20 easy to treat for indoor plants that will clarify any room

Strong and independent plants that do not need water.

Some interior plants are notoriously difficult to stay alive. Miniature roses, for example, will bloom all year long, "so long that you only submit them at five hours of direct sunlight a day and you keep them with warm to the night. And orchids, blessed them, require indirect light and ice cube a week, otherwise you will be left with a stick in a pot.

But if you want to clarify your space with the help of an interior planning, there are many such robust and easy to maintain options, as can be. And if your space isfilled with light Or dark and dark, they will find a way to survive. Read on low-maintenance facilities that develop remarkably well in suboptimal conditions or, let us be honest under the supervision of a suboptimal plant.

Snake plant

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Looking for an indoor plant that is remarkably durable and will stay green, no matter how many times you forget to water it? A snake power plant could be your best bet. This native of West Africa is capable of growing around four feet high and equally wide and can thrive in a range of lighting situations (yes, your virtually windowless apartment is qualified). It also only needs water once every few months and has been identifiedNASA Like one of the largest air purification plants.

Hoya plant

house plants


This slow growth vine looks great in hanging baskets or in its natural element, climbing and descending the walls of your home. Use it to add a vertical element to any room, or keep it for its beautiful smell. Gavepretty sunThe plant produces clusters of magnificent and extremely fragrant flowers that are absolute delight on the senses. Even in subprime conditions, it will probably survive for years and years. In addition, simply water when the soil is dry.

Aloe vera

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$ 25; Buy nowAmazon.com

If you have already slipped from Aloe on a bad guy orsunburn, Then you know how much it can be practical to own this particular plant. But what you may not know is that it's easy to keep this thing alive. Simply place the pan in a shiny and sunny spot and water whenever the soil is dry (about every three weeks).

Jade plant

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$ 20; Buy nowAmazon.com

As one of several plants with the nickname "planting money" or "friendship tree", the Jade plant is perfecthostess gift. Just make sure your host actually wants one, because this succulent could almost a lifetime with or without the help of a human. Jade plants prefer sunny, fresh temperatures and only require water when their soil is dry. If you keep them cool pretty, they can produce small pink or white flowers.

Rubber tree

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$ 30; Buy nowAmazon.com

You know that a plant is low maintenance when its care instructions advise "never allow the soil to become saturated". Yes, we can do that. The rubber trees, which have the ability to push up to eight feet in the fall, characterize shiny leaves, dark green and burgundy, and yield an exotic atmosphere that ate any room. The plant develops brilliant light, but if your room is basal, you will notice that its leaves turn more green than Burgundy.

GreenPhilodendron plant

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$ 6; Buy nowThesill.com

This plant likes climb and lock on any furniture of furniture or windows that is nearby. In order to survive, all your Philodendron will need low average light and water once a week. FYI: This particular plant is toxic for pets and humans, so it's best to avoid if you have children or creatures.


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$ 27; Buy nowAmazon.com

You have probably already guessed that a cactus would be on this list, but if you imagine a small sad office factory, rexpense it. Cactus plants can make as much a statement as their counterparties less thorny. The variety presented above, a cactus Euphoria, can reach a foot of a foot of height. And like most cacti, it only requires water once every few weeks. Organize one on an end table with some other knick knicks for an elegant screen.

Spider plant

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$ 20; Buy nowAmazon.com

Do not leave the name crawling! The spider plant is an easy to treat and incredibly funky plant that you should not reject simply because it reminds you of scary crawlies. With different varieties to suit any aesthetics, you can appear your spider in a pot that you keep on the floor or that you hang it on the ceiling as a suspended decor. To keep it alive, present it in brilliant or indirect light and hold its moist soil.


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$ 33; Buy nowAmazon.com

If you are looking for something to take place, try a Ficus tree. This tree of two to three high ups operates robust stems that can be twisted or braided as they grow up. Pretty cool! For a perfectly ficus feisty, place your plant in a sunny spot and let the dirt become completely dry before drizzling again.


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Pothos is another care of the leafy vine that can be suspended or climbing. He also gains points for his air purification capabilities. The Pothos can survive in all lighting conditions, although its leaves will look like their best if you give it regular sun.

Zz plant

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$ 27; Buy nowAmazon.com

Zamifolia Zzu-or Zamioculcas - is also known as Zuzu plant, Zanzibar gem, emerald palm, and even the "plant of eternity", apparently because of its exemplary ability to escape death. . The ZZ plants will accept any amount of sun or shading and need water only when their soil is dry. If you can do it, this zz plant will make an addition a + to any room.

Grape stone

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$ 8; Buy nowAmazon.com

If you are looking for a hanging basket plant that offers a pack of leaves as opposed to a vine, and discover the pavement of grapes. While his leaves will always flow on any pot that you said, his vines will be tight and pleasant tenderness. With medium and humid soil, the grape stone can reach six feet. We promise that you will love every centimeters.

English ivy

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$ 15; Buy nowAmazon.com

If you like Ivy's idea, you should also consider English Ivy. Although this popular variety is often seen outside, sometimes covering all outside homes and buildings - many people decide to bring it inside. English Ivy offersAdvantages with air purification andcan help reduce the mold. And if you want to double your foliage fun, you can simply pull a strand from the stem and replant it. In just a few weeks, you will have a new factory.

Dieffenbachia plant

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$ 18; Buy nowAmazon.com

Dieffenbachia comes in some different varieties, but all tend to have large green leaves thatCan reach a long foot and display white, yellowish or light green patterns. Everything he needs to prosper is a bright place to soak the sun. You may also want to carve it from time to time to keep it healthy and prevent it from becoming too big.


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There are more than 1,000 species of registered PepeoMia, including popular red and ripple varieties (the one shown here is the Ginny Pepeomia). Each has a slightly different look, such as watermelon pepepere, which includes green leaves with white stripes and Pepeperomia Columella, which has slowed leaves with thorny. As they all tend to be from the smallest, they can grow to be a width of a foot and can prosper even in a room of sweetness.

Lily of peace

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$ 28; Buy nowAmazon.com

With lush green leaves and beautiful white flowers, the soil of peace is a nice addition to any space. Although it sounds like a plant that could be high maintenance, the soil of peace is actually quite easy to grow. The plant tolerates the low light but prosperier better in lighter spaces. Keep your moist soil and it will reward you with beautiful common flowers.


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$ 40; Buy nowAmazon.com

You can probably not install a full size palm in your home, so why not opt ​​for a friendly Areca palm at home? This inner plant has the same type of peak leaves as its greatest parents, but it can integrate into an ordinary pot and go out about seven feet. To handle its size, keep it simply confined to a smaller pot. The palm of Areeca thrives in rooms with plenty of sun and only requires water every two weeks.

Umbrella tree

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$ 18; Buy nowAmazon.com

The umbrella tree, also called parasol plant or octopus tree, is another attractive and unique indoor plant that can purify the air. Keep the tree from becoming too big by sometimes cutting some of its leaves. Besides this, it is enough to water the tree several times a month and make sure it gets a decent amount of light.

Shamrock plant

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$ 36; Buy nowAmazon.com

While the Irish says, "For every petal on the shamrock, it wish me. Good health, good luck and happiness for today and every day." Lucky for you, Shamrock plants are not just for the feast of St. Patrick. With tiny white flowers that appear brilliantly against magnificent green leaves, these plants are super easy to treat. All you have to do is water your shamrocks about once a week and give them indirect light to get accidental results with this beautiful low maintenance factory.

Red bromeliade

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Although most low-maintenance interior plants do not reward you many colors, Bromeliad can add a touch of touch to any room with its striking red flower. To keep the tropical plant looking for its best, place it in a medium bright light and water enough so that the soil is never dry, but never completely saturated. And if you forget to give it a drink from time to time, take comfort in the fact that its care instructions call it "quite resistant to drought". If you are looking to update your space even more, learn the 30 ninth home design tips Level of celebrity designers .

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Garden / Home / plants / wellness
By: ilona
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