33 Life skills Every parent should teach their children

Do not let your children steal the cooperative without these essential tools.

Ask any parent what is the greatest responsibility that comes toRaising well rounded children And you will hear the same thing again and again: give them the skills they need to prosper. And we are not just talking to learn toread or to drive a car. We refer to the biggest image tools that parents should transmit their offspring. With the help of experts, we gathered the skills that every child needs to do it in this world.

How to say non polite

young boy putting hand up with palm out, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Kitty

Of course, it's important to try new things and being open to new experiences - but also important is the ability to deliver a business, butpolished "No" when the moment calls it.

"It's hard to refuse something tact - many adults even go with things when they do not want," said the psychotherapistStephanie Wijkstrom, MS, LPC, NBCC and founder of thePittsburgh Consulting and Wellbeing Center. This is why parents are essential to teach their children a first lesson of consent about setting borders and saying "no".

How and when to apologize

young girl and boy hugging on couch, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Africa Studio

There is a big difference between shouting the word "sorry" on the other side of the playground and a sincere, sincereexcuses. Given the success of the latter, the latter can smooth the tensions - and the speed with which the first can increase them - teach your child to say sorry and say it's invaluable. It is equally important to teach them when doing it, too, apologize for things that are not their fault can quickly become as problematic as not to apologize for those who are.

How to practice self-care

kid in bed, skills parents should teach kids

"Most of our children will jump in the world and find their place among the work and the family. They will have to understand how to use their downtime, how to recharge their batteries so that they feel balanced and happy in life" , declares Wijkstrom. "Breathing, yoga, in nature, having ahobbyThese are important and will bear children well beyond their youth with old age adjusted. "

How to handle overwhelming emotions

mom hugging young daughter, skills parents should teach kids

Navigateemotions Can be difficult for people of all ages, but these big feelings can feel particularly overwhelming for the youngest. That's why it's so important that parents teach their children how to handle these feelings healthily.

"Parents should explicitly teach their children skills adapted to difficult emotions such asanger,anxietyand sadness, "says the approved clinical psychologistNastassja Marshall, Ph.D.,Renewal therapy In Richmond, Virginia. Marshall suggests that parents not only model the emotional regulation for their children, but also to teach them relaxation exercises, deep breathing techniques, a positive discussion and ways to work these emotions through physical activity.

How to accept disappointment

kid in soccer uniform, skills parents should teach kids

Whether you are 5 or 65 years old, life comes with its fair share of disappointments. Thus, previous children learn from those they encounter in childhood, better equipped, they will manage big in adulthood.

"It's useful because it clearly teaches children to accept that the world is not perfect and that everything is going to make a way," says the therapist under licenseLavender Ginger Wilkerson, LMFT. "Disappointment can be a temporary feeling and [done] does not define who they are."

How to disconcert

upset sad boy sitting by the window looking out of it, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Tinnapong

You can not make sure your child's life will bestress-Free, but you can - and should you learn to face when they reach their breakage point. "Knowing how to handle stress will reduce the risk ofBurnout, anxiety, anddepression, says Wilkerson.

How to be alone

kid in playroom with antiques, skills parents should teach kids

Learn to kiss only time is a skill that everyone can benefit from. "Parents need to teach their children to learn to love the time they take themselves and trust the wisdom of the interior when we take this time," said an authorized mental health advisorJill Sylvester, author ofTrust your intuition: 100 ways to transform anxiety and depression for stronger mental health. "Teaching children to take calm times every day to learn to love being alone and become their best friend is a better practice."

How to trust their own instinct

children bike helmets, skills parents should teach kids

Teaching your children to follow that their intestine instincts can help keep them safe, healthy and happy both in childhood and beyond. "Teaching children how to trust their own internal guidance compared to the search for external sources that can often be contradictory with our own desires and needs, is a useful tool as they grow up and develop," says Sylvester.

How to be empathetic to others

Asian Mom With Two Kids, skills parents should teach kids

While many parents try to teach their children to be difficult, to beempathic is just as essential for their well-being - if not more.

"It is important for parents to respect the natural empathy of their children and feed it and develop it," explains the special educatorDonna Garfinkel, co-director of the city of New YorkAssociates of early childhood. "Encourage your child to build empathy by teacher to help others. Participate in initiatives such as toy training and food pantries can help cultivate empathy."

How to Effectively Listen

young kids with backpacks sitting outside talking, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Wavebreakmedia

There is a major difference between really listening to someone and just wait for your turn to talk - and the parents earlier can teach their children the first, the better.

So, how will we disturb this skill? "Reading to them, watching a movie together or telling stories can help develop listening skills," suggests Garfinkel. "Ask questions about stories and ask them to support their answers with documents / information from history."

How to work towards long-term goals

mom helping daughter with homework, skills parents should teach kids

Instant gratification can be enjoyable, but teach your children to work towards long-term goals will be invaluable in their adolescence and adulthood. "Teaching children to persevere and not to abandon what is important for them," says Garfinkel. "Working towards a long-term goal, [I like] to develop academic or sporting skills or special purchase economy, can help them understand the value of perseverance."

How to work well with others

kids playing soccer, skills parents should teach kids

Playing well with others is a skill that will serve your children for a long time in childhood. "Sharing and in turn when reading can strengthen the positive social skills that will be in the future," says Garfinkel.

How to take care of another alive thing

little girl hugging dog in winter, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / green

Whether a fish, aplant, or onebrother and sisterTeaching your child how to take care of another alive thing is an important skill they will not learn in a classroom. Maybe it can do to help children to empathize, to have something to heal can even help reduce their stress. A 2010 study published inAnxiety, stress and cope I found that caressing animals - whether it's sweet and furious, help reduce participants' anxiety.

How to greet someone politely

two young boys shaking hands, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Wavebreakmedia

A handshake handle and friendly "Hello" can put you far in life, that's why it's never too early to teach your children to welcome people properly. "Children should learn to give a strong hand handle while showing up to someone again," says the expert from the anxiety of the certified childColleen Wildenhouse, founder ofGood anxiety, hello joy, llc. "It's important for kids to learn to haveconfidence in which they are and what they have to offer to others. "

How to meet new people

kids laughing outdoors, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

All children are not an extrovert - and it's okay! - But it's going to know how to meet people, even when your children are young. Teach your children that there is no reason to be afraid to confidence to another child on the playground and ask them to play. This will serve them for years to come.

How to manage the rejection

mom helping sad daughter, skills parents should teach kids

Unfortunately, the answer to this question about the playground will not always be a "yes" resounding. That they did not have the promotion they hoped, the person they haveAsked for a date The possibly rejected, or they did not win the talent show, it is important that children know how to lose gracefully.

How to solve problems without the help of a parent

teacher helping students, skills parents should teach kids

Problem solving is a typical jurisdiction over a life, but that children tackle their own problems starting at an early age will inevitably facilitate things because they get older.

"Encourage them to solve problems," said Approved Mental Health Advisor and therapistBarb Shepard. "Number with ateacher? Prepare them on how to go talk to this teacher themselves. Jumping to save your children with uncomfortable situations are not always useful - In fact, it can prevent your child from learning to work through challenges and conflicts. "

How to operate professionally

young girl talking to woman at computer, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

If your child postulates for an internship or is looking for a job after graduating fromUniversity, professionalism counts at each stage of the way.

"The college can be a huge shock for teens while they are taking their first step in the world of professionalism," said Shepard. "Every interaction with aprofessor Which could be a reference or a job link in the future must be treated as an interview. Ditching the on-class track sweatpagement look, use a good grammar inemailand turn the missions on time. "

How to apply for a job

filling out job application, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Brian A Jackson

If you are looking forward to your children become self-sufficient adults, financial education is essential. But even before you can put your conference on budgeting 101, your child should know how to apply for a job. Learn how to search for jobs using sites likeIndeed WhereGlass door, give them the skinny onmaintenance-The appropriate clothing and always make sure they know the basics, like how to correctly fill an application.

How to work hard

young children raking leaves, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Sergey Novikov

At any age, work can be a great source of stress. That's why it's so important that parents teach their children how to work hard, as well as some adaptation skills for when things are stressful at work.

"Children should learn to work and know the value and fulfillment of a hard day of work," saysKalyn Hochstrat, founder ofKalyn Hochstrat, LLC Investment Advisor In Midvale, Idaho. "If she taught the value of work at a young age, this gift will enjoy their entire life, whatever the industry they work."

How to meet deadlines

calendar, skills parents should teach kids

Yes, even adults procrastinate, but the children earlier can learn to get things done before a deadline, the better. After all, it's not like you especially know that you put together dioramas well in the small hours of the morning, either.

How to create credit

woman making online payment with credit card, skills parents should teach kids

Havinggood credit makes life easier, whetherTo buy a car Or apply for a mortgage and finance lawsuits say that parents should teach their children how to build a good credit from an early age.

"They should know what debt is, what is the credit and how to avoid borrowing too much money," says the financial educatorCleo Childress, founder ofCleo Yoga Finance in Dallas, Texas. "They should understand what a credit report is and how negative credit history can affect their lives."

How to save money

young girl putting coins in piggy bank, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Rawpixel.com

Even if your child just wins a dollar one week allowance, learn how to save some of this money can now produce major rewards when they are approached with adulthood.

"They should understand the value ineconomy And invest, "says Childress." It's good to have material things and enjoy experiences, but tells them to how they should save and invest consistently so that they can have more financial freedom to live the lifestyles that they wish. "

How to budget

three glass jars with coins in them, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / William Potter

By avoiding the lifestyle of the hand in the mouth as the adult is often easier than your children the financial tools they need for effectivelybudget is invaluable. "They should know how to avoid living a paycheck check," says Childress. "Learn how to make money, then save / invest, spend and give so they can always support if their income stops or slow down."

How to understand their taxes

man doing finance paperwork with a calculator at a coffee table, skills parents should teach kids

Taxes can be confusing even to adults, but talking to children about them from an early age can help them navigate more easily in these disordered waters later. An easy way to do that? Create separate jars for expenses, savings and taxes with their allocation every week so that they can better understand how much money allocate in their budget when they finally bring back to the first payroll.

How to spot a scam

girl using laptop, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Flamingo Images

If they had a foreign prince who called them or a person on Craigslist who promises that a luxury apartment really leagues for only $ 300 a month, it's important for your child to know ascrape when they see one.

How to take care of their property

child's hand picking up small toys off the floor, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Patan ounpitipong

How can you effectively try your children the value of money if you do not teach them how to treat their business simultaneously? At a young age, it can mean pick up their toys from the ground floor so they did not intervene, and as they get older, it can meantask on clothes immediately before it distinguishes, regularly mow thelawnor make software updates on their devices.

How to do the laundry

young girl and mother folding laundry, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Yuganov Konstantin

According to a 2013 study published in theFamily search journal and consumer, Baby Boomers and Millennially riding Gen X when they arrived at their skills in clothing care. That's why it's essential for parents to teach their children's skills at home - after all, who wants a 4-year shovel call.Washing machine Does break bubbles or an invoice of a tailor when a button comes off?

How to change a tire

woman teaching girl to change flat car tire, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Folphy

Everyone gets aflat tiresometimes. And instead of using your child on costly towing services or potentially non-well-meaning foreigners, teach them how to appear on this spare will keep them safer in the long run.

How to practice gratitude

young girl hugging her mother, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / vgstockstudio

A littleAcknowledgement Go very far in life and teaches your children to be really grateful to those who are nice to them will serve them well over the years. You can start this practice at a young age by asking them to write thank you notes for birthday gifts, and make sure they continue to do the same thing they get older, as sending emails from Acknowledgment after job interviews.

How to express love for others

grandparents with grandkids, skills parents should teach kids

Say "I love you" is not the only way to express your love for someone, nor a sentence that should only be used inromantic contexts. Worry about others,kindly For them, and saying that these three little words to Platonic friends can help children feel emotionally accomplished in childhood and beyond.

How to break with someone

teen girls arguing and looking upset on couch, skills parents should teach kids
Shutterstock / Antonio Guillem

And be able to end the relationship in a compassionate way is also important. "There is no class for that, but we know that every child and adult will have to have ato break up Finally, "says Wijkstrom." We should encourage children to do so by offering closing and anticipating emotional pain along the way. "

How to ask for help

6th grade english classroom, skills parents should teach kids

Having tools to get you going through the daily life is admirable, but knowing when you need a hand - and not ashamed to ask a person - is just as important. Once your children haveleaving the nestIt will be essential for them to be comfortable asking for help from others, whether it is a framed photo on the wall or learn a new skill at work. And for some additions to your own arsenal capabilities, check these40 skills that each more than 40 years should know .

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: family / kids / Parenthood
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