The 15 finals of the most controversial television series of all times

In recent years, the finals of the thrones still have fans competing.

No series of the television series can not possibly satisfyall fan. But some purposes are particularly divisive: these final chapters have fans coming outyears After broadcasting.Some people love them and some people hate themBut one thing for some - everyone has a strong opinion. OfGame Of Thrones Tohow I Met Your MotherThese are some of the finals of the most controversial television series of all time. (Warning: The biggest spoilers to come.)

Game Of Thrones

Bran in the Game of Thrones Finale
Image via HBO

The most anticipatedGame Of Thrones The final series finale was received by fans and critics with mixed feelings, to say the least. Some were happy to seeBOB STARK-AKA The Three Eyes Crow - Take the Iron Throne, while others did not understand why there was so much accumulation around Jon Snow's line, if he was not going to claim his legitimate seat. And if he had to be someone else, why was itFiber?

But while satisfied fans were not exactly jubilant on the final, the people who hated this endreally Hainted. Back when he broadcast in May 2019, a fan even started a petition to "remakeGame Of Thrones Season 8 with competent writers. "At the time of writing, petition has more than 1.8 million signatures. Too bad-There are always books.


Lost season finale
Image via bad robots productions

No, they were not all dead all the time! The real reason theLost The finish of the series was so controversial: people did not really understand it. WhatActually Arrived in the final was that the inhabitants of the island brought together in purgatory. Some of them were dead on the island early in the show; Others survived and finished only in purgatoryAfter having a full life-Livis that were not scripted or televised.

Confusion and controversy came from the fact that many people misunderstood and believed that everyone died in the aircraft at the beginning of the series. Seeing the meeting of all the characters, including those who had perished before, have made many furious people to the idea that the whole show was only a dream. It was not! What they did on the island imported! How can we always discuss that!

how I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother finale
Image via YouTube / 20th century Fox

Fans ofhow I Met Your Mother were generally not satisfied with the final series final. After nine seasons, the show was finally revealed to the fans of how Ted Mosby met this holder mother - only to kill her and that Ted finds himself with his ex, Robin, after all.

In an article forUnited States today entitled "Why I'm still mad athow I Met Your Mother, Two years later,"Kelly Lawlerwrote that "decisions to minimize the woman the spectacle past nine seasons teasing and denying Ted the happy end that (and we) was pinned, coupled at the end of wedding between Robin and Fan-Favorites Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) OUTROUARY MANY FANS. If the title of the article is an indication, people are still not on this final controversial series, even if it has been broadcast.

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl series finale
Image via YouTube / Warner Bros. Television

Gossip Girl The fans have had a lot of questions that they wanted answers to the final of the series, but the most pressing was: "Who is Gossip Girl?" As it turns out, she was ahe- "Lonely Boy" Dan Humphrey, to be exact. Wait What?

Some fans were good with this explanationGossip Girl Never really really make sense, anyway, but others were furious. In 2017,Ciara AppelBaum ToInsist I went so far on a room describing 12 times in the show when it was "impossible for Dan Humphrey to be a girl of potins". In the end, those who enjoyed the final simply chose to ignore the screaming plot holes.


Dexter tv finale
Image via ShowTime networks

"As the closing scene faded from my television screen, my reaction was neither shocked nor sadness. It was anger." What's thisRys Richardto say about theDexter Final series inVulture Back when it was broadcast in 2013. And Rys was not alone in his feelings of indignation, even if others felt more melancholy than establishing. In aReddit Ama, the show of the show,Michael C. Hall, admitted that the first thing he felt when he read that his title character - a murderous vigilant - would find himself as an isolated self-isolated lumberjack was "probably sadness".


Angel finale
Image via fox television of the 20th century

"Let's go to work," the character of the title ofangel (played byDavid Boreanaz) said before him and his team planned to stop the Apocalypse. Then he fades in the dark. Yes, the show,reversing of the emblematic seriesBuffy against vampires, ended on a cliffhanger - and one where he certainly looked like all your faves were about to die. Fans have been divided.

"At the end,angelI came back to his roots while moving things forward, and the optimist it ends is not really a cliffhanger as much as a goal declaration forangelThe show and the angel the vampire with a soul, "wroteKayla Kumari Upadhyaya ToThe AV club. But asAmanda BellTotelevision guide explained: "For many fans, the black fade ... has become a major frustration point, because [people] have not started to see if they came out victorious or just get off on this death brigade. "

Gilmore Girls: a year in life

Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life finale
Image via YouTube / Netflix

Gilmore girls The fans were for a surprise when Netflix decided toBring it back for another season In 2016. And since CreatorAmy Sherman-Palladino Had left the original iteration of the show after season 6, it was his opportunity to share the last four words she had planned to end the show with all: "Mom?" "Yes?" "I am pregnant."

Unfortunately, some spectators were not too satisfied with the way Sherman-Palladino decided to end the series. "The moment came as shock of many fans, who were stuck wondering if they had just seen theSopranos Even-sudden finish, controversial, potentially inducing, "Laura Bradley to crushVanity fair. Which makes the moment all the more crazy is that the identification of the father of the baby remains a mystery - and probably always.


Seinfeld series finale
Image via YouTube / Sony Photos

How do you finish a show that is "about nothing"? Not easily, obviously. WhenBreastfieldThe last episode broadcast to an audience of some 76 million people in 1998, it was encountered with confusion and criticism. The episode-which involved Elaine, Jerry, George and Kramer go to prison after failing to help a man to be carvoter - was weird and unsatisfactory. SameJulia Louis-Dreyfusjoked on the fact that it was "extremely disappointing".

Pretty little Liars

pretty little liars series finale
Image via YouTube / Warner Bros. Television

Fans have had several thoughts to share when thePretty little Liars The finale was over and most of them were not pretty. "I left sitting here, I feel a bit like I just lost many hours of my life for a last episode that did not really have delivered"Jennifer Maldonadoto crushJ-14 at the time. "It left me even more confused."

In the final, the anonymous antagonist known as AD was revealed to be - expect, the evil (and the British "of Spencer, who even knew that no one even knew existed. So yes, the fans were angry and it wanted to have the right to be!


Roseanne series finale
Image via YouTube / The Catsey-Werner Company

The original race ofRoseanne was a good show - until it's not. And nothing begins the disappearance of the spectacle higher than the final of the first series in 1997.

In this episode, we learn that everything we have seen throughout the last surreal season was only a product of Roseanne's imagination. In reality, Roseanne Dan's husband was dead and she "started writing about having all the money in the world" by winning the lottery as a way to deal with.Brandon Michaels ToSimple soldier summed up well when he wrote that "season 9 ofRoseanne May go down as one of the worst final seasons in the history of television. "


Smallville series finale
Image via Warner Bros. Television

Smallville, The WB-Turn-CW series on the beginning of Clark Kent / Superman's life, had a strong 10 season stroke. However, his final of the series in two parts was far from what the viewers were hoping.

Since the show was a history of origin on Superman, the fans expected toultimately See the protagonist (played byTom Welling) Completely dressed in its Superman costume in the final. Instead, all they had, it was a glimpse of the badge that Kent rocked his shirt. Welling adefended his decision Do not wear the complete combination in the show, but it did not make the final more satisfying in the fans' eyes.

Cards house

House of Cards series finale
Image via Netflix

Netflix'sCards houseStarted hard, but between a wandering plot and the controversy around the starKevin SpaceyHe found himself with a final of the series which, likeEmily Vanderwerff ToVox Put it, "feels more incomple than anything since Dexter Morgan has taken in the woods to become a lumberjack." (See above.)

So, how did the series finish? Well, most of the last season of the show turned around the mystery of who killed Frank Underwood - they had to get rid of Spacey somehow - and he was finally revealed in the last episode that the murderer was Doug Stamper, the old right man of Frank. A clear Underwood speaker Tue Doug in the oval desk with a letter and fans were supposed to applaud the heroin. Instead, many viewers felt that the episode was "a manifest conclusion to a history that could have been a powerful way to supervise a season final".


The Sopranos series finale
Image via YouTube / Chase movies

Did Tony Soprano live or die at the end ofSopranos? That's what fans were left wondering when the finale was cut in the dark while the boss of the crowd was hanging out with his family with a dinner. "Just like that,Sopranoswas over, "James Hunt ToScriptwriter Explain. "Not with a bang nor a groan, but simply ... vast nothingness." It worked for some, but not for viewers who wanted a real closure.

St. Elsewhere

St. Elsewhere season finale
Image via MTM Enterprises

There are controversial television terminations, then there is theSt. ElsewhereThe final of the series. The episode starts normally, but at the end of the end, we look at an autistic child named Tommy playing with a globe of snow and learn thatall the show-The characters, the hospital, everything was simply a product of his imagination. Seriously?!

True blood

True Blood series finale
Image via YouTube / Warner Bros. National television

The drama of vampireTrue blood Had one of the most controversial television finals of all time, but it's not as if the show had been strong in the years that led to that. It could be because two seasons before the show ended up for a good showrunnerAlan ballsewn, leaving everyone to attach thenumerousend. The final had a murder, a marriage and a maternity - and yet, likeMelissa MaerzToWeekly entertainmentNoted: "Something on the fadine of [IT] felt almost offensive."

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