7 creative ways that people stay connected online for quarantine

Instagram challenges and PowerPoint portions keep people connected in isolation.

With most of us confined to our homes andsocial distancing During the Pandemic of Covid-19, it can be difficult to feel connected to the outside world. Thank you to the Internet, however, people do not have to feeltotallyisolated from their friends, their family or even foreigners. Viral challenges to videos at the heart of videos, these are the creative means that people have managed to stay online for quarantine.

1. Hosting PowerPoint Parties


NumerousTeenagers and young adults turned Online hosting "Partiers PowerPoint", where they gather with friends in an online video chat to go to the role. The subject can be all you are willing to devote an entire presentation to and who have variedClassification Types of pasta To "Which members of a direction I could undo in the fatal fight. "

2. Virtually "passing" a basketball around

Pandemic coronavirus has put a stop on most sporting events, both amateur and professional levels. But social distance can not prevent the love of players from the game. Beachwood High School's Lady Tigers Basketball Team in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, is only one of the many teams that were posting videos Modified players "by passing" a basketball to show that they are always connected during these difficult times.

3. Teachers sharing "I miss you" signs with their students

With a lot ofclosed schools For the rest of the year, the country teachers have become online to stay related to their students. Bowers Elementary School in Harriman, Tennessee, posted a video of various teachers who hold panels "I miss you" to let their students know that they think of them during these uncertain moments.

4. Participate in Instagram challenges

If you have aInstagram accountYou have probably seen a number of "challenges" circulating around your diet to keep the spirits high during the pandemic. Some of the most popular were the tendency of #UttoMoromor, where users post a fun photo of themselves while marking everyone who liked the photo to publish his own version; And the #seeasendayup challenge where people post their dog's photos on their story and walk their friends to do the same thing. Even companies, like the Getty Museum, have greeted on pleasure byCreate their own challenges.

5. Dance Parts to Social Distanciation

Nobody can hit the bar for a Happy Hour or go to the club on Saturday night in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. But do not be afraid, the DJs bring the party directly to you. More than 150,000 viewers have grantedDJ D-NICEInstagram Live Virtual Dance Parties in recent weeks, according toVariety. Big names likeMichelle Obama,Duck, andWill Smith I even granted to look at the DJ by turning its extended and diversified genre groups to escape the 24-hour press cycle and have fun for a few hours.

6. Recreate popular reality TV shows

Stay connected online does not makealone Have to involve people you already know.THI Q. Lam and roommateRance Nix, for example,Created its own Instagram version of the famous reality show NetflixLove is blind. Nicknamed "Love is quarantine,"Lam and Nix mimic the principle of the show by matching people together using Google leaves and using Daily Post to update their more than 17,000 subscribers.

7. Have virtual video nights on Netflix Party

Although you can not invite friends and family for a movie night right now, you can always take a movie or watch to watch a show together. People around the world useNetflixA free Google Chrome browser extension that allows multiple users to look at content together while interacting through a discussion forum.

And for more news about people looking for each other, checkThe founder Twitter Jack Dorsey gives a billion dollars to coronavirus efforts.

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