17 things happy people every morning
Start the day on the right foot-every day.

You never notice that the effects of the awakening of the wrong side of the bed can affect throughout your day? Tap the Snooze button once and you could end up decreasing the amount of happiness you feel up to your head strikes the pillow again. You are looking forward to, trapling on an Lego, burn a piece of toast and, once you're on your way to work, find that everyone on the way seems to be a total fool. On and on it goes until the whole day feels like a radiation - and everything started with these first moments.
And although happy people are not safe from having a bad start, most of them know that, adhering to some morning habits, they can prevent them from happening too often - and turn right the ship when they do it. While many mood improvement habits listed herein have been known for centuries, even millennia, many have not benefited yet. Integrate at least three of the following items in your morning routine to unlock their advantages of tempores (and now, through science, looking).
1 They limit new consumption.

Done: We live in interesting moments. And this can fuel the desire to consult current current outlets, see which madness has been transpired since the previous night. But, although this is of course good to be informed about what's going on in the world, new consumption is not exactly a prescription for fuzzy. A study showed that people who were looking for only three minutes of negative news in the morning had a 27% probability of greater likelihood to report their day as an unfortunate of six to eight hours later than if they did not have it .
In his book,The advantage of happiness, Shawn Achour writes: "Studies have shown that less negative television that we are looking at, especially violent media, the more happy we are." If you want to start your day in a positive way, limit your new consumption - or even better, eliminate it completely from your morning routine.
2 They have reduced the time of social media.

Another thing you will want to consider in your quest for happiness is the social-instagram media in particular. According to a recent study,This is the worst platform of social media For the mental health and happiness of users, and is associated with high levels of anxiety, depression and fomo (the "fear of disappearing"). It is hardly surprising, since we are all subject to post photos of us looking for our best absolute and have an absolute explosion. In the same study, conducted by the British Royal Society for Public Health, Instagram also won mental health demerits for its disruptive effect on sleep.
3 They hang out with their pets.

You could hardly spend your morning timeMore wisely with your dog, cat, what's wrong! Talk withPsychology today, Allen McConnell, a leading researcher in the field of domestic relations, cites a study involving 217 members of the community, who has shown that landowners had greater self-esteem, were more physically In shape, were less lonely, were more conscientious, more socially coming out and had healthier relationship styles (they were less fearful and less concerned) than non-owners. To sum up, McConnell said that "animal owners were happier and healthier than the non-owners".
4 They head out.

The Japanese call itShinrin-Yoku, which can be translated as "forest bath". Developed in Japan in the 1980s, the practice of taking a walk in a wooded area has become the cornerstone of preventive health care and healing in Japanese medicine. A 2015 study showed that taking a walk in a natural environment increases people's mood and decreases the number of negative thoughts they feel. People who crossed the streets of the city showed none of these benefits. If you are a city inhabitant, consider changing switches to take you through a park or green space.
5 They become French.
If you and your partner are you or are ready to become early, you are in an excellent position to increase your quotient of morning happiness. Sex, you see, floods the body with endorphins and oxytocin hormone with stress relief. This naturally produced chemical cocktail is almost certain to make you feel relaxed and happy, from your day.
6 They embrace their partner.

Whatever his impact experienced on happiness, morning sex is not always practical or desirable (for one or both). The good news is that touch alone can also increase the production of oxytocin. In other words, a session of Sunrise Spooing can always increase your quotient of happiness for hours, even days, after.
7 They drink coffee.
Many studies have linkedDrinking coffee to reduce depression rates In men and women, so it is not terribly shocking to learn that a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health revealed that coffee can help people become generally more positive in their lives and to have the same effects as a light antidepressant.
A joe vapor cup is a booster of atmosphere because it contains high levels of caffeine, a psychoactive drug that stimulates the release of dopamine, which produces euphories, or "happy feelings", your brain. And thanks to the ritualistic nature of the morning coffee, there is a kind of pavlovian reaction, where euphoria is automatically associated with this first cup. To really get the most out, cut the sugar, which has been linked to depression in several studies.
8 And work while coffee is preparing.

On average, people who workdo it regularly for 45 minutes to one hour (or more). Now helping that before going to work, it's a good order. But happy people do not leave the perfect being the enemy of good. Consciously or otherwise, they know they do not need to switch endless representatives and sets to get the exercise effects of the atmosphere.
Michael Otto, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at the University of Boston, said that, within five minutes of moderate exercise, "people would generally feel the effect of improving the mood of the exercise". So, put this coffee to brew and commit yourself to an intense exercise explosion now and when the pot is ready. Burpees, jumping, bike crunches or mountain climbers - all are movements without equipment that you can release a flood of endorphins improving mood in brief.
9 They laugh.

Another old adage seems to be true thanks to a peer-review research is a classic: that of laughter being the best cure. It has been shown that immunity increases immunity, reduce stress, temporarily relieve pain and even prevent heart disease. It has also been shown that it has been made an immediate effect on happiness, exercise resembling or physical intimacy - it triggers the release of endorphins.
A shared laugh also strengthens relationships. If you manage to get yuks with a roller in the hay and a hug, your relationship has been well fed - and your mood with it - even before you passed the bed.
10 They plan their good deeds.

If you want a double happiness, do one of your goals an altruistic. Studies published in theStudies of the journal of happiness illustrate that,When happy people help others,This increases their happiness, rather than being a burden. British researchers put this to the test by asking volunteers to assess their satisfaction of life before sending them into the world with instructions for doing a good action every day for ten days. When they completed the survey on life satisfaction a second time, participants reported a marked increase in happiness and well-being. As thought precedes the action, take a moment to think about an act of kindness that you would like to play in the moment or later in the day. It's a real win-win!
11 They meditate.

Meditation practices Have a story extending in ancient times. More recently, the advanced science has proven itself what practitioners have experienced for centuries: this meditation can literally change the physical structure of the brain and reconverse it for increased happiness. In his book, Achour writes that neuroscientists have discovered that the monks who spent years meditating to the meditation of their left prefrontal cortex, the most responsible part of the brain feeling happy. While most research on meditation are carried out on meditation of full holding of full meditation, experts think that any meditation practice will help people become happier. Fortunately, many explanations of meditation practices are easy to find online. Try some and see which one works for you.
12 They practice a positive discussion.

We are often our own critical worst. Happy people knowHow to silence this model of negative thought And start their day with positive thoughts on themselves. Take a sheet of their book and start your morning with daily positive affirmations. This is not a quick solution over time, a little positive discussion every morning can have a profound effect on your happiness. And if you are looking for ideas about what to say, start with these30 "cheese" affirmations that work completely.
13 They set goals.
The objectives give us a goal, one sense, a feeling of enthusiasm and a reason to get up in the morning. Add all this and it sounds a lot like happiness! Well, there is no better time to set goals than the beginning of your day; Studies have shown that during the morning, our brains are more likely to shoot all cylinders.
In his book,The of what of happiness, Sonja Lyubomirsky writes: "People looking for something personally meaningful, whether it's a new craft, a changing career or falling more children, are much happier than those who have not have no solid dreams or aspirations. Finding a happy person and you will find a project ... Working for a significant life goal is one of the most important strategies for becoming more happier. »Your move? Imagine your perfect life and start tracing a course for that.
14 They wake up early.
If the old adage is to believe, health, wealth and wisdom are in store for those who get up early. The person who wrote the sentence - often awarded wrongly to Benjamin Franklin - had no way to know the research of the 21st century that showed that the first foremen may also expect to be happier than night owls. A 2012 study outside the University of Toronto has demonstrated as many researchers suggesting that one of the reasons for which the first birds are happier are that the expectations of society are much more organized around a schedule of the Morning person and that the happiness of night owls is negatively affected by what they call a "offset of the social jet".
The good news is that with a little dedication,you can make a morning personand reap the many benefits. The key to resetting your body clock is to lie earlier, which could involve cutting caffeine after a certain period, avoiding technology an hour or two before going to bed and start a regular practice of mindfulness. And for more ways to become an early rising column,This is the best way to wake up earlier every day.
15 They eat a healthy breakfast.

Some foods - namely greasy, greasy - have been linked to a crowd of mental health problems, including anxiety and depression. The good news is that by following some simple dietary guidelines, you can find yourself considerably reduced from stress compared to those who eat a largely composed feed of highly transformed foods.Go for a diet you can enjoy, one that strikes a balance between being healthy (with unprocessed whole foods) and pleasant (things you really like).
16 They spend time with friends and family.

We are social beings and we feel better when we interact with other people. This is one of these fundamental truths that you come fromknow-And now, science has provided evidence. The researchers took a sample of 222 colleges, measured their happiness, and then focused on the happiest 10% and why they were the happiest.
Main researcher on the ground, Martin Seligman, explains the results in his book.Authentic happiness: "These" very happy "people differed significantly from the average of people and unfortunate people in a main way: a rich and directive social life. The very happy people spent the least time alone (and the more time socialize) and they were rated higher on good relations by themselves and their friends. "Every morning, take a moment to register with a friend or family member or make plans to gather with a person for a coffee, A dinner or film. In doing so, you will feed your social circle and give you your mood a big boost.
17 They practice being grateful.

If you followed all the steps above, the sun clashes hard on the horizon and you already have a day of banner! So take a moment to be grateful for that and all you have.It will not add to the happiness that you are already feeling.
Recently, a number of studies have shown a link between gratitude and an increase in happiness. Make a daily habit of showing an appreciation improves mental and physical health; allows the place for more relationships and better, relationships; reduces aggressive behavior; and increases the likelihood that you think positively about yourself, allowing you to felt consistently positive emotions.

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