23 effects of divorce that people do not speak, according to experts

To divorce is not what you imagine. The experts share what it is really like when a marriage dissolves.

When you hear the word "divorce", there is a handful of images that are probably coming to mind - two adults competing, a sad child or two stuck in the middle, and maybe even a battle of a room attended hearing. CornWhen a wedding endsIt's much more complex than that. For one, it is totally possible that you would never even be in a courtroom with your ex and secondly, there are somereally positive effects of a divorce that you may not have seen coming. We talked about coaches of relationships, divorce lawyers, couples couples, and more to find out what's really going on when a marriage ends. Here 23 is 23Effects of divorce that you may not have heard before.

It's a process of mourning.

Sad older man with his head in his hand

Reality TV and sensational tabs can give the impression that a divorce is a moment of high dramas and intense emotions. But in reality, divorce feels less like the last twist of a soap bag and more like a death.

"There are so many losses inherent to a divorce and you must afford to make time and space for all these losses," says the coach of the relationshipSusan Trotter, PhD, the organization of divorce educationVesta. "The grief process but is not linear. Understand this will help normalize your emotions and can motivate you to get the support you need."

It exhorts anyonedivorce Look for the professional help they need and pay attention to the people they surround. "Find people who are positive and have good energy, and it will help you stay focused and more positive, too" add trotter. "The state of mind is critical inThe divorce process. "

But it's also a commercial transaction.

Divorce settlement

But just as it is a time of mourning emotionally sown, the divorce is above all a commercial transaction. What surprises many newly divorced people is justHow much paperwork (and silver) is involved In the process. And keeping attention to these worldly aspects of the split can often be the healthiest approach to pass.

"Learning to take the emotions of the establishment process and to focus on the Asset Division as" commercial transaction "will help you make better decisions in this regard for you and your family," suggests a trot. "It will also help you decide what is worth fighting for and what is not."

You may never be in the same room with your ex during divorce procedures.

Woman meeting with divorce lawyer

Something that surprises many individuals as they split from a spouse is that rarely they see their ex-partner as the procedure unfold. Rather than conclusions of the spectacular courtroom, many decisions are taken without you never follow your ex.

"Several times, your case is not settled in a courtroom, even if you hired a lawyer," saysCharles MacCall, Director of Operations forRosen's law firm, which specializes in cases of divorce. "You can come to the terms of your FaceTime call from your lawyer while you rush between work meetings across the country or that you can understand who gets the pots and stoves while sitting in different Parts to mediation. " MacCall says that if you have a mediator, they are the only ones who will see you both, going from room to the room to reach a settlement.

You will not have to compromise as much as you expect.

Couple signing divorce papers

As marriage, divorce usually requires a lot of compromise. But it's not so many compromises that you could first be afraid, especially when it is balanced with the many freedomsNewly divorced people suddenly realize they have.

"One of the stories I hear again and again from my clients is the surprise when they move in their new place and they get the color to paint the walls," says MacCall. "There is no debate, there is no negotiation; they are alone in deciding. And it is not only the small parts of the personal preference in a financial way, many of my clients feel the a feeling of fear and a feeling of excitement when they realize that decisions on large purchases and investment strategies are alone. "

A "clean pause" is much more difficult than it sounds.

Distressed man head in hands

It is much more difficult to extract from the person to whom you have been married than expected. "You need to unravel your tax documents, car records, change their name," saysCarmel Jones, who writes about sex and relationships forThe big fling. "Work the documents when creating a divorce to put everything you have in your name will do a very long time, and you will often need to contact your spouse."

This can be a great relief.

Relieved woman

Divorce is a major disruptor in his life and can bring tons of financial, emotional, even spiritual stress. But many people who cross it also describe to feel an incredible sense of relief.

"As a Catholic girl, I was terrified that getting a divorce would be devastating," saysSonia M. Frontera, a divorce lawyer and author ofDivorce dilemma. "Yet once I got myself from myselfquit, I found a lot more joy and freedom to be alone. The divorce process and the reconstruction of my life took over all the fears that stopped me from leaving earlier and I am grateful for experience. "

Frontera says that his divorce allowed him to transform the page on the pain of the past, to release grudges and to advance with a much more important feeling of freedom.

You can feel sorry for your spouse.

Crying couple

Even in the case of a bitter divorce where there is a lot of bad feelings towards the end, these warm feelings you had for your ex do not disappear, because they cross many the same difficulties as you are.

"AlthoughMy husband was vicious for meOnce I decided to leave, he turned to Mush, "says Frontera.

You will lose friendships.

Lonely older woman pondering

You expect to lose one of the most important relationships - otherwisethe most important relationship - in your life during a split. But there is a good chance that there will be additional collateral damage as your marriage is dissolved. Many people crossing a divorce describe how mutual friends are often lost in the process. And it may not be a question from a friend who chooses a member of a couple on another as much as the change of dynamics. If you are usually gone on dates of torque, for example, the split can start the balance.

"While most people were favorable and were happy to see my wedding ended, some people distanced me and getting away from their husband," said Frontera. "You will become a threat to not secure friends and may need to let them go."

But other friendships can grow.

Older friends

But just as you lose some friendships during a divorce, you may see that other friends you have not seen a lot over your last years, come back to your life. Divorce often means that you have more time than you were doing it before, and you are more likely to spend this time with friends and family with whom you may have lost contact. "I've seen a lot of renewed friendships once divorce dust has settled," says the therapist relationshipLayla Ashley.

You will have more time for yourself.

Woman doing warrior pose in yoga class

Newly divorced people are often amazed by the amount of free time they suddenly. It turns out, being married, it's a lot of time. Even those who have children will find they have more time to themselves because children have divided their days and weekends between parents.

"Many seem to think that a divorce means more work in terms of childcare, but in a joint custody situation, you will actually haveMore time for personal care"Said MacCall". Taking the time to take care of yourself will also make a better model for your children. "

Ashley describes how this new content"Me Temps Can lead a divorced person to feel a stronger feeling of their own identity, distinct from the relationship that was once at the heart of their lives. "Married partnerships generally involve the merger of your practical life, such as the sharing of daily and daily activities and decisions," she said. "After divorce, the tendency to" lose "at another person is now replaced by a new freedom to explore and discover your sixty."

Your children will miss.


While each member of the old couple will have more time for themselves, they godefinitely miss their children in a great way. When you have been used to having your children at any time, their absence will be proven powerfully after your divorce.

"During the first few months, you will feel extremely solitary for your children and your family life if you have shared custody," says Jones. "It could even query you if you want or notmakes the right decision. Finally, you will realize that this time means longer hours of sleep, relaxation and a time to rediscover. "

But you will become a better parent.

Dad with toddler son

Of course, the instability caused by divorce can be difficult for children, but the effects are not all negative. In fact, in some cases parents find they are reallyraise their game as a parentAs a result of having a more limited time with them. "One of the effects of children with two separate houses and spending time with each parent, if it's the arrangement, it's that you spend more individual time with your child than ever, and your link can become much stronger, "says Ashley.

MacCall even though the divorce can bring you to become a better parent. "Because you will probably now have a joint custody calendar, you will have time to work late and shop when your ex has children," he says. "It means you can spend 100% of your attention when it's your time with children."

And your ex-spouse will also become a better parent.

Mom doing homework with son

You will probably see that your ex increases your parental efforts. "Nobody wants to be labeled" dead dad "or" missing mother "in a divorce - suddenly, the spouse who could not be disturbed to come looking at their daughter playing football is now causing the team," says MacCall. "The good news is that these new habits tend to stick. Your ex will realize how much they missed, and how hanging with their child can be."

You will need to buy your children a new set of essentials.

Mom shopping at the mall with her son

Move between two houses means going out and get a new set of all your kids need - whether sheets and a bed or toothbrushes and toothbrushes. "If you are divorced and divided of your children, you will realize that moving them between the houses means that things are lost, damaged or simply cease to exist," says Jones. "For example, your children will need lunch boxes. For each house, toothbrushes, even sporting equipment. He will normalize the separation for them while saving you tons of time with forgotten tackles in front of the practice of football or a pair of missing glasses. "

Co-parenthood can be exhausting.

spoiled child

Change to a co-parental approach can be a very trying experience, both emotionally and physically. "Simply put, the challenges change when children grow up and develop, but it is not easy to have a cooperative relationship with an ex-spouse over many years," saysGaspard Terry, MSW, LICSW, author ofThe remarriage manual.

As a couple, you could divide the tasks a little more easily, so once the divorce has taken effect, each member of the old couple is largely alone.

Your relationship with your ex could be better than when you were married.

People talking

Those who come out the other end of a divorce often describe to get to a better place with their former spouse than in the course they were married.

"After a while - and we could talk about the years - if you start co-parents correctly, you will be surprised to learn that you can be grateful for your ex as friend and happy for his achievements and relationships outside of Yours, "says Jones." This desire to be happy could mean that your friendship is stronger than if you were together romantically together. "

But it takes time before you can be friends again.

Women talking on couch drinking cups of coffee or tea

Although you can access a place of civility and even warmth with your ex, you will nevertheless want to proceed with caution before attempting to get Chummy with the person who was once the most important person in your life. Try to move to a "friendly fashion" too quickly can often fire. "Be friends with your ex does not usually work quickly after divorce," Gaspard says. "Most of the time, a post-break friendship is a configuration for more and more sorrow, especially for the person who remained and probably feels rejected."

It can be dangerous to jump immediately in the meeting.

Older couple on a date

The old adage that when you fall on a horse, the best thing to do is to jump right away does not hold real when it comes to relationships. For one thing,Move too quickly in a new relationship Can be a way to avoid dealing with the problems that led to the dissolution of the marriage in the first place, allowing you to do little work you need to prevent the same problems from coming in your next relationship.

"TheThe divorce rate Monte For the second, third and fourth weddings, partly because people are repeated for the models they do not recognize, "Trotter." It takes time to treat everything, and even if you feel ready to go on your date, you will haveMORE SUCCESS IN FUTURE Dating and Relationships If you take the time to treat the divorce [and] learn from your past relationship - what worked and what did not do and what was your role in the dynamics and what you want and that you need now, Which is probably very different from what you want and need your wedding. "

Frontera says that the holding of obtainingBack in the dating scene was precious for her personally. "Even if I felt badly loved during atoxic wedding And disavowal of love and appreciation then appreciated my freedom that I do not eat for four years after the divorce, "she says." And these were some of the best years of my life. "

You can repeat the same schemas with a new partner.

Couple fighting

Divorce can cut links with a spouse, but you're still you. Many people crossing a divorce expect it to be the turn of a new leaf - and is surprised to find a similar dynamic coating with a new partner they had with the person they divorced.

"Divorce is often pursued with the intention of getting rid of the problems of major relationships, which tend to be related to basic models," says Ashley. "It can be quite surprising enough when, after the honeymoon phase of the next relationship, you come back to the same dynamic with the new partner."

Time becomes more important than things.

Woman packing up boxes getting ready to move

Those who cross a divorce often have a greater clarity on what matters most in life - and generally "things" turns out to be less important than it seemed only during their old life. It's partly because recently divorced people usually have to move to a smaller place or give up (or more) things they value during their marriage. But this also reflects how much time becomes rarer.

"Growing through all your business, divide them during the divorce and you are accelerating, you will have a new appreciation of the time you spend with the people you like and less on materialistic articles," says Jones.

Your physical health takes a hit.

Business man experiencing heart pain at his desk

A 2010 study published in theWedding and family newspaper Discovered that middle-aged men and women are higher to develop cardiovascular disease after crossing a divorce, compared to married people of the same age.

But there is also a gender element here. "[The study] has also revealed that the average age women are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than adequate men who are divorced," saysFran Walfish, Psyd, a family and a relational relationship of Beverly Hills and author ofThe parent's parent.

And your mental health is also.

Depressed woman on couch

Divorce can seriously harm your mental health-No because you feel sad that things did not work with your ex, but because it tends to catch your levels of anxiety.

"You do not have a companion in the big, the bad world, and the future you have once photographed no longer exists," says Walfish. "In addition, there is a ton of uncertainty, which can lead to feeling unsafe. Depending on the circumstances, you could suddenly move, get a new job and survive less than before."

You learn to forgive you.

senior white man thinking while sitting on picnic table, with a half smile on his face

Guilt, self-doubt and a general sense of hardness to yourself are often by-products of a divorce. But also often, these unpleasant feelings give up a much healthier understanding and forgiveness on what you feelYou have done wrong in the wedding.

"The Dumper, or someone who leaves or ends the relationship, can feel feelings of guilty," says Gaspard. "But] an important part of the divorce recovery forgives us."

Additional reporting by Grant Stoddard.

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