40 things that nurses want to know you knew

These little known secrets could potentially save your life.

Although doctors, surgeons and other health professionals are all critical to keep you healthy, there is a group of people you will probably interact with more combined: your nurses.

That you areVisit your doctor for a balance sheet Or you are found at the hospital for a prolonged stay, nurses are the people who will follow your care and attend your needs. To help you understand everything that happens behind the scenes with these hard work professionals, we asked for nurses in former nurses they want their patients to know.

In the emergency, you are seen in the order of how you are sick.

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In an emergency room or an urgent health center, you could find yourself longer than expected, declares nurseLauren Mochizuki, Rn, BSN. However, there is a reason for that. "In any urgent or emergency environment, patients can be seen on the basis of the disease they are sick, no time they arrived," she explains. "In other words, the patient who issuffering from a heart attack Or neurological deficits will be seen in front of a patient with a broken arm or a cough. "

We often feel undervalued.

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"Being a nurse is an ungrateful job," Mochizuki said. "We do it because we love what we do." However, that does not mean that you should notExpress your gratitude If a nurse comes out of their way to treat you well. Mochizuki says that when someoneIs Come back to say "Thank you", it has a lot because it makes it feel like it has made a positive and lasting difference.

The bad medicinecan Use the pharmacy.

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According toAmelia Roberts, Rn, BSN, Sometimes the bad medicine is called at the pharmacy. Therefore, it is up to the patient to ensure that everything seems to ok before taking their prescription. "Always check the bottles during the pharmacy and interrogate everything that is unknown," she says.

We appreciate when we are treated with kindness and respect.

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Nurses take their jobs seriously because lives literally depend on their care. And since how long and effort they put in their practice, you must make sure you are respectful every time you are in contact with a nurse, says Mochizuki.

Going to the bathroom is sometimes a luxury.

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"I want to go to the bathroom as much as possible humanely", noteBonnie Emery, Rn, BSN,A pension nurse. Indeed, many nurses we talked about mentioned that the use of toilets is a luxury, which is extremely difficult to integrate into a typical offset.

Your call lamp must be used, but only when you really need.

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Appeal lighting is a real asset for patients, especially for those with mobility problems or have no family with them in the room to help them. However, the excessive use of call light is not fun for nurses, see how they already havea lot on their plate. "I will gladly answer your call to your call but do not close the door two inches or turn on the television," says Emery.

Hospitals are cold for a reason.

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Do not complain about the temperature of your hospital room. As a nurse of New Orleans explained inThe Nursing Journal"It's cold for a reason to kill bacteria. It can not survive in cold temperatures."

Our work environment can affect the health of our patients.

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The way a nurse is treated by their colleagues and their bosses can affect their emotions, but also the care you receive. A 2019 study published inPenn Nursing I found that a better working environment for nurses was associated with a lower likelihood of a wide range of negative results, including from any unsatisfaction with a nursing job for patient mortality.

You must report medical events and medicines to your main doctor.

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While your hospital could use the same computerized recording system as yourprimary, it's not always the case. This is why it is essential to leave your primary care practitioner namely hospitalizations, medical events and drug modifications, says Roberts. "You are your best lawyer," she says.

We often sacrifice our working time with family.

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Hospitals never close - and because of this, nurses must be present 24 hours a day. The work-shift of a nurse can run for 12 hours or more, saysShagay Carter, Rn, BSN,founder ofWomen of Integrity, Inc., which means that the duration of the family for an RN can be difficult to come (or must be planned in advance).

Each patient is a priority.

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The amount of patients a nurse is responsible for daily variation and sometimes the number of people may seem overwhelming. However, it does not have an impact on the care you receive, says Carter.

"Even when our load patient can be difficult, we treat each [single] as a priority," she explains. "We embodiment of compassion and empathy, which allows us to take care of you for 12 hours."

Positive and healthy habits should beyour priority.

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James Cobb, Rn, MSN, founder ofThe dream recovery systemNote that many nurses want their patients to know how to build positive habits for themselves. "A good core of daily positive habits could have an incredible impact their lives," he explains. "Habits ofobtain regular exercises. Habits to limit yourself to a single soda or beer. The reason why this is so powerful is that a habit increases much less willingness to maintain an action that is not a habit. There is not so much thought there. It's automatic. "

We love patients who care about their care.

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Shutterstock / Syda Productions

Marlon Saria, PhD, Rn, an advanced practice nurse researcher at theJohn Wayne Cancer Institute of the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California, admits that he sometimes plays favorites, but not in the way you might think.

"My favorite patients are those who are involved andengaged with their care, "he says." I like patients who ask me what medications I give them. I like patients who can tell me the name, dose and side effects of the drug they will receive. "

And we encourage you to ask questions!

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Saria also appreciatesWhen patients ask questions. "All patients will not know their treatment plan. All patients will know everything they need to know about the treatment they will receive. In these cases, I like when they ask for more information," he says. "The nurses wear many hats: clinician, lawyer,educator. As an educator, I know I do my job if my patient can practice self-care. I know I will not be with them 24-7 So, my educator work is essential because I give them the tools they need to take care of themselves. "

Beware of the internet support groups.

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Finding an online support group can be a great way to connect with other people who can go through the same medical problems. However,Victoria Ruffing, Rn-BC, Director of Patient Education at the Arthritis Center of Johns Hopkins,Remarks That these groups often become a breeding ground for misinformation or "most common scenarios" and can help contribute to a negative free space.

We really care about our patients.

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"I would like my patients to know how much I'm dealing with my colleagues," says Saria. He notes that, while the behavior of a nurse does not always seem externaliable, they are masks that health care providers put to protect themselves and their patients. Behind the scenes, the nurses worry when statistics start to slide toward the descent and poured tears when they learn a patientCancer returned.

End-of-life care is a real specialty of nurses.

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Judy Flickinger, Rn, author ofSpirit imports: how to stay fully alive with limited life disease,Note that many people do not take into account what is often the most important part of end-of-life care: keeping the mind of a living person and well.

"People must hop that the end of their lives does not need to be a miserable experience, sometimes filled with terror, as often happens when people are not informed," she says. "As a welcoming nurse at retirement, I know that misconceptions of patients, misinformation and ignorance of patients cause unnecessary, physically and emotionally suffering."

Hospitals are chronically under-effected.

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The nursing industry as a whole has a problem of scarcity of serious staff, declares nurseBrittany Dinatale, Rn, BSN. She notes that there is currently no recourse to remedy the situation, even if there is a directcorrelation between the staffing levels and the safety of patients.

Our profession has been elected the most confidence for a decade.

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Do not be afraid to put your faith in the hands of your nurse. For 17 consecutive years, the nursing profession was noted the highest for honesty and ethics bySwallow, exceeding medical doctors, pharmacists, high school teachers, police and accountants.

When you have a baby, your doctor will probably not stay there with you.

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Someparents-to-be are upset when their carefully chosen obstetrician does not stay in the room throughout their work. However, it's extremely common, saysShelly Lopez Gray, MSN, RNC, IBCLC. This is because suppliers have other patients to see and at surgical schedules to join. Instead, you will have many more contacts with your care team.

We are often caregivers for our families.

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Nurses do not care about patients who are affected. Instead, while Saria notes, they also care about a member of the sick family such as an elderly parent or a sick sick brother. "I know how difficult it is for [a nurse] to take care of a complete stranger while at the back of their minds, they are worried about their loved ones," he shares.

We are on your side.

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Hilary Erickson, Rn, BSN, founder ofPullingNote that she really wants people to know how many nurses root themselves for them. "I think Google has made people so tired of the medical facility they do not trust [nurses] to guide them," she says.

We can find doctorates.

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There are many differentdegrees and certifications that nurses must obtain before starting their work, ranging from a certified nurse assistant certification (NAC) to a licensed practical nurse certification (LPN). However, nursing education does not have to stop after these requirements. Some people continue to get a mastery or even a doctorate, which is what Saria did.

"Many people are always exclaiming," Do you have a doctorate? "When they see my work badge," he says. "As [in] any other area, nurses with Ph.D.s are following scientific methods for conducting research."

Becoming a nurse takes a lot of work, skills and dedication.

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Meika Mirabelli, JD, MSN, FNP-C, founder ofBeauty in a white layer, can guarantee that becoming a nurse is not an easy exploit. She practiced the law for several years before making a career change to the nurse practitioner - and she knew no idea how much work a nurse was until she actuallywas a.

"I think nurses are often classified as individuals who are doing orders, drugs grow clean medications and patients, but there is more to us than that," she says. "We think critically, we will save lives and we care about patients and their families often. We provide knowledge and we are the care line of the patient face - the face they see for 24 hours per day."

There are five things we need to be right with regard to your medications.

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Drug Administration Properly is one of the most crucial jobs as a daily nurse attends - and it's not always as simple as you might think.Susan J. Farese, Rn, MSN,who has been a RN since 1978 and was an active military nurse over 12 years old, Explain that each nurse crosses a checklist before administering anything.

This checklist ensures that they areadminister To the correct patient of the correct dose via the correct route (oral, intravenous, etc.), and at the right time. "

You should bring hard copies from your folders with you if you can.

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Yes, modern doctor's offices and hospitals have easy access to online recordings. However, Roberts notes that it is sometimes better to wear a hard copy of your folders if you want a new supplier to watch them. Not only is this faster in this way, but it also guarantees that there is no hiccup when your new office goes looking for your old recordings.

There is a reason why we are always on the computer.

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James Kurtz, Rn, andJessica Rothman Rn, BSNThe nurses of the Presbyterian Penn Medical Center relate to both patients who say they spend too much time playing with a computer. However, KurtzRemarks It's "really we would docally our nursing assessment, looking for laboratory values ​​and ensure that we are up to date on our orders to provide the best care possible to our patients."

Sleep in a hospital can be difficult to come.

woman trying to sleep in hospital
Biaimbash / Sharon McCutcheon

If you are admitted to a hospital for hospitalized care, it is likely that you do not sleep a lot of sleep. And it's not just to be in an unknown place in an unknown bed, either. It is rather because "hospitalized patients usually have their vital signs verified every four hours"Nancy Brook, Rn, MSN, a nurse practitioner and educator atStanford Hospital and Clinics, RecountThe Nursing Journal.

Hydration is essential before the blood draw.


It's hard to do a lot to prepare for a blood drawing, butAbby huff, rn, RecountShareCare This thing you can do is increase your water consumption. If you are going to get your blood pull, drink two or three glasses of water beforehand, "she says. "If you aredehydratedIt's a lot harder for us to find a vein, which means more to stitch with the needle. "

You should always talk to us about all allergies.

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People are not always ready to shareallergy Information, perhaps because they feel that information is unimportant. However,Susan Roland, ANP, SHAREARE said that it is crucial to share this information, no matter what.

"It's very important to report all the history of adverse drug reactions or agents in the past," she says. "If the penicillin hurts your face and your breathing has funny six months ago, it is likely to do the same thing again. Please give your nurse this information as well as any food allergy. »

Do not forget to mention the supplements, too.

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If you take vitamins or othersOVER-THE-COUNTER supplements, You must tell your care providers than information too. Although you might think that these "natural" pills can not have an impact your care, many of them can causeSide effects Or even interact with other medicines.

Do not hesitate to check with us even after your stay.

welcome desk at hospital
UNSPLASH / Martha Dominguez de Gouveia

Once your stay at the hospital is over, you will probably continue to be impacted by the quality of your nurses gave you while you were there. It's a great idea to check with them at a later date, even if it's just saying "Hello" or "Thank you".Brenda Stayley, RnSaharecare said that "nurses like when patients come back when they are just saying a good hello is one of the biggest rewards for nurses. To see their patients do well after taking care of [the]. »

Intensive care nurses are not you are busy ignorant.

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If you or a family member are in the intensive care unit, you will probably expect more attention from nurses because of a smaller patient charge. However, sometimes the nurse is not there at every moment, and there is a reason for that. "In the intensive care unit, it is frustrating when patients say that we neglect or ignore them ... when in reality if I'm not sitting outside the room of my patient so I'm in Another piece help with a crashing patient or coding, "an ICU nurse saidHEALTHY WAY.

You should not talk while your vital signs take itself.

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A nurse will be to take your pulse, temperature, blood pressure and respiratory frequency as part of a base when you balance a doctor. However, it can be difficult to hear on the sound of the clatter of a patient's voice throughout their body, so it is better not to speak during these exams.


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Although the instructions can vary from a surgeon surgeon, most surgeons and nurses want (and appreciate) a patient who arrives for freshly bathed surgery, according toMEDLINE PLUS. And if you take a bath or not, avoid applying lotions, deodorants, perfumes, makeup, after-shaving lotion and powder before surgery.

Use portal for patients in your care provider.

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Many hospitals and doctors' firms now provide patients with access to their own online medical records, usually via what is called a "patient portal. Via the patient portal, you can see laboratory results, ask questions from your caregiver, and even see your clinical notes. "These online portals are one of the best tools we have to give you the means of your own care,"Annette Hetzel, Rnexplained in Creakyjoints. "It can feel like something to do, but it's worth it a few extra minutes. »

Know that what you say will remain confidential.

patient with doctor holding clipboard

TheHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that ensures that your personal medical information remains confidential. This means that even if you are not sure to share some health information, do not worry; Not only having health professionals (likely) heard before, but they are also held by the federal law not to share this information unless you allow them specifically.

WHO said 2020 as the international year of the nurse and midwife.

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To help recognize the work of nurses and midwives around the world, theWorld Health Organization (WHO) declared 2020 the year of the nurse and the midwife. This statement further recognizes the essential functions of nurses, two occupations that account for more than 50 percent of the health workforce in many countries.

The nursing profession is the largest occupation of the health of the nation.


According toAmerican Association of Nursing Colleges (AACA), nursing care is the largest occupation of nation's health. From coast to coast, more than 3.8million IA.

We are more vulnerable to certain diseases and injuries.

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Nurses spend a lot of walking time, lifting, flexing, stretching, and standing, and as such, they are at a higher risk ofThe experience of the back injuries. They are also constantly in contact with people who have contagious diseases, which makes them more likely to get sick at some point.

Due to these risk factors, nurses follow strict guidelines to minimize diseases and injuries, and they are often undergoing training to keep these fresh protocols in their minds.

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