11 winter safety tips supported by the experts that everyone should follow in 2019

From what you're going to what you drink, this board will keep you safe after winter.

With falling temperatures and snow begins to fall,The winter time is here-And, unfortunately, the challenges that accompany it. The coldest season of the year hasserious effects on your healthYour home and many other aspects of your life, but we talked about some experts to get tips on safety and warm, whatever the storms you find yourself. Push the frostbits and avoid other misfortunes of cold weather with theseWinter safety tips This will help you even fight the worst of what Subzero temperatures bring.

Keep a copy paper from emergency contacts and important numbers.

woman writing down important phone numbers in address book

The serious time is a common cause of power outages, and we all know that winter can bring some of the most extreme storms. In fact, according to the 2014 data ofWeather, 18% of the flow failures related to the weather between 2003 and 2012 were caused by extreme storms of cold or ice. To avoid being completely isolated and vulnerable in case you encounter a power failure at home, keep an up-to-date physical document fromEmergency contacts And other important numbers that you can locate, even in the dark. Because, although you can not load your smartphone if the power is out, this reliable fixed line can always have a tone!

Keep an emergency cold kit in your car.

man with snow all over his car

Snow, ice and poor visibility that winter brings driving conditions less than ideal, resulting in an increase in accidents. According toU.S. Ministry of Administration of the Federal Road of the Transportation Department, 18% of the car accidents related to weather conditions occur during snow or snow, 16% take place on the snowy or suspense roadway, and 13% occur on ice cream. SoWhen you have to drive In the wrong winter weather - or any bad weather, it is better to be prepared for the worst.

"With the extreme cold, the accidents of the car that occur can be even more murderer," saysLewis Peters of the winter security websiteRock salt online. "What we recommend involves packing a small winter essential bag like pocket lamps, car chargers, bottled water, warm clothes and snacks in the trunk of a car, which will increase considerably The chances of survival if an accident occurs. "

Do not wear cotton.

family out in the snow together with mom and grandmother

Be sure thatwarm clothing You pack in your emergency car kit consists of the right subject. We all love the touch and the feeling of cotton, all easy and illegal, but in the cold, cotton should not be the fabric of your life. Not only does this not give little to no insulation of the cold, but can also absorb a lot of water up to 27 times its weight, according to the experts of theAppalachian Mountain Club. And wearing humid clothes in cold weather is one of many ways to get hypothermia. Instead, theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wearing tissues such as wool, silk or polypropylene for internal layers.

Keep thermal covers at home and in your car.

emergency thermal blankets in a row

Another thing you should have in this emergency kit? Thermal covers, which can help you at the coldest cold weather, saysSam Mazlech, an outdoor survival expert withWellness glacier. "The cheapest and easiest way to make sure that you and your family will always be safe in winter consists of buying a box of emergency thermal covers," says Maizlech. "You can even keep some in your car in case of failure. They are extremely small and compact, and several can easily integrate into any glove compartment."

Know your vocabulary related to the weather.

country road snow storm

With so many different types ofWinter weather conditionsIt's hard to know exactly what to expect when you hear an alert, come on TV or radio. And in case you could not turn to Google because of a power failure, you must have a general understanding about what some winter weather terms mean for you to know.

For example, a "winter storm watch" means that the dangerous winter time islikely To arrive within 12 to 24 hours, while a "winter storm warning" means bad winter time is imminent. To develop your winter time lexicon, you can consult theAlmanac of the old farmer, which has a complete list.

Do not drink too much.

a group of friends in winter gloves tapping alcohol glasses in cheers

With all theholiday festivities The winter brings, it is difficult to resist this second glass of chicken milk or cider at spikes. But despite this warm feeling wethinkWe get our favorite adult drinks, a 2005 pivotal study published in the journalAlcohol I found that the intoxicant actually reduces the central temperature of your body. So, after a few hot toddies, do not use the cold without being well dressed simply because youto feel warm.

Cover your hands and feet in particular.

girl blowing snow with gloves on

"Properly dressed" for winter means protecting the ends of your body, where frostbite cases occur most often, depending on theMAYO Clinic.

When you are cold, your body pulls the blood from your hands and feet to your core to warm your overall body temperature and vital organs. But this leads to a decrease in blood flow at your ends, which can cause frostbite the value of having a good pair of gloves, winter boots and hot socks.

Stretch regularly to avoid injury.

woman stretching in the winter

Avoidingwinter injuries Maybe not your first thought this holiday season, but in cold weather, it is important to stretch, even if you do not plan for exercise. "To avoid winter injuries, doelongation a regular part of your day, "saysAllen Conrad, CSCS, owner ofMontgomery County Chiropractic Center. "When time gets colder, the muscles contract and tighten, which makes them more prone to injury. Regularelongation The winter months can help prevent back pain and sciatica. "

Check your carbon monoxide detector.

carbon monoxide detector on the wall, safety tips

According toCDCThe winter months bring an increased risk of fatal carbon monoxide poisoning due to the constant operation of home heating systems. In fact, there are more than 400 deaths in the United States of unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning each year and more than 20,000 visits to the emergency room, depending on theCDC.

The good news is that this is easily preventable. The first step is to make sure your detector works properly and change the batteries at the beginning of the winter season. And the next step is ...

Ask your heating system served.

man fixing radiator heating system in home

There is no doubt that your heating system will get a lot of use in winter, so it is imperative that you ensure that it is in good working order.Aydra Allen, an expert in heating withECA GAINEWORKS, says your HVAC system should be repaired at least twice a year - one of these timesJust before winter hits.

"Yourheating system should be cleaned, the filters must be modified and a CVC technician should give yoursystem A complete inspection, "she says. This can prevent any failure or complications with your heating system that can lead toPotential hazards in winter For you and your home.

Be careful with space heaters.

woman warming up next to a space heater

Everyone wants a hot house where it's cold outside, and sometimes it requires bringing an extra heat source for optimal appearance, such as a space heater. But this comes with another set of concerns, considering that more than 65,000fire at home In the United States are caused by heating equipment each year, depending on theInternational Electrical Security Foundation (EFSI).

So, how do you stay hotandsafe? "Unplug your space heater when you are out of the room," saysMatthias Alleckna, an energy analyst withEnergy rate in Canada. "Not only will you save money not to heat an empty room, but you can also mitigate the risk of overheating or malfunctioning and burning the house." The EFSI also recommends that you maintain space heating devices at least three feet from any flammable material, including clothing and carpets.

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