The coronavir mortality rate provided for the USB is 1%

According to reliable, coronavirus estimates could lead to 1.5 million deaths in the United States.

PresidentDonald Trump Treat of the nation at 3 o'clock. Friday afternoon in the midst of many reports that he will declare a state of national emergency on the coronavirus epidemic. But as the novel virus spreads and panic grows up with it, a look at the numbers indicates that the estimatedead coronavirus are a serious cause of concern.

The virus hit the United States weeks ago, but over the last week,Coronavirus has officially been upgraded to a global pandemic. Tuesday, there was a meeting at the closed door which included members of the Senate and Staff Administrative Office of the Two Political Parties, NBC News reported. The,Brian Monahan, MD-Assistant Congress Doctor and the US Supreme Courtsays he expects 70 million to 150 million people in the United States will becomeInfected with COVID-19.

Even though 150 million AmericansContractual coronavirusThe vast majority will survive almost certainly. But it's those who are particularly sensitive-seniors, those with pre-existing conditions and those with compromised immune systems - which have a matter of concern.

It is impossible to know the exact coronavirus mortality rate at this early stage of the pandemic, and the very large number of 4% is likely to decrease considerably asMore tests are administered And as we learn more.

However, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID),Anthony Fauci, MD, warned that his best estimate indicates amortality rate of 10 times that of seasonal influenza. According toCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC), theInfluenza mortality rate is 0.1%, putting the coronavirus at 1%, with the estimates of Fauci.

Thus, if 1% of 150 million Americans infected with coronaviruses die, that is, 1.5 million coronavirus deaths.

That said, thecessation and suspension of major crowd events will probably slow down or decrease the propagation of coronavirus. And with much unknown, these numbers could very well be too zealous. But as impossible as it may seem, they could also be so optimistic.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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