This round of secret sleep will help you lose weight

It might be time to get a sleep mask, a friend.

Everyone knows that good night's sleep can help you lose weight, but exactlyHow? 'Or' What Your sleep affects your metabolism only comes now to light. Arecent study found that people who lived The recommended amount of sleep saw a decrease of 17.2% body fat, against only 7.1% for those who do not have. The metabolic threshold of those who slept well also improved by 29.8%, providing clear evidence that sleep helps you get a better workout and therefore lose weight.

We also know that to get through your phone or watch Netflix before bed disrupts your sleep cycle (Not to mention your sex life), And if there is a daily habit, you should implement nowHe folds all electronics at least an hour before bed. Now a new study from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recounted the impact of exposure to light at night on your metabolism, and there is at least one clear impression: if you want to lose weight you want your sleeping quarters are dark as humanly possible.

The researchers placed 20 healthy adults aged 18 to 40 years into two groups for two nights at the University northwest of the School of Medicine. Both groups were able to get the recommended eight hours of sleep, but the difference was that room was completely dark, while the other had a light exposure of 100 lux, the amount that you usually find in office stairs. One group slept in the room dark the first night in the room with a small overhead light on the second, while the other group slept in the totally dark room for two nights.

The researchers drew blood samples hourly for melatonin and measure brain waves, blood oxygen levels and heart rate and breathing. They also performed tolerance tests oral glucose the next morning.

What they found was that not only the participants slept much better in the room with the overall dark, they had a lot more insulin levels. This is a major breakthrough because insulin is the hormone signal to the body to increase weight. The higher your insulin levels are high, the more you gain weight, regardless of the amount you eat or exercising.

"Our preliminary findings show that one night of exposure to light during the impact sleep with resolutely insulin resistance measures," lead authorIvy Cheung Mason said in a statement. "Exposure to light at night during sleep has been shown to disrupt sleep, but these data suggest that it may also have the potential to influence the metabolism."

So what does this mean for you? First, it shows that you can really gain weight simply by not sleeping enough sleep. But perhaps more importantly, this highly clinical study also indicates the importance of sleep in total darkness and limit your exposure to artificial light before bedtime. Youshould also ensure that the ambient temperature is kept at 60 to 64 degreesLike that, with darkness, signals the body that it's night and should release hormones sleep.

If you live in a city where artificial light in your window inondit street lights outside, you may also want to consider investing in some curtains or a sleep mask. And if you really want to take your sleep a notchWhy not give the proper sleep routine Gwyneth Paltrow trying?

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