These are the health risks that hide in your bedroom

Unfortunately, your sanctuary is not such a sanctuary after all.

Your room should be your refuge - where you pay back andrest without stressors or anxious. Well, we are sorry to tell you that, but if you are looking forward to germs, your room is not quite the sanctuary you thought it was. The truth is that your bedroom is a real breeding ground for all health risks, those you have probably heard about (bed bugs) to those you certainly have not (a small thing called MSRA). Read on the particular health risks that hide in your bedroom that will motivate you to wash your sheets ... tonight!

Dust allergies

man in bed lies over 40

If you think that housekeeping is just a pile of harmless fuzz, think again. The dust is actually consisting of a ton of different microscopic elements, including tiny bugs and dead cells of human skin. Many people are allergic to dust mites, and they notice it especially when they clean their room and that dust is disturbed, causing sneezing and a flowing nose.

According toMAYO ClinicThere are many ways to reduce exposure to dust mites, including using allergen bed blankets, washing your at least weekly bedding, keeping moisture in the lower room, aspire regularly and cleaning any clutter. able to collect dust.

Pollen allergies

woman sneezing on couch, contagious conditions

During the outdoor allergy season, essentially, all the time, with the exception of the winter deaths, it is possible that the pollen attaches to your hair. And when you jump in bed without washing the hair first, all this pollen on your head jumps on your pillow, the thing you spend hours putting your face every night. So, unless you plan to wash your hair with diligence before going to bed every night, it's just a reason for youChange your pillow case at once.

Mold allergies and asthma

woman rubbing eyes health tweaks over 40
Shutterstock / Syda Productions

Of course, mold is especially in kitchens,bathroomand the basements. But if your home is sufficiently humid, it can grow anywhere, including your bedroom. By peopleTo spill, a sleep research company, prosperous mold where there is wallpaper. So your decoration of the room could be the culprit of yourSymptoms of mold exposure, which include aqueous, itchy or red eyes; wheezing, sneezing or coughing; a flowing nose; or a rash.

Insect bites

dry skin mach scratching an itch on arm

We all woke up with a mysterious bite and asked me what creatures are hiding in our rooms. Chances are, the small red bumps you do not have spiders; They are either bites of other arthropods, such as fleas, or much more innocently, result from a chemical reaction,Chris buddle, Ph.D., an arachnologist at McGill University, saidMoron. The solution? It's simple: Wash your leaves!

Drawing pins

bed bugs

Once theseUnwanted lesfellows Do yourself in your home, good luck to go out. Unfortunately, you can literally pick up bed bugs anywhere, but, according to theNational Association in Mauge Des ParasitesThe hotels are the most common tribunals. Once inside, bed bugs "get at home in your house and night, they morded to leave red itching bumps on your skin," saysDavid Cutler, MD, Family Medicine Doctor at the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

Colds and flu

woman on couch sneezing into tissue, signs your cold is serious

If someone of your household - a roommate, a partner, a child - descends with something, there is a good chance that you catch it too. AsDaniel Ganjian, MD, a pediatrician at Providence Saint John's, notes, cold viruses, such as syncytial respiratory virus (RSV) and rhinovirus - can easily rebound surface on the surface on your home. Seeing that you spend the more time in your room (I hopeAt least eight hours a day), It is natural to assume that space could be the most loaded with germs. By the time someone falls ill, there is only one thing to do: Start cleaning!


Close up Girl applying aloe gel to problematic skin with acne scars, Health care products at medical industry. girl gently touches her forehead with pimples on her skin.

Poiwipedae ​​by a sudden acne breeze? Blame your pillowcase (then go through the washing). "Acne Mechanica is any type of acne resulting from material or objects that affect your face"David E. Bank, MD, director and founder ofThe center of dermatology, cosmetic and laser surgery, RecountHuffPost. "When your pillowcase is not bleached or changed regularly, an accumulation of dirt and environment of the environment as well as your skin and hair touch the pillow is transferred to your skin. This can obstruct pores and cause imperfections. "

Hand, foot and sickness of the mouth

woman scratching rash on arm, signs your cold is serious

If you are around the children, you have probably heard about (and are terrified from) the hand, feet and mouth disease. This viral infection causes a rash and, according to theChildren's Hospital of Orange CountyIt's extremely contagious. If you have little ones falling with it, make sure to disinfect the house, including all the rooms and places commonly touched like door buttons.


two hands opening a closet door

Staphylococcus Aureus Resistant to Methicillin - Better known as SARM - is a type of bacteria that can cause a variety of infections, including skin abscesses, explains Ganjian. According toDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)SARM can survive on surfaces such as towels and furniture for hours, days or even weeks. Apartwash one's handsThe best way to stop the propagation of MRSA is to use cleaners and disinfectants on all surfaces located in a bedroom touched with door buttons, light switches and closet doors.



Spend a lot of time in bed - whether it's because of a disease, an injury or a little bad days - and you run the risk of developing bedding. According toJohns Hopkins MedicineThe bedsores are ulcers that are formed on zones of the skin under pressure to lie down, seated in a wheelchair or carrying a cast iron for a prolonged period. Tickets can be prevented by ensuring that a person turns and rests to bed every two hours and taking care of their skin by keeping it clean and dry. And to get as comfortable on your mattress as possible, learn in these15 genius tips to become more comfortable in bed.

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