20 cooking tools that you all use bad
It's time for you to learn to use a dishwasher.

The kitchen is the heart of the house. It is here where you walk your day, you cook for your family and entertain guests, especially if you are lucky enough to have a spacious place, filled with granitics, filled with granite (with an island, for to start up). According to USDA figures, the average American spends nearly 45 minutes from the kitcheneveryday. But here's the thing: you probably make every wrong.
And by "that", I mean actuallyusing Your kitchen. For the most part, if not all, utensils and appliances at your fingertips, there is a good chance that you do not call it very well how to use them correctly. Did you know, for example, that there is an exploitation order to load a blender? Or that standard roll of aluminum paper contains a legitimately changing tour of life?
In this case, we gathered the 20 most common cooking tools you use poorly forever. So read and correct your ways. And for when it comes time to go down to use these gizmos, make sure you master the40 dishes that everyone over 40 should know how to do.
1 Your garbage elimination.

Everyone knows how to use hot water by washing dishes. And although it is essential to suppress the grease and the eradibility of the germs, the hot water can wreak havoc on your trash. At its maximum temperature, your sink can easily be 120 ° Fahrenheit or more. And at this level, water can cause food to melt, creating a viscous paste.
So, instead of spraying your food and pull it on the depths, your elimination will do little more than darkening. Always use hot water to wash your dishes, of course. But go to cold when you use the layout. And for more advice to households, learn the20 common household products that could be dangerous.
2 Your garlic press.

The peeled garlic is by far, the worst part of the food preparation. It's tedious and tedious and requires a level of dexterity unlike that of, say, crack an egg or cut a pepper. But there is a quick and easy way to shave the minutes of the process: do not do it at all. Your standard rate garlic press will require the keys out of their protective peelets for you.
3 Aluminum foil.

Like people toEat this, not that! reported, you probably skip on a "change of life" (it's not hyperbolic: I showed this thing to my septuagean grandmother, the most experienced person I know, and that's how it The described) a hidden feature in any sheet of aluminum or saran wrap in your kitchen. On the side of each box, there are tiny perforated tabs. Push them, and you will again worry about the roller, never worry about clumsily trench paper.
4 Your dishwasher.

It is the black beast of anyone who coexists, whether with roommates or other significant: no one knows how to properly charge the Dang thing! Here are the rules (and yes, they are placed in stone).
Cups, cups and small cutlery on the top; Everything else on the bottom. And when it comes to silverware,sharp point. Few things are more shocking - and painful-that comes from the end of the business of a fork or knife in the palm. And for more good cooking tips,Stealing the best steak cooking tip from the unique and unique bobby puddle.
5 Your dishwasher (again).

In addition, a note on this lower shelf: when you load it, put on plates encrusted with carbohydrates in the middle. Researchers at the University of Birmingham have found (it's wild what certain subsidies will pay for these days), routine carbohydrates, such as mashed potatoes, tend to be completely washed when placed in the middle Rack, where they will face the total weight of the water explosion.
6 Your dishwasher (yes, there is more).

As GE people warn, your dishwasher will not be effective, unless it is in the range of 120º at 150º Fahrenheit. Too cold and the machine will not kill any germ. Too hot, and it can melt plastic dishes inside. So with that in mind, ask yourself: Do you know how cold your dishwasher is cold or hot? (I'm fine. You do not have to tell us.)
Fortunately, there is an easy solution. First, turn your sink to the hottest temperature. Let it run for 90 seconds (most sinks will hit the maximum temperature at that time and, if you do not do it, you have more problems). Then test the water by placing a meat thermometer in a glass and filling. If your final temperature is in the sweet spot, you are good. Otherwise, you may want to check your water heater.
7 Your dishwasher (continuation ...).

If you often find the unloading of a dishwasher to disappoint the results you know: dishes still stamped with food, the natural inclination might be to think that the device is broken. It's not. You probably just need to clean the drain.
First, remove the lower basket, and inspect the drain (this circular hose thing in the center). Remove any obvious. Then fill a container with a cup of white vinegar, put it on the upper grill, dishwasher and run the emptiness to save the cup. This should eliminate any trace of clogging drain grease.
8 Your mixer.

In all parts of life, there is an order of things-and blenders, it is, are no exception. According to the people of Vitamix-laUltra Mixers-load you did not miss your machine in this order: liquids, powders, leaves, fruits, solids (ice, frozen products and other hard ice cream). If you load harder objects in the mixer first, the blades can have a hard start time, which means you will need a lot more time than needed to make a smoothie.
If you can not remember the exact oder of operations, think like this: put the ingredients in the order of how much you want to dive into a swimming pool of the fabric. Less painful (liquid) first. The most painful (ice) last.
9 Great knives.
There are odds, you tend to head knife bigger head knives, cutting knife, that kind of thing by the handle. And everything is certainly a safer approach than taking a knife by the blade, you hurt it ... a little. When using a knife, hold your thumb and finger pointer on the blade (like the photo). You are suddenly with a focused laser accuracy.
10 spoles to serve spaghetti.

These holes in your spaghetti game serving spoons are not intended to drain the water. (Although they travel completely well.) They are intended to measure the portions of spaghetti or fettucine, or linguine, or other long pasta you prefer. Mind-blowing, right?!
11 Wine opener.

If you carefully inspect the key to your wine, you will notice a second hinge on the arm (the non twirly part). It's because you're supposed to usethe two Hinges when unbulking a new bottle. First, the corkscrew with about 80 percent in the cap. Use the "basic" hinge (closest to the handle) to pull the cap halfway. Then move to the second hinge. In this way, you will not undergo any unwanted cork break. However, if you screw up again in place, release your interior and MacGyverKnow how to open a bottle of wine without corkscrew.
12 Peel vegetables.
Giving a potato into a warm atmosphere, well lit environment can lead to uncomfortable growths that seem straight out of a horror movie. Indeed, the eyes or the potato stains are-beds rod and can push new potato plants. Potato eyes are harmless, and there is really no need to worry about eating them, as long as they are not sprouted.
But again, but we do not blame you for the clear direction of any potato with the eyes (so, all the potatoes).OrYou can use your vegetable peeler; The heel-point is used as basic potatoes, so fear on it (your servant) did not cut entire hunks of potatoes.
13 Coffee filters.
Imbinably, coffee filters all shapes and sizes, always stuffing from the upper part, at least a little. Indeed, you are not folding the edges. Along the base and the side of your filter, you will see perforated edges. Fold them inwards, and your filter like a glove.
14 Your microwave (in some cases).

If the plate in your microwave does not turn, the bad news: you will have to do it manually. See, microwaves work on, well, waves in a highly scientific NPR process canExplain Clearly who makes it if certain areas in your microwave heat your food, while others will not do it. To get full postcombustion, your dish must turn around the entire device.
15 Your oven.
Charged schedules request Rogner. But there is a corner, you should never cut: preheat your oven. If you do not let your oven preheat the whole way before putting your dish, your food cook unevenly. (Yes,it's Why your frozen burrito is still encrusted with ice in some areas.)
16 Your "drawer. »Bottom of the oven

This "drawer" under your oven is not a drawer. He is a flesh chicken. Clear your pans and stoves-and cutting boards, especially if they are plastic, from there, stat.
17 . Stoves
Your standard pan has a hole in the handle. It is incredibly useful for storage; You can hang your pots from a pot rack. But the real use of the hole is intended for spoons at the sauce. Instead of putting your spoon on your counter (EW), stick the spoon standing into the hole of the handle. You will be surprised to find it straight.
18 Wooden cutting boards.
Wooden cutting boards are greater than their plastic cousins in all respects. They are more robust, cleaner and automatically give your kitchen a few serious decoration points. But you can not clean yourself properly. First of all, you want to do it by hand. Dip the painting in hot water and soap, then to dry air. (Standing, it will be standing the fastest.) Then sprinkle salt on the tray and rub with a slice of lemon. This will remove all stains. Finally, Nalready Put it in the dishwasher. The hot water with fluidity and constant fluidity can deform the wood.
19 Your refrigerator.

It's not so much that you store your refrigeratorincorrectly, in itself, but there is a secret trick that you may have missed. If you try to eat health, make sure to put the snack-carrot snacks, sliced peppers, hummus-on-humis. When hunger hits, your eye naturally gravatured towards these healthy options. And for more good healthy food advice, bones on the40 cardiac foods to eat after 40.
20 Your kitchen.
According to the national figures of the Fire Fighting Fire Association, between 2011 and 2015 (the last range for which data is available), more than 170,000 home fires started in the kitchen. And there are almost half result from flammable equipment unattended - tinfoil in a microwave or a cooktop left after a meal. When you have finished cooking, take extra care to make sure everything is off. Except your refrigerator. This can stay on.
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