That's what life is like after a diagnosis of cancer
"I'm never afraid I do not get there all day."

When Ann, a childcare specialist of a small town in Michigan, was 28 years old, a rare form of lymphoma - a type of cancer starts in cells being part of the body's immune system.
The road of its diagnosis was not easy. When she was only seven years old, she had suffered bizarre, painful and demanguated brands on her body, as well as digestive problems. She visited several specialists to try to understand the root of the problem, who all reacted with a wave of revocative hand.
"Doctors did not believe my complaints and they did not take me seriously,"RecountBetter life. "When I was 26 years old, I started going to doctors in New York and the same thing happened. They did not think the symptoms were connected and they were very busy and very impolite."
After six months of being pushed and stitched in each part of the body imaginable at the Memorial Hospital Sloan Kettering - and called a "mysterious case" fascinating and "unicorne medical", was finally diagnosed.
"I probably had the most weird reaction because I just started to smile," she said on the day of her diagnosis. "By then, I do not care what it was, as long as I had something to call it." Read what his life looked like after receiving his diagnosis - and if his story inspires you closer to your own health, make sure you know the20 cancer symptoms most commonly neglected.
1 The treatment begins
It was April 2017 and that followed two months of oral chemotherapy, which are drugs that fight the cancer you are taking by the mouth in the form of tablets or capsules.
"I did not realize that it was more difficult, but everyone around me said they could say that he was taking the toll of me," she said. Chemotherapy was not effective, so they had to have noted the dosage, obliging Ann to leave a job she really liked. "I worked as a specialist in nanny and childcare for a family with whom I had five days a week for two years and that they were absolutely wonderful. They were so favorable. But I knew I n 'Was not able to do it's physically once they dubbed my dose. "
2 "I was so foggy."

She spent the next five months cope with chemotherapy, splitting her time between New York and her mother's house in Florida.
"Physically, I was very weak. But it was not so bad that it could have been because I would not have had chemotherapy IV, which can be very hard. But oral chemotherapy is hard in its own way. I was very tired. I was very tired. All the time, and very foggy. My chemo brain was bad, to the point where I went to visit my sister, we risk knowing how I would eliminate the mid-term . I would forget words, it was my biggest thing. Very simple words like "and" or "it." It was really frustrating but my sister was great to make her funny. "
3 Cope with physical changes

Curiously, the fact that the chemo made Ann felt so easier to deal with the whole process of emotionally. "I was so foggy, nothing really hits me too hard. I think it was also a defense mechanism, because you are just in survival mode at this point," she says.
In addition to sleeping all the time, she has also been constantly nauseating. She had to eat a very restricted diet to stay food. His skin was incredibly sensitive to the sun and she would have painful burns in minutes. She lost a third of her hair and color completely changed from a blonde strawberry to a much darker red.
"Being physically changed after the chemo helped me face, because I'm not the same person I was before, and that's okay. Life is growth and learning."
4 Treat with loved ones

One of the surprising things of Ann learned that having cancer was that people rarely consider the important impact that the diagnosis of relatives.
While the Ann's Live Habnfriend has been extremely supportive of the whole process, she knew it was not easy for him to see her pass through.
"Sometimes, to be loved and to be in love is the best part and the worst part of being" sick ". I had to learn that it does not simply happen to me and that, by simply giving me, my health had the potential to destroy [my boyfriend] one day. It could still ... and I wear a guilty about it. However, it took me a lot of time after losing my father to admit that love was worth this kind of pain. I will die or he died one day, and so morbid that it sounds, it is almost inspiring to know that, not to be fantastic. The world about it. One of my favorite quotes is the "childhood is The Kingdom where no body dies ". We are adults, and we die. I do not plan anymore, but I plan to love very hard until that day."
His mother was another emotional battle, given his understandable mistrust of doctors. When Ann was 18, she lost her father because of medical professional misconduct.
"My mother was against me going through the whole process of just having a diagnosis, because she thought he could heal what was wrong with me through natural medicine. So I had to have a conversation with her several times I have said, "You" I tried to heal me through natural medicine all my life, and I'm always very sick ... For the longest time, she refused to believe that it was what they said. But she came now, at least in the diagnosis. "
5 The best case of scenario

As Ann says, his story "does not necessarily have a happy end." Last October, she was withdrawn from the chemo, because she was doing more harm than good and started doing radiation therapy instead.
"It's not as bad as chemotherapy, but it's that you really devoid of all your energy. I have to go at least three times a week. It burns your skin as after a very bad skin Sun burning. But I'm not as foggy, so for me, it's great. "
The worst case is that cancer could metastasize and go on its spleen, liver, brain or bone marrow. The best scenario is that they will be able to get it out of his body, but the chances of doing so with a disorder as rare are not high, at least for the moment.
"I live my life just assuming that the best case scenario. I can not too pity. And I think it comes from the death of my father, when I was so filled with pity, then I have Heard my mom crying with herself in his room and I thought: "I have to stop of oneself. Because this is not happening. Life is bad for many people, and sometimes it's worse. "
6 To stay positive
Through all these difficulties, Ann has managed to remain positive, which, for what it is worth, has been confirmed byscience like one of the personality traits that lead to a long and healthy. "I was just not sad about it. So much of my energy was about this negative thing, I did not want it to be worse than it was already, and if I spent time to emphasize about it, it's was just going to do all the other moments I could have been much worse. "
7 "I already had the worst day of my life."
Ann did not takeYale's happiness pathBut I - and one of his deeper lessons focuses on the emotional effectiveness of realizing that it is useful to put things in perspective. Every day, you can feel better simply in remembering that things could be much worse.
Depending on the course, really happy people make a list in their minds every day things they are grateful, and it's something that comes naturally in Ann.
"I had the day when someone you like dies, so I know what it sounds like, and it's basically the pillar that the bad days unfold against. It is almost impossible for me to have a bad day, I have difficult days. I have tired days. But it's not bad days. Because I have already had the worst day of my life, which was the sudden death of my father and, you know what I survived that day and I survived the days after that. And then I had diagnosed with cancer and, you know what, I survived that day too. I never let myself be afraid of not doing it through the day. "
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