10 smart ways to spend in winter when you wait in the summer

Tired of winter? These tips will bring an indispensable summer energy to your life.

Yes, the holidays are finished and a new year (in fact, a new decade!) Is in progress. But it hardly means that spring is on his way. In fact, depending on where you live in the country, this could be several months beforeThe snow begins to thaw. If you could already use a sunny summer energy dose in your life, see these 10 ideas for channeling summer spirit to spend in the winter.

Doing Feng Shui work.

green living room

Add some lightness to your home by taking some simple feng shui steps, such as the triggering of the soul, and bring the aerial feel of these last days in your life. "Together to group and nest in winter can feel comforted at the beginning, but can finally lead to feeling stuck in hibernation," says Feng Shui ExpertDana Claudat. "When you take the first steps to deduce your home for a few minutes every day, you open a flow of revitalizing and magnetic energy."

Bring light in.

roaring fire in fireplace

Although the summer brings the longest days of the year, winter has the shortest. Fortunately, you can maximize the feeling of light in winter small but useful. "When you turn a lot of candles orturn on a fireplace, you can capture more exciting sparks and momentum of summer months, "suggests Claudat. She also says that you should "try earlier and look outside, or outdoors, for a few minutes from morning light to stimulate your mood. and develop the hours of light in your life. And open your curtains and blinds more often to bring more light all day. "

Cooking with summer products.

fresh summer fruits in basket

Of course, there are many reasons why you would like to cook with local and seasonal products. But if you can put your hands on summer ingredients during the winter, even if it's frozen or canned, you can give yourself a shock of the hot season when you need it most. Think of beets, corn, peppers, apricots, plums, cherries, blackberries, nectarines, strawberries, fisheries, passion fruit and melons.

Have fresh flowers in the house.

fresh flowers in vase

Fresh flowers have an effect on your views of sight, odors and your senses. And a summer selection can reallylighten up your mood through the sensory spectrum. "Fresh flowers can bring the perfume and the endless summer feeling to your weekly home and surrounds me with creative inspiration," says Claudat. "Rich Fire Colors - Shiny games, hot roses, red and orchids - are incredible to wear and splash around your home to bring tropical heat and excitement every day."

Sip a summer cocktail.

homemade mai tai cocktails

Nothing says summer like sweet sweet cocktails with a taste that immediately evokes the tropical holidays - and May Tai could be the mother of them all, with his flavors of rum, pineapple and coconut. (Bave again?)Spirits of cutting waterJust publish a version you can get in a box: The HAI TII Tai Tai Tai Tai Bali rum will transport you to a tropical beach this winter. Well, almost.

Surround yourself from Breezy Perfumes.

homemade scented candles

There are tons of ways to conduct evocative summer smells in your life in winter. Work on your perfect beach waves using theSun Bum Texturing Sea Spray It smells like a sunscreen. Light a scented candle, likeJemma Sands' Waikiki,with notes ofsUnth Atan Oil and Coconut. Or spritz onBobbi Brown's Beach Perfume, holidays in an atomizer.

Wake up to fresh pinch juice.

young woman drinking juice

Start your winter days with freshly squeezed orange juice treats, a little head in summer for your palate, no matter how time can be cold. Keep your citrus fruit stock in a clear glass container on your kitchen for an extra dose of joy all day.

Fill your home with greenery.

living room with green plants

When winter has stripped all the leaves of the trees outside your windows, you can bring back a feeling of summer in the house by filling out your space withLuxurious green plants. Many options are inexpensive, low maintenance and beauty. In addition, they clean air and encourage the indoor environment.

Choose a brilliant white bedding.

bright white bedroom

Even if you sleep under heavy edders in the winter, exchanging dark colors for clean white options, can brighten up your bedroom and give it a summer atmosphere, while keeping you a lot of hot weather. White gives the illusion of regulation, even if your bedding is strongly filled for a seasonal appearance.

Make themselves inside.

cookies chocolate and marshmallow for smores

It is traditionally a summer favorite, whipped around a campfire or a fire of beach joy. But they are easily done inside too, when weather turns cold. Get this summer taste roasting your marshmases on a fireplace, a hob or in the toaster ... All that works!

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: wellness / winter
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