50 mathematics jokes and word games that will make everyone laugh

You can count on these branches of mathematics for a good laugh.

The world of mathematics is far from theworld of jokes-Nless you joke about how unbearable mathematics are, of course! Of course, the basic arithmetic is sufficiently tolerable, but everything is down from there. So, if you have long put the geometry 101 behind you or fearing a future review of Trig, try to find humor in the situation. With thoselaughter Mathematics jokes at your disposal, you can count on a good laugh, no matter what problem you are facing.

Funny mathematics jokes

  1. Why numbers that are not visible to two have trouble making friends? Because they are strange.
  2. Why are the students worried when they saw the teacher of mathematics holding graphic paper? They knew she plotted something!
  3. I will do any type of calculation you want, except graphing. The graph is where I draw the line!
  4. What is the most common form at Disney World? A line!
  5. what is aopinion No 3.14? It's just aonion!
  6. What is the preferred sum of a mathematical teacher? Summer!
  7. What does the calculator told the student? You can always count on me.
  8. There are three types of people in the world ... those who can count and those who can not!
  9. What do you get when you take the sun and divide his circumference from his diameter? ... pi in the sky.
  10. Why did the student annoyed when his mathematics teacher called on average? It was a nasty thing to say!
  11. Why did the calculation professor split sin by Tan? Just cos.
  12. Why was the geometry conference so long? The teacher continued to leave on a tangent!
  13. Why does not the quarter fall in the hill with nickel? Because it had more hundred!
  14. Why should you never talk to Pi? Because she will continue and light and again and again and again ....
  15. What did students have called their Algerian teacher after spending all summer at the beach? A tangent.
  16. What do you get when you put a sin-gerin on a cos-gerine? A nail-Géline.

Math jokes for children

  1. Do you know why I study geometry every day? Because it stands in shape.
  2. What are the 20 things you can always count? Your fingers and toes!
  3. Why did the teacher decide to teach mathematics? Because it's the only subject that counts.
  4. What is a mathematics book on the other? Stop disturbing me ... I have my own problems!
  5. Why did the student sit on the ground to make his problems multiplication? The teacher told him not to use tables!
  6. How do you call a number that can not stay still? A roamine figure '!
  7. Are the monsters good in math? No ... unless you count dracula!
  8. What is zero told eight? Hey, beautiful belt!
  9. What is the type of preferred calculation of the nocturnal bird? Hibou-gebra!
  10. Why did both 4 4 have lunch? They already have 8!
  11. Why does not anyone speak to circles? There is simply no point.
  12. How do you do seven uniform numbers? Just delete the "S!"
  13. Why do plants hate mathematics? Because it gives them square roots!
  14. How do you warm up in a cold room? Just stay in the corner. It's always 90 degrees!
  15. (You know this one!) Why were we afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9!
  16. Come to the side of the nerd. We have pi.
  17. Come on, all mathematical word games are not gem ... just a sum of them.
  18. Why is it difficult to tell the numerator and the denominator? There is just a fine line between them.

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Mathematics punchs

  1. How do you call a magician who can add two digits in his head? A matheman.
  2. What is the official animal of Pi Day? The pi-tuna.
  3. Why could not he enter the club? The emotor thought he was 2 squares!
  4. Why was the mathematics test so sad? Because he had too much unresolved problems.
  5. Why was the angle could not get a loan? His parents would not be cosine.
  6. How do you call two guys who bind to mathematics? ALLGEBROS!
  7. Where are the mathematics teachers on vacation? In Times Square!
  8. These parallel lines have so much in common ... it's a shame they never meet ...
  9. What Al Gore plays on his guitar? An algorithm!
  10. What was the favorite dessert of Sir Isaac Newton? Apple Pi.
  11. Why did not they serve beer at the mathematics party? Because you should never drink and drift.
  12. What do you get when you take green cheese and divide his circumference through his diameter? ... if you will never put yourself in an argument with a obtuse triangle? Because they never right!
  13. Why did the Romans think that algebra was so easy? They knew that X was always 10!
  14. The farmer counted only 297 cows on the ground ... But when he rounded them, he had 300!
  15. Have you heard the joke about the statistician? ... probably.
  16. If you start doing too much mathematics punches, beware - it's the first sinister of madness.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Funny / humor / Jokes
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