scenes like this that prove whyFriends is one of30 sitoms the most funny of all time.

Homer teaches his children failure;The simpsons (Fox, 1989-present)

Homer Simpson Teaches His Kids About Failure Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Homer Simpson is probably the worst father in the history of television. But the poor guy has always tried, like hisIn this episode of the season five. When margin remarks to Homer that their children seem discouraged from a day that did not go as planned, the Patriarch turns to them and said, "The children, you tried your best and that you failed miserably. The lesson is never tried. "Worse ... Consulting ...already. And for more bad jokes, here is75 Jokes so bad are really funny.

Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock;Big Bang Theory (CBS, 2007-present)

The Big Bang Theory Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spock Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Dr. Sheldon Cooper, the scientist (played byJim Parsons) Who thinks he had to lose 60 points of Qi to be classified as "intelligent", has a better way to play the game of Ol 'Rock-Paper-Scissors. In its version - rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock - scissors paper cutter, paper covers, lizard of rock rock, lizard poisons, spock breeze the scissors, the scissors to decapitate the lizard ... Well, we will leave itexplain the rest.

Too early for stupid questions;Cheers (NBC, 1982-1993)

Norm From Cheers Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Norm (played byGeorge Wendt) had a part of theTop One-Liners onCheers, especially on his favorite subject, beer. Whenever Woody, the bartender asked if he was thirsty, something hilarious was sure to get out of his mouth. Once, when Woody asked if he was ready for a beer, the norm responded, "early in the day is not, Woody?" The stunned bartender replied: "early early for a beer?" Norm turned, without missing a beat, "No, for stupid questions." Classic. And for more classic television moments, here is the30 Oscars Telecast totally bombed jokes.

Health insurance for the fingers of Hot-Dog;Office (NBC, 2005-2013)

Dwight The Office Health Insurance Funniest Sitcom Jokes

When Dwight - played perfection byStream - Resumes the choice of a new health care plan for the office, his colleagues Jim and PAM have fun at his expense, coming withAn illness They need covered. Dwight is convinced that everyone from the offices suffers from leprosy, bacteria eating flesh, hot dog fingers, spontaneous dental hydroplosion, or government created Nanorobot infection. And for less scripted hilarity, here is the30 Funniest Reality Shows Moments of all time.

Embrace Sammy Davis Jr. Archie Bunker;All in the family (CBS, 1971-1979)

All in the Family Sammy Davis Jr Kiss Funniest Sitcom Jokes

If all taxis in everyone that Crooner Sammy Davis Jr could have left his towel, you had to find Archie Bunker, the biggest bigot in the Sitcom story (played byCarroll O'Connor) When Sammy comes home Bunker to get it back, Archie is on his best behavior, at least until the Caption Rat Packplant a big kiss on the cheek. It was a shocking moment when it was broadcast in 1972, and the archie's face look told all you need to know about racial relations at the time.

The prince needs a sandwich;The prince of Bel-Air (NBC, 1990-1996)

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Will Smith Philly sandwich Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Will Smith Is not about to be said that he is spoiled to touch or lost his Philly roots. Unless it means giving up hisgorgonzolagrowing sandwiches, Heavy on the poup gray. When he realizes his hypocrisy, he decides to make a change ... but after the sandwich. "I'm not going to enjoy," he adds.

Larry David feels enough, enough, enough, good enough;Calm your enthusiasm (HBO, 2000-present)

Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry David Therapist Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Larry DavidPreferred grumbler of everyone, did not doconvincing case to his psychiatrist to explain why he does not need more treatment. He did not feel just good, he assured the doctor, he was "pretty feeling, pretty, pretty, pretty good. All of these additional adjectives became an instant shortcut for oversight something you can not quite believe. And to laugh bigger, know thatThis video of Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon insult other is the most funny thing you will see all day.

Tobias never naked;Development stopped (Fox, 2003 to 2006)

Arrested Development Tobias Funke Never Nude Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Tobias Funke (played byDavid Cross) Managed to be one of the biggest Hurluberlus in a family of Hurluberlus. In addition to his obsession to join the casting of the Blue Man Group, he also suffered from aRare psychological state Called Never-Nudity - "It affects dozens of people," he insisted. "Dozens!" - In which he has never been comfortable to be completely naked. Whether in the shower or at the doctor's office, it does not bind down to a pair of cut-off Super tight jeans.

Frasier speaks like a man;Shellfish (NBC, 1993-2004)

Frasier Dr. Crane Speaks Like a Man Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Radio Frasier Psychiatrist Crane (played byKelsey Grammer) Try his best to help a colleague with a break, but his old stuff do not work. "Can you stop being a Psy and be like aguy? The patient asks. Frasier hollow deeply and quote to appear his inner guy, and the results are likenothing we have ever heard Leaving the mouth of the doctor normally reserved.

"Oh my God, they killed Kenny!";Park (Comedy Central, since 1997)

South Park Dying Kenny Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Poor Kenny, the child with the jacket too tight on his face, who has never been able to survive even an episode of this long-term program (at least until season six, when he died permanently) . That he was crushed by volcano blocks or implode after having eaten antacid tablets, his friends alwaysReacted with the same indignation... before passing quickly.

Jérôme is in the house;Martin (Fox, 1992-1997)

Martin Jerome's in the House

Nobody makes an entryquite like jermonOne of the best characters and the funniest entertainment of Martin Lawrence's very popular show. Jerome is strong, he likes to speak in rhymes - "Jérôme in the Houuuuuse / Watch ya moooooouth" - and he can have dental problems. But he is always hilarious.

"I do not see anything, I do not hear anything, and I saynothing! ";Hogan heroes (CBS, 1965-1971)

Hogan's Heroes I Was Not Here Funniest Sitcom Jokes

A set of sitcom in a German war prisoner camp in the Second World War sounds like the premise less funny ever, but this series has succeeded in tearing some hilarious moments. Our favorite will always be Sergeant Schultz, the awkward, the overweight guard that gets easily troubled and anxious whenever he catches Hogan or his codeconus to concoct another diet. "I was not there," he said in aparticularly funny scene. "I do not even this morning! »

Roseanne works as a waitress;Roseanne (ABC, 1988-1997)

Roseanne is a Waitress Funniest Sitcom Jokes

When Roseanne - played, of course, by the inimitableRoseanne Barr- decided to find a new job as a waitress, the results areexactly what you think they will be. "I have a steak and a Swiss steak," she says one of her first customers. "Who is the Salisbury steak so, you would be the person to ask: which one is he" then she drops the food on their table and says, "Enjoy your, uh, thing. Gastronomic at worst, and the funniest. And to keep the right bearing once, do not miss these100 great facts on everything.

David Brent is a dancing machine;Office (BBC, 2001)

The Office UK Ricky Gervais Dances Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Before the American version, there were the original BritishOfficeFeaturedRicky Gervais like the boss painfully inept. In this strong point (or perhaps Lowlight), brent volunteers at the dance for charity, sharing a style he says mergedFlash dance with MC HAMMER.It is frightest terrible, With more kicking and everyone pointing the finger should have to bear.

The gang and parks test to Cross ice rink;Parks and leisure (NBC, 2009-2015)

Parks and Recreation The Gang Tries to Cross the Ice Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) Announces his campaign for the municipal council in the worse way (namely more funny) possible, with a gathering at an ice hockey rink. When the red carpet is exhausted, Leslie and his staff mustSlip and sliding towards the podiuM, at a constant loop of Gloria Estefan "Get on your feet." It is the sublime physical comedy, which ends with a three-legged dog urinating on Ron Swanson's leg.

Charlie tries to obtain an online date;It's always sunny in Philadelphia (FX, 2005- present)

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Dating Profile Funniest Sitcom Jokes

If you think the best way to make a first impression onAn online dating profile is to take a picture of covering you in Frelon punches and confess your love of milksteak, Goules, and magnets, then you are either crazy or a character of this madcom.

All public service ads;MASH POTATOES (CBS, 1972-1983)

MASH Cast Funniest Sitcom Jokes

In a series filled with jokes laugh aloud, some of our favorites came from PA advertisements randomly (expressed by twoTodd Susman WhereSal viscus) They be mocked the food - "Due to circumstances independent of our will, we regret to announce that lunch is now served" - or the evening show - "Due to the shortage of oil and wood, the film of Tonight will be burned at 1800. Although we never saw the faces behind these quolibets, they stole the show to more than one occasion.

Jack helps Tracy's therapy;Rock (NBC, 2006-2013)

30 Rock Tracy Jordan and Jack Doneghy Therapy Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Network Jack Donaghy (played byAlec Baldwin) Needs his star interpreter Tracy Jordan (namelyTracy MorganTo be healthy mental health, so volunteering to help comedian therapy, standing as "father" and other members of his family sometimes abusive of Tracy. The following manages to be at oncescandalously inappropriate and part of the best television comedy of modern times.

"Like God as a witness, I thought the turkeys could fly. "WKRP in Cincinnati (CBS, 1978-1982)

WKRP in Cincinnati Flying Turkeys Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Arthur Carlson, Managing Director of the Cincinnati Radio Station Nominal Low WKRP, thinks he has an infallible idea. Without saying anything to anyone his plans, heDrops of dozens of turkeys From a helicopter at a Thanksgiving party, which end up "hitting the floor like wet cement bags", like its horrified corresponding reports. So macabre, but so much, so funny.

Robin Sparkles goes to the mall, and sings on this subject;how I Met Your Mother (CBS, 2005-2014)

How I Met Your Mother Robin Sparkles Video Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Everyone has some skeletons in their past, but nothing like Robin Scherbatsky (played byCOBIE SMULDERS), Whose friends learn that she was once a teenage pop singer named Robin Sparkles. She even had a successful song and aterrible video called "Let's go to the mall. No matter how embarrassing your teenage years felt, they have never been so bad as that.

Mary Tyler Moore job interview;The Mary Tyler Moore Show (CBS, 1970-1977)

The Mary Tyler Moore Show You've Got Spunk Funniest Sitcom Jokes

When showing the first episode, Mary, the girl who could turn the world with her smile, meets her future boss Lou Grant (played by the brilliantEd Asner), And the interview is not goingexactly as planned. "You know what, you have Spunk," Grant scolds with her. "Ito hate Spunk. It was the beginning of a classical and often imitated working relationship (see Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson), but he has never been more barbed or hilarious than in this moment of opening.

David Duchovny's crushing on Larry;The Larry Sanders Show (HBO, 1992-1998)

The Larry Sanders Show David Duchovny Funniest Sitcom Jokes

The unique joke better run in this comedy of revolutionary situation wasX-Files actorDavid Duchovny of Supposed attachment on the host Larry Sanders (played byGarry Shandling) So muchJaw-dropping, but hilarious moments, From Larry affirming that Duchovny looks at him "as he lost in me" to a visit between the two men where Duchovny does only a bathrobe and, in the blink of an eyePrimary instinctThe notorious scene, gives up his legs.

Fred Sanford A (another) Cardiac crisis;SAnford and son (NBC, 1972-1977)

Sanford and Son Fred Sanford Fakes Heart Attack Funniest Sitcom Jokes

When Fred Sanford (played by the comedy iconRedd Foxx) could not be done, which was invariably, he hadpretend to have a heart attack, squeezing his chest and shouting "It's the big ones! I Dyin '! You hear that Elizabeth? I come to join you, darling!" Of course, it has never worked.

Fruit of the month club;Everyone loves Raymond (CBS, 1996-2005)

Everybody Loves Raymond Fruit of the Month Club Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Faithful son Raymond (comedianRoman) Register his parents for a "fruit of the month" club, in which a new fruit fund will be delivered to their homes every month. He thought they would be excited for the gift that "continues to give", but they are bothEnraged and confused. "What do you think we are, invalid?" His father, played by Peter Boyle, shout. "We can not go out and get our own fruits?"

The old lady with hearing aid;Fawlty Tours (BBC, 1975-1979)

Fawlty Towers Deaf Guest Funniest Sitcom Jokes

Do you have a favor and look at the entire episode, called "communication problems", where the owner of the Seaside Basil Fawlty Hotel (has played magically byJohn Cleese) mustSupports with an irritable guest Who is partially deaf, but refuses to intensify his hearing aid for fear that he "flows on the batteries". When he turns the tables on her, torturing the Grilled Old Lady as much as she has tortured her, it's like a comic cage game.

Dick Van Dyke brings home the bad baby;Dick Van Dyke's show (CBS, 1961-1966)

The Dick Van Dyke Show Brought Home the Wrong Baby Funniest Sitcom Jokes

A legendary moment that always holds the disc like theThe longest laugh at a studio audience. (Do not bother the timer, most laughter has been edited for broadcast.) New Father Rob (played byVan dike) Is convinced that their baby was accidentally gone to the hospital with another family with his same last name, but his wife (Mary Tyler Moore) is not convinced. The surprise ends, where they meet the other family, remains one of Sitcom History's best Switchoos. And to hear jokes that have totally bombarded, check the30 Oscars of remote control jokes that have totally bombarded.

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Tags: Funny / humor / Jokes / TV
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