30 the craziest scientific discoveries of our life

We have discovered wild things in the recent past.

We generally believe in scientific discoveries as breakthrough of the law of universal gravitation of the past-Isaac Newton, or Charles Darwin on the concept of natural selection. But scientific discoveries occur all the time, in the world as we understand it by being reconsidered and revised every day, often without our very achievement.

This has certainly been true of the last two decades, in which scientists have struck surprising conclusions and have changed our vision of the world in a broad and small way. Here are 30 of them. And for more impressive facts, see these30 amazing facts guaranteed to give you a wonder of child.

A planet planned

Eris Planet Scientific Discoveries

In 2005, scientists discovered the second largest dwarf planet of the solar system. With a mass about 27% larger than Pluto (although a slightly smaller diameter), and about three times farther from the sun that Pluto, it was spotted during the routine observations of the California Palomar Observatory, which also noted that a moon. He was named "eris" after the Greek goddess. And for more unrealistic facts on our solar system, see these30 amazing facts that will make you doubt everything.

A super-earth

Planet Earth Scientific Discoveries

If a dwarf planet does not seem so impressive, how about a "Earth Super Earth?" It was a discovery of scientists justFew months ago, who stated that he found a planet about 1.6 times the size of the earth, about 200 light-years of the land that can be able to maintain life. Named K2-155D (not the most attractive title), it turns around a dwarf star Superhot and the researchers think it can contain liquid water on its surface.

Exploded fast radio

Faraday's Rotation Scientific Discoveries

No, it's not a term for short and strong radio commercials. First discovered in 2007, they are quick signals of space, which may be signals from the collapse of black holes, energy of something called cosmic ropes, or even extraterrestrial messages. AsSmithsonian to explain, the researchers now believe "that gusts probably spend in a magnetized plasma field, modifying the signal".

This process, called Faraday's rotation, "twist" polarization of certain radio frequencies in a certain way. The researchers found that the FRB 121102 key is 500 times greater than that found on any other FRB, which means that the signals had to pass through an extremely powerful and extremely magnetic dense plasma field.

Manipulation of memory

Mouse Memory Manipulation Scientific Discoveries

It sounds like a sci-fi movie, but the neuroscientists in 2014 have understood how to implant false memories. The duo handled cerebral cells of the mouse, coding for the memory to receive a shock whenplaced in a small metal box. Although it's never received from shock when placed in the box, the mouse with the implanted memory reacted in fear. And for more facts to change your perspective, check these30 amazing facts that will change the way you see the world.

Grid cells

doctor holding a brain Scientific Discoveries

In 2005, researchers Edvard Moser and May-Britt Moser discovered grid cells in the brain - a kind of neuron that allows us to map space. TheNew York Times usefully explains The meaning of these: "Imagine that you are looking at a rat flowing on a soil completely covered with hexagonal tiles, of the same size. Whenever the rat passes the point of one of the angles of 60 degrees, you press On a button to send an electric signal. You are essentially a grid cell, except that you can see the tiled floor, while the grid cell has no eyes, is buried in the middle of the brain and functions where the rat goes, no matter what the floor looks like. "And if you are looking for more knowledge, check these50 amazing facts for people who can not have enough amazing facts.

A computer chip that mimics the human brain

SyNAPSE Computer Chip Scientific Discoveries

As we get closer to the singularity, IBM helped us adopt an important step in 2014, with the release of the synapse computer chip, which simulates the baking synapses made by the brain of a person's brain (The chip contained 5.4 billion transistors while consuming 10,000 times less energy than a more conventional computer chip, the size of a postage stamp).

"There is the potential here to really open a huge innovation trip", Dharmendra Modha, a scientist in chief computer inspired by the brain at IBM,RecountThe Guardian.He gave the example of a phone that could understand where he is, who speaks and what do.

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The ability to control a mechanical hand with thoughts

Biomechanical Hand Scientific Discoveries

As something a movie Marvel, the Italian amputation Pierpolo Petruzziello was equipped in 2009 with abiomechanical handwhich connected to his nerves of arms with wires and electrodes - and that he could control by reflecting there. It was the first time that a patient was able to make as complex movements with nothing but their minds.

Robots inspired by termites

Termites Scientific Discoveries

Termites generally take a disaster in mind for the construction of the house, but a team of Harvard researchers has used the cooperative interactions of termites (which build complex soil structures by taking remedies from each other and in the Environment) As inspiration for the design of robots, the sensor of sensors that allowed them to meet their environment and other robots, without the need for human supervision.

AsMoronto explain, "This type of collective intelligence also means that the same instructions can be done by a small team of five robots, or a much larger crew of 500, said researchers. In the future, similar robotic systems could be used for construction projects deemed judged. Too dangerous for humans or for simple construction tasks on Mars, researchers said. "

Strong proof of liquid on Mars

Mars Scientific Discoveries

Dark trails on the Mars planet, disappear and reappearing according to the season, were identified in 2010 by an undergraduate Arizona University and are now supposed to be the result of liquid salt water.

"A big question swirls around the origin of this water: where does it come from?"demandNational Geographic. "A possibility is that the invuses are fed by an aquifer or fusion of subcontal ice. These scenarios would have substantially sweating, with salty waters that escape from its pores and runoff then slopes. that the planet warms up. "

Transform regular cells into stem cells

Stem Cells Scientific Discoveries

The stem cells are important for health and biological research because they can turn into any other type of cell into white blood cells, nerve cells, you name it. But it was not until 2006 that we learned that any cell can be reprogrammed in a stem cell. This discovery, from Shinya Yamanaka, was amajor advance for regenerative medicine.

Human Genome Project

Human Genome Project Scientific Discoveries

The mapping and identification of each gene genome was a massive project with major consequences for medicine, biology and genetics, officially started in 1990 and completed in 2003, but extend well before and after.


TRAPPIST-1 Scientific Discoveries

NASA researchers have recently identified a system of seven planets of the size of the single-three-three orbit who were in the "living area" where a planet is most likely to have water liquid. This was called Trappist-1, named for transient planets and small telescope planetosimals.

"This discovery could be an important room in the puzzle to find living environments, places conducive to life"said Thomas ZurbuchenAssociate administrator of the management of the agency science mission in Washington at the time. "Answer the question" Are we alone "is a priority of scientific science and find so many planets like these for the first time in the living area constitutes a remarkable step forward towards this objective."

Gravitational waves

Gravitational Waves Scientific Discoveries

Albert Einstein predicts in his theory of general relativity that the mass really crude the space-time, but it is only in 2016 that the scientists have been able to confirm it, when Caltech researchersobserved These corrugations were created during what researchers called a "cataclysmic event in the distant" -likely universe during the "fusion of two black holes to produce a simple and more solid black hole". "He marked the first observation of gravitational waves and a confirmation of Einstein's theory a century after his suggest.

The oldest art of the world

Sulawesi Cave Art Scientific Discoveries

Through the radiocarbon databases, the 2014 scientists determined that cave paintings in Sulawesi's District of Sulawesi, Indonesia were older than before Crus - dating about 40,000 years old. It did hisrepresentation of an old "Pig Cerf" or Babirusa the oldest figurative art in the world.

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Reusable rockets

Rocket Scientific Discoveries

That Mad Genius Elon Musk has found a way to reuse and recycle rockets after sending them into space, landing themsafely on a barge In the billions of dollars, saving billions of dollars to fully replace such technology and get closer to affordable space trips.

Genome Sequencer System 20

DNA in Test Tube Scientific Discoveries

While the human genome project receives a large part of the attention, the work of Jonathan Rothberg and its 454 life sciences Biotech Company is also important: efforts to sequence the human genome affordable that doctors can Use it as a diagnostic tool. It has been capable of sequencing much more DNA data for a fraction of the price compared to previous methods and has contributed to paving the way for more generalized genetic data collection and use.

The Higgs Boson

Higgs Boson Scientific Discoveries

Also known as the "particle of God", its importance issummary by Stephen Reucroft from the University of the Northeast: "In recent decades, particle physicists have developed an elegant theoretical model (the standard model) that gives a framework for our current comprehension of the particles and fundamental forces of the nature. A major ingredient in this model is a hypothetical and omnipitious quantum field that is supposed to be responsible for giving particles their masses (this field would answer the fundamental question of why the particles have the masses they do - or even why They have a mass at all). This field is called the Higgs field. As a result of the duality of the particles of the waves, all the quantum fields have a fundamental particle associated with them. The particle associated with the Higgs field is called the Boson Higgs. "

And, at a certainty of 99.999%, it was discovered in 2012.

Grand Hadron Collider

Large Hardon Collider Scientific Discoveries

The physicists and the engineers of the reason were able to find the Boson Biggs were that they used the great collider of Hadron, the most powerful particle collider in the world, as well as the biggest, first tested in 2008 and has since been upgraded with better detectors. and pre-accelerators.

Protease inhibitors

HIV Tests Scientific Discoveries

The drug that turned the tide on HIV was approved for the first time in 1996. The protease inhibitors prevent the virus from multiplying by obtaining the enzyme which makes it possible to reproduce otherwise the cells. These were a major breakthrough at the time and continue to be an important component of HIV / AIDS management.

Cloned mammal

Dolly the Sheep Scientific Discoveries

It was just over two decades a little over two decades ago that we heard about "Dolly The Mouton", the first cloned mammal of an adult somatic cell using the nuclear transfer. The woolly creature came from three mothers - one who provided an egg, which provided the DNA, and the one who wore the embryo - and his birth launched a lot of controversy when it was announced for the first time. But she lived for a long time, by all the accounts of happy life and produced six lambs on his part.

A black hole that is 12 billion times as big as the sun

Black Hole Scientific Discoveries

The sun is quite massive, but it does not have anything on SDSS J0100 + 2802. This "hyperlomuminous quasar" named "hyperlomuminous quasar" which holds one of the most massive black holes of the universe - about 12 billion times the Sun mass with a diameter of 70.9 billion kilometers.

"By comparison, our own galaxy milky way has a black hole with a mass of 4 million solar masses at its center; the black hole that feeds that this new quasar is 3,000 times heavier", co-author fan of the Dr. Xiaohui of Arizona University, explained in 2015 when the discoverywas announced.


Toumai Skull Scientific Discoveries

In 2002, researchersfound the oldest hominid fossil Yet discovered, in Central Africa. The 7 million yearsSahelanthropus Chadensis was primitive, but with hominid features such as a flat face and worn worn canine teeth. It has made it possible to better understand a possible common ancestor between monkeys and humans and fueled the idea that evolution had taken place throughout Africa, rather than being localized to specific regions, as it had initially think.

RNA genes switches

RNA Strand Scientific Discoveries

Researchers have discovered small RNAs that serve as genetic switch, binding to a small molecule and change its protein production. This has been a major discovery in the areas of genetics and scientists sinceDeveloped their own synthetic versions of them.

Cousin of the earth

Kepler 452b Scientific Discoveries

In July 2015, NASA reported that he had spotted the earth "Larger older cousin. "Dubbed Kepler 452B, it is 60% more diameter of the earth with a temperature similar to that of our planet. NASA described the discovery of the planet and 11 other small planets as" milestone in the trip for Find another "Earth".

A new class of antibiotics

Teixobactin Antibiotic Scientific Discoveries

As developments in antibiotics have stagnated and deaths due to antibiotic resistance increased (up to 700,000 globally), theDiscovery of Teixobactin The welcome was welcomed the news announced in 2015. Thanks to a new method, extracting medicines against bacteria to the land of the earth, the antibiotic was noted to overcome infections that other antibiotics would be incapable.

A new kind of monkey

Lesula Monkey Scientific Discoveries

Who does not like playful monkeys? And who would not be happy to learn that there is aNew kind of monkey in the world? In June 2007, researchers found the speciesCercopithecus LomamiensisMore commonly known locally like "Lesula", in the Central Democratic Republic of Congo - only the second new species of African monkey to discover over the last 30 years.

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Artificial life

Artificial Life Scientific Discoveries

One of the men behind the Human Genome Project, Craig Venter, also participated in the creation of the first artificial organism - the genome of a bacterium they created from scratch and are considered the "first form of synthetic life. "

Artificial uterus

Baby Sheep Scientific Discoveries

Up there with a fully invented form of life, is the bag of fluids that imitated a belly andSuccessfully grow a baby sheep Last year. The breakthrough eliminates the risk of pregnancy for health and has a more natural environment in which premature infants can continue to grow.

Hybrid vehicles

Hybrid Car Scientific Discoveries

Electric cars are connected for years, without getting a large part of the market largely because of their reputation as a slow and constantly reloading movement. The launch of Toyota Prius early in 21style Century has changed calculation, taking advantage of electricity without sacrificing the speed or comfort of the gas. The world has since become much more comfortable with electric.

Human pork hybrid

pig Scientific Discoveries

This is not a kind of situation of Mr. Moreau - the Human Pork Hybrid has been developed with a one-day goal, which allows us to develop our own organs inside an animal instead to rely on a donor. Human stem cellshave been implanted In a pig embryo and removed several weeks later for an analysis. And for more hair breeding facts like this, check these30 amazing facts that will make you doubt everything.

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