You want a loved one to stop smoking? Science says to do that

Start really channeling your inner grumpy cat.

We all know that smoking is terrible for you and it's the leading cause of avoidable deaths in the United States. A recent study revealed thatHaving a single cigarette a day can considerably shorten your lifeand another recent study found that there is a need for relief16 years to reverse the effects of smoking once you have left. Despite all this,Recent statistics displayThat more than 15 Americans under 100 years of age or older are currently smoking cigarettes, adding about 37.8 million adults in the United States. Yes, in 2018.

If you are a smoker, you know that quitting is madly difficult. And if your well-intentional friends and relatives are trying to leave, the strategy often stands fires, because you simply grow to them, tell them that it is not their business what you Make with your body. You can even start hiding more than usual, which strengthens only one's call because it allows to smoke a cigarette as a secret ritual, secret or a minor crime against yourself to escape you every time.

However, according to a new studyPublished inThe Journal of Consumer AffairsShaming can actually help someone quit, but there is a hitch: it only works if the center of shame is on how the behavior affectsother People, as opposed to the smoker himself.

Most tobacco packaging are delivered today with shock tactics designed to deter the smoker from buying a pack, and range from alarming warnings about how tobaccover can cause powerless and macuals of the cancerous mouth. However,some studies have shown that these graphic images and legends are not effective. The researchers have thus conducted an experience in which the holding in which the packaging that focused on the negative consequences on which smoking on others are more effective than the packaging that only processes the health effects. has on themselves.

According to the document, their results "support the notion that the packaging that transmits to smokers that" other "overview of negative smoking is enough to trigger feelings of self-consciousness, which in turn reduces the intentions of smoking. This approach is particularly effective in "isolated" smokers who do not see smoking as relevant identity or congruent of their social self. These conclusions suggest that for a particular segment of the smoking population, the integration of negative social signals on the Packing can be an effective complement to current fear calls. "

Although more research is needed, these results seem logical. Many smokers say they can not leave because it helps them to cope with stress, even though we all know that nicotine really improves anxiety levels by increasing your heart rate. Because it's a mood alterant drug that offers a temporary release of the Dopamine hormone of the sensation-good, many adults start smoking to deal with the events that cause huge pain, such as loss of employment orA brutal divorce.

It is therefore logical that reading lung cancer statistics to someone in the middle of emotional turmoil is not going to do a lot of good. When you are depressed, you care aboutif you live or not to be 100; You just try to make the day spend.

As such, if you try to help a loved one to quit, it could be more advantageous to tell them how the habit affects you negatively, as opposed to them. After all, according toCDC, about 2,500,000 non-morors have died of health problems caused by exposure to second-hand smoke since 1964. And a study revealed that learning the damage thatInhaling the smoke could make their pets Convinced 28% of participants to stop smoking for good.

So, perhaps, in this particular case, it pays for selfish. And if you are looking to look for more new methods on how to stop, read it onThe best way to stop smoking that you have never tried.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Science / wellness
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