Cuomo suggests 66 million Americans had Covid-19 and I do not know

The Governor of New York revealed superb figures in his daily conference of coronavirus.

Governor of New YorkAndrew Cuomo's Daily press briefings On the coronavirus epidemic, I became a television to look indispensably for people looking for calm data, protest and reassuring during this global pandemic. Tuesday, in a conversation on the viability of national tests in the context of "opening"The American economy, the Governor of the Government of Cuomo and the State of New York,Howard Zucker, MD, suggested that 10 to 20% of the Americans "had the coronavirus", which translates into 33 to 66 million American citizens.

If that's true, this statistic has rather huge implications forSurvival rate of those who have COVID-19, the deadly contagion that iskilled more than 23,000 Americans and more than 120,000 people around the world, as from the publication time.

The commentary of Cuomo arrived after Zucker talked about the perils of universal tests as a necessary step forlock This is currently crushing New York State and American economies. Identify those who have had COVID-19 and recovered effectively - what is called the antibody population - is the key toFinish stay orders at home.

"Antibody population, people who have the disease and recovered, it's important to know and we are aggressive on antibody tests," offered Cuomo, before turning to Zucker and ask, "What percentage Of the population at this stage do you think the coronavirus had the coronavirus? What could be the number? "Zucker replied" 10 to 20% ".

"OK, you want to find only 10% or 20%," said Cuomo. But, he added, "It is not enough to restart and return to normality. This diagnostic test will be essential." The diagnostic test identifies those currently positive forCOVID-19 [Feminine, which informs elected officials and public health about the best way to return to the "normal" and put an end to the lock.

Now it could be that Cuomo spoke hypothetically or hyperbolic. But he got a coherent praise for the precise nature of his language during this public health crisis. (Better life has reached the governor's office to clarify, but has not yet heard.)

It thought that the number of individuals who had the contagion of Covid-19 is a new positive, as is greatlyDecreases the mortality rate of infected persons.

And for more facts, you need to know about Coronavirus, check13 actual facts that common myths of common coronaviruses.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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