13 ways you breathe badly

It's subconscious - and yet you can always spoil it.

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, there are some items that most people continue from their list of things to do, frompractice more to give up theseSugar snacks You have been too dependent. However, there is an important factor that will too often overlooked in pursuit of better health: breathing.

After all, the body will breathe if you say it or not, so why should you exercise an energy on it?

Well, believe it or not, there is such a thing as a "right" and "bad" to breathe - and that you do more of them. In this case, we have collected some of the most common breathing issues, as well as experts approved by experts to recover your breath on the right track.

You only breathe in your mouth in winter.

man ready for winter {breathing problems}

When winter is rolling around, breathe only through your nose is the way forward.According to Mark Courtney, a respiratory therapist with the American Lung Association, the nostrils are better able to filter and reheat the air, which "helps, especially in a very dry or cold environment".

You are too long.

worried woman breathing problems

There are enough things on your plate because it is necessary to add "breathe correctly" to your list of things to fear. Even if you do not make conscious effort to breathe all the time, your autonomous nervous system - the part of the nervous system that controls your unconscious movements - will take care of it for you.

"There are receptors in our body that constantly monitor oxygen and blood levels," Courtney explains. "It automatically sends signals to our brain to tell us how often and how deep would breathe."

You do not start the day with a few minutes of appropriate breathing.

mom juggling kid and work {breathing problems}

Although you should not focus on your breathing 24h / 24 and 7/7, it's still important to take some time from time to time to pay attention to your breaths - and the best time to do it is the first thing in the morning. AsMilana Perepyolkina, best author ofGypsy Energy Secrets, Explains: "When we wake up, we skip immediately into tension mode and start breathing quickly and from the top of our lungs. Even five minutes of respiratory meditation allow us to reset our mental batteries."

If you want to start practicing a morning breath meditation, Perepyolkina recommends practicing a few minutes of slow and deep belly breathing (more on that of the next slide) with your eyes always closed even before leaving the bed.

You are "belly breathing".

Happy Woman Breathing {Breathing Problems}

"More than half of the new students who come to myYoga classes are superficial breathable when they arrive for the first time, suck their intestine when they inhale, explainsKim McIntyre, professor of Yoga and Chief Executive Officer ofTo be transformations to be happy. "It only allows the air to flow in the top of the chest and imitates the type of breath we make when we feel stressed and anxious."

You do not know if you breathe in your chest or stomach? To know, simply place a hand on your belly while you breathe. If you notice that your navel flies up when you suffer, you breathe with your chest (and do it bad); If your stomach develops when you breathe, you use your stomach (and you do it well). "When breathing is deep, the belly is developing naturally outward while we inhaled, then inside while we expire," says McIntyre.

Your "deep breaths" are too deep.

Meditating Adults Taking Deep Breaths {Breathing Problems}

On ato study Published in the newspaperPsychophysiologyThis is the deep breath you take when you meditate - not the mantras that you sing - that make the practice so mentally and emotionally soothing. However, you can only reap the benefits of meditation if you are taking deep breaths properly - and if you do not do it, you may overwhelm your system and insist you on your heart.

So, what is the secret when it comes to breathing in depth? Obviously, simply follow a report 1: 2 to inhale the time expiry time should go around and keep your heart rate stable.

You are a mouth breather.

snoring couple in bed breathing problems

Not only would the mouth breathed from the embarrassing mouth, but it can also have harmful side effects everywhere in your mind to your mind, for breath through the mouth deprives the body of the blood flow of blood flow and the blood flow. Nitric oxide immunity that nasal passages provide. As a dentistSteven Lin Explain: "In adults, the respiratory mouth ... can progress towards obstructive sleep apnea, a condition related to heart failure,Hypertensionand Alzheimer's disease. In humans, [breathing of the mouth] is really only a survival mechanism, to use when nasal breathing is impossible. "

You remember your breath when you run.

a couple running outdoors in the fall

"The riders tend to focus on the first form and breathe the second, if any,"said Joe Locascio,A performance coach and an executive expert. But although the riders do not take their breath all that seriously, holding your breath while you run can slow down and hinder your progress, seeing that you have "more oxygen you have, better you will play."

"Improving your physiology and learn how to breathe while the race is particularly important for athletes who want to stimulate their performance, but it is also essential that the entry-level runners who simply want to do it around the block without feeling gas" , declares Locascio.

You suck in your intestine.

Woman at the Gym with Hand on Stomach {breathing problems}

"In an effort to watch skinny, even unconsciously, sucking regularly our guts regularly," saysCaleb, apersonal trainer and health and well-being expert for a non-cruelty companyMaple holistic. "When we do that, we do not allow our body to breathe full capacity because we limit the movement range of our diaphragm. This means that low expiration does not release carbon dioxide from our lungs."

You try to breathe while coming on a keyboard all day.

man on computer {breathing problems}

"The wrong posture affects good breathing techniques,"to explain Elizabeth Kovar,My,An expert in health and fitness with the US Council on the exercise. "A good posture is necessary for the management of breathing, volume and resonance. Poor pretance, especially when sitting, compress the thoracic region and does not allow the diaphragm to fully open breathing during breathing."

You do not breathe deeply enough.

breathing problems

"Many people do not breathe deeply", explainsDr. Chirag Shah, M.D.,An emergency medicine doctor certified by the board and a medical auditor for pollmed. "The correct breathing is to draw air completely in the depths of your lungs and repel your diaphragm in the process. This improves the amount of blood that returns to your chest and helps to detoxify the body."

You count on the breathing mouth during your exercise.

Woman Exercising {Breathing Problems}

It does not matter how much you push yourself to the gym or in atraining classYou will only be able to have so far if you do not breathe correctly. "If we push ourselves, we can feel like not having enough oxygen and we go back to the breathing of the mouth," explains the expert by breathingTARA CLANCY, M.A."By doing this, we take too much oxygen, which launches the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood and puts us for a crowd of problems, including nasal congestion."

So, what is the right way to breathe when it comes time to work? According to Clancy, you should "push you only so strong to continue breathing through your nose" to avoid breathing of the harmful mouth.

You practice "belly breathing" during pregnancy.

pregnant woman in bed

Although belly breathing is the breathing method approved by an expert for most people, this type of inhalation and expiration can be harmful if you have a baby on board. As an prenatal and postpartum expert expertHélèneByrne Explained: "Belly breathing is one of the main causes of rectical diastasia or abdominal separation - a fairly common complication of pregnancy in which the mediocre tissue of the median line and disengages. It can aggravateBack ache and pelvic instability and lead to complications such as umbilical hernia. "

If you are pregnant, then Byrne recommends practicing the diaphragmatic respiration in which "the diaphragm drops a few inches while the therapy cage extends during inhalation" for correct breath that did not harm you orthe baby.

You breathe too much.

non coffee energy boosters

While breathing is essential if you want to stay alive, there is such a thing to breathe too - and it is not really easy to say if you do it. "It does not always look like hyperventilation, but you are in this state where you blow too much carbon dioxide and suck too much oxygen, and you do not even realize it,"Patricia Ladis, a physiotherapist and a certified behavioral breathing expert, explained toWell.

If you think you breathe too often, the expert suggests working to take silent breaths through your nose for a few minutes. If it seems to help you, you can self-diagnose safely as a surflow and work on the profound and calm breathing.

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