17 folding things that are actually good for your body

It's time to grab your hula hoop and put eggs on your face!

We learn early enough that living a healthy life is not the science of the rocket.Eat well,Exercise often,have a good night, and everything will be fine, right? This can be true, but you could also become much more creative with the way you do exactly your body. There are surprising things you do every day - or could do - who are perfect for your general well-being. So catch your hula hula and crash eggs on your face because you are about to learn more about things that are really good for your body.


kids hula hooping at a park

You might think of a hula hoop as a toy for children and circus artists, but it's a legitimately good fitness tool. According toMAYO ClinicHula hooping for 30 minutes burns, on average, 165 calories for women and 200 for men. The best of all: it's a total explosion!

Speak to yourself

woman holding speech bubble

The company says that talking to yourself is strange at best. But in reality, it's one of the best things you can do for your mental health. "If we are talking strong, it forces us to slow down our thoughts and treat them differently because we are committing the language centers of our brain"Dr. Jessica Nicolosi, a clinical psychologist based in New York, saysNBC News. "In telling us, we become more deliberate, and it creates a slower process to think, feel and act, instead of being bombarded by our thoughts."


woman sleeping naked

Get a good night's sleep does not just mean having enough hours every night (seven to nine, ideally) It also means that these hours arequality hours. And, according to theNational Sleep Foundation (NSF), regulate your body temperature is an essential element of good sleep. So, what is the easiest way to keep your body temperature in the target range of60 to 67º Fahrenheit? Minimize the amount of clothing on your person. After all, your body temperature fluctuates all night and reducing the amount of layers around you means that you better control this fluctuation. So stripez before jumping to bed!

Drinking coffee before a nap

man drinking espresso outside ways we're unhealthy

Yes, it may seem counter-intuitive, but if you want to harvest the greatest rewards of a nap, a cup of coffee beforehand. The key is to drink it just before hitting the pillow. While you're asleep, caffeine will launch. Then, when you wake up, you will be even more alert and refreshed that you would otherwise. Do not believe us?We tried-And it was a total game changer!

Odors of apples and cucumbers

apples and cucumbers

Of course, eating apples and cucumbers is good for you, but what aboutodour them? A blower can help minimize the feelings of claustrophobia. Historical research conducted atOdor and treatment and research center In 1995, he found that feeling a green apple or a cucumber can change your perception of space, which makes the places feel larger than they are actually. Interestingly, the smell of fume-delicious smoke barbecue as it may be, has an opposite effect and makes the rooms feel smaller.

Eating (some) insects

woman smiling with fork

When you think of large natural sources of protein, the usual suspects are probably coming to mind: chicken, eggs, fish, skinny pork. Well, let us introduce a new: bugs. According toOrganization of United Nations Food and Agriculture (FAO)Insects are already a regular part of the diet of about two billion people around the world. They have a considerably greater environmental impact than breeding protein sources - they produce less greenhouse gases and require less workforce and be rich in fiber and other micronutrients, such as copper , iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Oh, and they are nice and crunchy too!

Sleep with socks

woman wearing socks in bed

According toNsfYou will sleep better if your feet are hot. "The cold feet heating causes the dilation of the vasodilation of the blood vessels, which can tell the brain that it is at bedtime," notes the experts. "After the blood vessels open into the hands and feet, the heat is redistributed throughout the body to prepare for sleep."


man holding fidget spinner

A 2016 study published in theAmerican Journal of Physiology: Physiology Heart and Circulatory I found that the sitting position can protect the arteries in your legs and even help prevent arterial disease. "Many of us are sitting for hours at a time, whether looking at our favorite TV show or work on a computer", Senior AuthorDr. Jaume PadillaAssistant Professor of the Nutrition and Physiology of the Exercise at the University of Missouri-Columbia,said in a statement. "As we expected to hurry to increase the blood flow to the lower limbs, we were very surprised to find it sufficient to prevent a decrease in arterial function. »

Chewing gum

woman chewing gum, smart person habits

Popping A piece of gum is much more than refresh your breath. According to a 2013 study published in theBritish Journal of Psychology, Chewing gum can actually help you stay focused longer, especially in situations where you need to focus on a prolonged period of time. So, the next time you have to focus, drop the espresso and pick up the peppermint!



If you are someone who often loses valuable time for reverie, you can think that you are a waste of time. But in reality,Dreaming is a sign that your brain is active Well equipped. A 2012 study published inPsychological science found that people with wandering spirits tend to have higher degrees of working memory. In addition, a 2017 study published in the journalNeuropsychologia showed that those who like to dream have "more efficient" brains. Now, where exactly on the beach were we ...

Sleep on the floor

man sleeping on the floor

Humans are not always sleeping on Caspers and Sleepnumbers. In fact, much of the world still has solid, grounded surfaces. But, as uncomfortable as it may seem to us, there can be health benefits to sleep on the floor. For some people with acute back pain, Snoozing in the field in the short term can help relieve these pains,Dr. Jennifer L. Solomon, A physical board certified to the Hospital for Special Surgery, saidWomen's health. It can also help lie on the ground with your lap, which takesthe pressure on your back, She adds.

Sleeping with your dog

woman sleeping with dog

Is cuddling with Fido will cost you sleep a good night? Not necessarily, a 2017 study published in theProcedure of the Mayo Clinic find. Although the ideal scenario is to have your dog sleeping in your room, but not in your bed (which is associated with the efficiency of sleep 83 percent), leaving your climb of dog in the bed with you only reduced Not the quality of sleep that many (it is associated with 80 percent sleep efficiency). Not only that, but many people sleeping with dogs in the study said they feel safer with their four-legged friend to rest next to them.

Jump on a trampoline

child jumping on trampoline, backyard dangers

He is an explosion, yes, but jumping on a trampoline is also a fun way to get a little exercise. Trampoline exercises are well known to improve your cardiovascular health, improve endurance, and relieve stress and tension. In addition to this, they can also help you improve your balance, coordination and motor skills. In addition, a 2016 study published in theJournal of Sport and Health Science found that jumping on a trampoline can help improve bone density and strength. So what are you waiting for? Get boucher!

Put egg whites on your face

cracked eggs on a table, weird state records

We all the eggs of the information are crowded with proteins, but did you know that they could also be good for your skin? A simple mask made of egg whites can help reduce the discoloration of the skin caused by acne, according to an article published infacing acnerevised byDr. Rao Jaggi, A double dermatologist certified consulting. It can also firm help and tone the skin on your face, thanks to the interaction of albumin in the egg white with salts in the skin, according to a study published in 2016Clinic, cosmetics and investigational dermatology.

to kiss

man and woman kissing

We are often warned of how kisses can make us sick, from Mono to be known as "kissing disease" to the concerns about the passage along a cold in your saliva. But Kissing has advantages, including health piles in good faith, but not limited to, reducing blood pressure. "Kissing is passionate your heart rate pack in a healthy way that helps reduce your blood pressure,"Andréa Demirjian, author ofEmbrace: All you have always wanted to know about one of the pleasures of Sweette's life, RecountCnn. "He dilates the vessels your blood flows in a good solid way and get to all your vital organs. You have heard it from a Pro: frunchy!


swear jar against city background

It's not exactly polite, but swearingcan Feel enough # $ @ * ING big. In fact, your unleashing inner sailor can even reduce the perception of pain. According to a 2009 study published in the journalNeuroreport,Those who have posted increased pain tolerance, increased heart rate and a decrease in pain perceived compared to people who do not swear. Why does this happen? According to the study: "The observed effect of reduction of pain (hypoalgésic) can occur because the swearing induces a combat or theft response and inflicts the link between the fear of pain and the perception of pain" .

Do nothing

man meditating in the lawn, ways to feel amazing

In a company that celebrated to work at the bone, taking time to do absolutely nothing can seem a loss of time. But in reality, it's exactly the opposite. In reality,Recent Research Saved that separating daily concerns and spending time in a silent reflection and contemplation can improve health, mental health and personal growth. In addition, 2014Search out of the insead Suggests that nothing is crucial for creativity and innovation because it provides the mental space to propose new ideas. So, do not feel guilty of doing nothing the next time you're lucky - it's the recommended doctor! And hit your mindfulness in Overdrive, check the20 ways to improve your mental health every day.

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