40 things that doctors say affect your health after 40

Make your 40 years your golden years in terms of health.

So many different elements play a role inHow are you in good health as you come. As you get older, your immune system weakens, your mental health can take a shot and your risk of certain diseases increases. The good news is that there is still a lot of time to make changes that always guarantee youprosperous in the futureAnd who preferable to get advice from doctors, people who help patients transform their health every day? Here are 40 things they want their patients pay attention toAfter turning 40.

Your relationships.

study finds older adults with children are happier than non-parents if their children have moved out

Your interpersonal, romantic or other relationships play an important role in your mental health and well-being, especially as you get older. "After 40 years, the most important thing to focus, both for your health and your happiness, is the quality of your relationship," says the doctor and the California-related expertAlexandra Stockwell, MD. "Research shows that the quality of your relationships at 50 is a better health predictor at 80 levels of cholesterol and other screening tests. If you have not carried out personal growth, life coaching or therapy is definitely time. "

Your activity levels.

yoga stretching for exercising, over 40 fitness

You do not need to be a gym rat to improve your body over 40 years old. You simply need to be more active, which is also important for your mind. "The majority of inspiring children aged 80 to 90, 90 and 100 years undertake in a significant effort almost every day, but does not wait for you to be this age," says Stockwell. "Whether in the dance, body building or hiking, find an activity where you move your body and learn new skills on a regular basis. This is the key to physical health and well-being of the emotional resilience and flexibility of thought. "

Your phone use.

man on his phone

Your mobile phone canBadly damage to your health. This can give you the neck of technology, cause weight gain, your anxiety and even affect your sleep. "Social media can have a profound effect on sleep. You intend to check Facebook or Instagram for five minutes and the next thing you know, 50 minutes have disappeared"Jerry Bubrick, PhD, a clinical psychologist in New York, told theKidnapping institute. "You are an hour to sleep and more tired the next day. You find harder to focus. You are out of your game, and it spiritual from there." Save about the time you spend every day on your phone, then work on reducing your mind.andphysical health.

Your intestinal health.


How often do you focus on your health? As you get older, it should be at the top of your list of things to do. "After reaching 40 years, many of my clients regret not paying attention to their intestinal health. Things like constipation, chronic diarrhea, stomach burns and Belchon can all become the new normal," saysInna LukyanovskyPharmD, a practitioner of functional medicine and a health expert in Marlboro, New Jersey. "These can be silent chronic silent inflammation signs that may eventually become more problematic, later manifested as serious skin conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome, nutrition exhaustion and quality of life."

Your emotions.

energy before noon

Do not push your emotions. If you pay them more careful and bring them to the foreground during your aging, you can improve your overall health. "Some of my clients after 40 want to have spent more time understanding their emotions instead of bottling, which is a direct path to disease," says Lukyanovsky. "Treatment of emotions correctly can help your physical and mental health. There are different methods and tools to learn to send emotions, then choose the ones that work for you."

Your stress levels.

Man sitting on the couch holding his temples feeling stressed
iStock / seb_ra

Chronic stress could have a major impact that your mental health if you leave it out of control. "Where will your attention go, your energy flows: 90% of all doctor's office visits are intended for stress-related conditions and complaints," saidKeira L. Barr, MD, a holistic dermatologist at Gig Harbor, Washington and the founder and head of the well-being ofResilient health institute. "Stress can play a role in problems such as headaches, arterial hypertension, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression and anxiety" .

Your production of collagen and elastin.

wrinkles worse skin

When you hit your 40 years, your body breaks down collagen faster than protein production. But it is barely too late for your skin. "Collagen is an integral part of the health and skin of your skin because it is part of the connective tissue in the body and gives the firmness of the skin. The elastin is another protein found throughout the body that gives to The skin its flexibility and is also important for the functions of the skin., "saysManish Shah, MD, a visual surgeon and a skin expert in Denver. "The decrease in these proteins can bring the skin to look older, wrinkles to become deeper and that the skin is less vibrant. To preserve the collagen and the elastin that you have, stay hydrated, hydrated, use Solar screen and eliminate damaged habits, such as smoking and eating unhealthy. "

Your skin in general.

woman holding a mirror up checking her skin, changes over 40

How often do you examine your skin in depth? And Nope, we do not want to say standing in front of the mirror looking for new wrinkles. "Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the world in the world and, in the United States, there are more new cases of skin cancer each year than all other combined cancers. Because of this , to become familiar with your skin and what is about what it could save your life, "says Barr. "Every month at the date of your birthday, check your skin of the head at the chest, including every corner and corners of your feet and bottom of your feet for all" invited non-invited ", like new Stains that stand out from all others, or all existing stains that have grown, changed or systematically itching or bleeding. "

Your mindfulness.

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It is not uncommon to spend your time trying to getoutsideFrom your head when you're mid-life. In constant thinking about your bills, the drama taking place at work and the tension in your personal relationships can be enormous factors of stress. But by being more perceived and working on your mental health, you can feel like a total new player of the GLLE. "The brain is the most vital organ and paying attention to our mental health is above my list," saidMaryam Bakhtiyari, DDS, a dentist based in Manhattan Beach, California and the founder ofBlafit. "Meditation and yoga are really like physical workouts for our brain. Studies have shown a meditation to be effective in reducing stress and increase mental agility and health."

Who give you your energy to.

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If you always feel mentally rigged mentally, it may be time to look with who you spend your time with and possibly make changes to your inner circle. "A very important element of your mental health ends with family and friends who are your biggest fan and are an energy fuel to your self-esteem," Bakhtiyari said. If those around you do not build you, you have to re-evaluate the company you keep.

Your happiness at work.

happy middle-aged man working in office

Just because you are in your 40 years does not mean that you arestuck in a career you hate. If you are not happy, it's never too late to make a switch. In doing so, you could greatly better your mental health. "Keeping a healthy work environment is very important. We spend eight hours of our daily lives at work, then find a job that you have a passion for and enjoy is essential," says Bakhtiyari. "In addition, be around colleagues who are team-oriented, effective, positive and reliable communicators are equally integrated into mental health."

Your metabolism.

man weighing himself on a scale

You may have noticed that your metabolism slows as you get older. It happens. According toNiker Sonpal, MD, internist and gastroeologist based in New York, the effectiveness of your metabolism depends on your level of physical activity, among other things, which is all the more reasons to move.

"Are you sitting at a desk all day? Are youAfternoon? Do you participate in at least three sessions a light cardio week intense? Do you make a kind of resistance training every week? "He asks." As we get older, we lose muscle mass. Stacked on age and reduces the time available for working and staying active, it can affect how our body metabolizes the food we consume. Staying active, eating a diet consisting mainly of lean vegetables, fruits and protein and to conserve muscle mass can also help keep your metabolism form plunge into the ineffective. "

Your digestion.

woman eating sandwich at dinner table
Shutterstock / Disobeyart

You may not have been subjected to if your digestive system worked properly or not in your youth, but if you take care of your digestion in your forties, you will be much better off. "At the college and throughout our 20 year old, we feel like we can eat everything we want, and our body will digest all this in the wink. But with age, our body functions slow down "said SONPAL. "The muscles of the digestive tract can stiffe and weaken with age. Suddenly, in quarantine, indigestion and constipation can become more common. You can also suffer from health problems like diverticulitis and the hemorrhoids."

That's why he says it's important to perfect things like your activity schedule and your food consumption. "You need fiber to clean your intestine, probiotic consumption to maintain diversity within your intestinal microbiome, as well as supplements for all gaps in your diet," he notes.

Your carbohydrate grip.

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One thing that everyone can agree? Carbohydrates are thebetter. But with the changes your body goes as you go in your forties, it may be time to reduce. "For those of us in our 40s, we can agree that our metabolic activities have been reduced and must offset a better regulated diet and exercise plan," said Bakhtiyari. "Eating a low carbohydrate diet, associated with increased consumption of vegetables and routine exercises, is crucial to stay in shape and healthy."

Your water consumption.

glass of water

With regard to improving your health, your water consumption is one of the best and easiest! - Could you do. Not only for your body so that everything works properly, but also for your skin. "As we enter our fourth decade of life, our elasticity of the skin will decrease and our face skips," says Bakhtiyari. Drinking more water will keep your skin radiant from the inside.

Your belly and your size.

belly fat

Gain weight is common as you get older. But it's also something to face reasons of vanity, but because it can report potential health problems to come. "Excessive abdominal fat aka The love handles and belly of beer or" Papa-Bod'-are particularly harmful and puts you even more and more an increased risk of heart disease, cardiac attacks and diabetic complications ", saidDaniel Kim, Do, a specialist in otolyngology withManhattan medicine offices At New York. "This is why it is very important to focus actively on the loss of belly fat by controlling your diet and participate in regular aerobic exercises."

Symptoms of depression.

Man with Depression

If there is one thing, Kim wants people to stop, it deals with mental health as a separate physical health entity. They go from hand - and were looking for any change is incredibly important. Especially those who tend to push their feelings, something he often sees in men. "As men get older, they tend to become more severe and stubborn. Often, this leads to a real lack of insight of their own feelings and emotions," says Kim. "It is important to be in tune with your emotional needs, be able to identify the symptoms of depression and discuss it with your doctor."

Your sleep hygiene.

man who cant sleep is on his ipad

If you do not get ready for a good night's sleep, you're not going to have one. "There are practices that, if they are followed, can [promote a good sleep], like not eating three hours before going to bed, avoid bright lights or screen before going to bed, reducing the amount of coffee that you drink and avoid the stress or arguments before going to bed, "saysFiona Mao, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, a practitioner of functional medicine in Dallas. "It will help improve the quality of sleep, will tackle the irregularities of sleep and allow your body to self-regulate and heal as opposed to [have a long sleep of poor quality."

Your sunshine.

Black woman applying, spraying sun protection cream on her legs, habits after 40
Ruslandashinsky / iStock

You have probably been converted to the sun without sufficient sunscreen that you want to admit in your four decades on this earth. But it is particularly important to protect your skin from UV rays from here. "If you do not currently use sunscreen in your beauty routine, you must start immediately," saysGretchen reliezed, MD, a dermatopathologist in the Boston area. "Sun cream is essential because we get older, our body has already started their biological aging process. You do not want to stack the effects of unprotected sun's exposure. The damage caused by the sun can cause premature aging and affecting Your DNA to the point of causing melanoma. "

Your hormones.

hormone test

If you thought your body has crossed major changes in your adolescence, just wait for Tour 2 comes for women because they enter quarantine. "During this decade, you can start to feel the symptoms of menopause, which can be stressful because our body goes through hormonal changes and an increasingly intense aging process," saidSANAM HAFEZEZ, Psyd, a neuropsychologist in New York.

Symptoms of anxiety.

old worried woman sitting on the couch, over 50 regrets

There are many reasons why your levels of anxiety could reach a height of all time in the 40s. "At work, you can climb at the level of responsibility, leaving you with less personal time and more To supervise. The people hormonally change, the big life events can cause trauma, the aging itself can be a difficult pill to swallow and people can start feeling stifled by the routine, "says Hafeze." All These possibilities can contribute to anxiety and emphasize people who feel around the target of the 40th year. "

Changes in your sleep habits.

Woman Sleeping on Back Anti-Aging

If you encounter changes in your sleep habits, you may need to share with your doctor. In this way, you can determine what does not allow your mind and body to rest and recharge completely, says Hafez.

"Hormonal and planning developments in our 40s can cause changes in our sleep habits. If you do not sleep well, wake up in the middle of the night or that you are too stressed to fall asleep, these are things you should Share with your doctor., "She says. "Do not look at a problem because of age. Lack of sleep can cause cognitive abilities to decrease, it can make you more irritable and less conscious, and this can affect all the functions of your Body. Insomnia is a common problem for people over 40, and generally doctors need to help patients find the fundamental cause for that to treat it. "

Your annual physique.

Older man getting checked out at the doctor's office
iStock / MonkeyBusinessImages

If you have not yet collected, it is increasingly important to make sure you go to the doctor systematically in your forties and beyond. "As we get older, we are more likely to develop a chronic disease, such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, so it is important to plan annual physics on the screen of these conditions," saysRamzi Yacoub, PharmD, a pharmacist based in Boca Raton, Florida and the Chief Executive Officer of the PharmacySink. In this way, if something looks, your doctor can help you come back on the right track.

Your blood pressure.

women's health issues after 30

Arterial hypertension is more common than you get older and if you do not control it, theNational Institute on Aging Said that you could put yourself at risk of stroke, heart disease, renal impairment, eye problems and more. "It's a good habit of checking your blood pressure every time you go to the pharmacy, or even when you have time at the grocery," says Yacoub. "Preventive health is very important because we get older to help detect and manage these chronic conditions before they can lead to more serious complications."

Side effects of drugs.

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You know these long side effects lists quickly said on optimistic music in every pharmaceutical advertisement? Well, it's time to start paying attention to them. "Once you have reached 40, you are more likely to take more medications, prescribed or counter (OTC). Before starting a new medicine, it is important to understand that they can sometimes have adverse effects" , says Yacoub. "Some OTC drugs may contain similar ingredients in prescription drugs or medicated drug interactions that you are already taking and can lead to a side effect. Before taking a new prescription, over-the-counter medications or a supplement, discuss it with your pharmacist or doctor. They can therefore advise if the drug is safe for you. "

The influenza vaccine.

getting a flu shot at the doctor

You may not have been too worried aboutGet your influenza vaccine in the past. But not well could put you at higher risk of health problems. "All adults should get an influenza vaccine every year, but it becomes more important than we get older," said Yacoub. "As we get older, our immune system weakens and can lead to complications. The influenza vaccine helps prevent us from getting influenza and can reduce gravity if we get the flu."

Your "Heavy Metal Toxicity".


Most people have never heard the words "toxicity of heavy metals". But pay attention to heavy metals of your body could help you protect yourself from your best at your age. "Heavy metals in the body inhibit mitochondrial function in the body, and also contribute to the development of diseases such as cancer and diabetes, among others," saysMaggie Berghoff, MSN, FNP-C, a Nursing Practitioner of Functional Medicine in Fort Wayne, Indiana. "It is important to lower exposure to heavy metals and periodically check a life throughout its life for their accumulation."

Your risk heart disease.

young asian man clutching chest on stairs, signs your cold is serious
Shutterstock / Chingyunsong

As you get older, your risk of heart disease increases. Because of this, this is the first thing your primary care doctor will want to check when you are in your forties and beyond. "The goal here is to prevent cardiovascular disease and reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, also known as heart attack"Taroyan Rose, MD, a family doctor in Los Angeles, saidKECK MEDICINE OF USC. "If something looks out of the ordinary, your doctor will be able to provide advice and instructions on how to handle health problems."

Your use of tobacco.

cigarettes in ashtray, skin cancer facts

According toAmerican Cancer SocietyOnly a small number of people receive a diagnosis of lung cancer less than 45 years old. After that, your risk increases exponentially and most cases are diagnosed at age 65 and over. So, if you always smoke, it's an ideal time to drop the bad habit. "Your doctor will pose your tobacco consumption, provide advice if necessary and discuss the invention of pharmacotherapy if necessary," says Taroyan. "The invention of pharmacotherapy is essentially drugs to help put an end to the use of tobacco, for example, nicotine gum, patch or prescription pills. "

Your consumption habits.

people drinking

There is a major difference between a glass of casual wine at night and feel obliged to get drunk every night. "Your primary care doctor will want to check alcohol abuse through screening and behavioral counseling interventions," Taroyan said. In addition to asking how much you drink, they can also ask you for a series of four questions to identify yourCage score, which can show an addiction to alcohol.

Your risk of diabetes.

man getting a diabetes test at the doctors office

If you have not been screened for diabetes, your 40s are a good time to start. "It continues regularly from 40 to 70 years," says Taroyan. "There is a lot ofRisk factors of diabetes, as being overweight, obese or experience of hypertension or hyperlipidemia. Based on your results, your doctor will be able to provide treatment options. »

Your BMI.

bmi body mass index evaluation, health questions after 40

Most people do not calculate their mass index of the BMI or their body mass, regular. The number "indicates how healthy your weight is" for your size, says Taroyan. "In this process, your primary care doctor will do a screening for obesity. If this value seems out of the ordinary, the Council will be provided."

Your teeth.

man with gray hair brushing teeth

Having healthy teeth and gums are not just important for your smile. They are also essential to keep the rest of your body in perfect condition, aspoor dental hygiene also leads to cardiac health problems. To protect yourself from all problems with your teeth and gums,Lisa Simon, DMD, dentist and instructor of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, recommends planning regular visits to the dentist. "All older adults should have recurring dental examinations to identify, diagnose and treat potential problems before becoming severe," she saidHarvard Health Publishing.

Your projections.

woman at the doctor

TheAmerican Cancer Society Said start between 40 and 44 years, women can start screening for breast cancer each year. And for men, colorectal cancer screening is a must, see like theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that 90% of the new cases occur in these 50 or more. "Every individual should first talk to their doctor, who can then take into account personal and family history and suggest the screening test that suits you,"SADAF MUSTAFA, MD, a primary care doctor in Baltimore, Maryland, saysMedstar Good Hospital Samaritan.

The possibility of sleep apnea.

man in bed lies over 40

According toAmerican Sleep Apnea Association, Up to 80% of people with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) do not know that they have been diagnosed with them could affect their health. If you encounter symptoms, including day fatigue, lack of energy, strong snoring or excessive driving - talk to your doctor.

"Obstructive sleep apnea is a significant risk factor for heart disease. The prevalence of hypertension in people with sleep apnea varies between 30 and 70% and is similar in men and women", "Fiona C. Baker, Doctorate, a sleep physiologist, says theNational Sleep Foundation. "However, when taking BMIs into consideration, some gender differences emerge. Men with OSA that are clearly obese have a risk of hypertension twice as high as obese women with OSA."

Your sodium intake.

spilled salt shaker

You may not think sodium in your food, but according to theCDC90% of the Americans consume too much. Although it is recommended to consume less than 2,300 mg per day, the average daily consumption of sodium in adults of the USB is greater than 3,400 mg. While salt is not harmful to everyone,Steven Nissen, MD, a cardiologist with the clinic of Cleveland, says that there are instances in which you should reduce.

"Some people need to monitor their salt consumption. For example, if you have high blood pressure or are limited for illness, or congestive heart failure, a low salt diet should be part of your health plan. General, "he saidCleveland Clinic. "If you have other medical conditions, a high salt diet could put you higher than cardiovascular disease or heart failure. Make sure you talk with your doctor and follow his recommendations."

Your sugar intake.

sugar health tweaks over 40

With regard to your health, the snack on the natural sugar of fruits will enjoy much more than reaching something packaged with harmful added sugar. "The effects of blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes and disease of foie gras are all linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke"Frank Hu, MD, PhD, researcher at Harvard University, saidHarvard Health Publishing. "Basically, the higher the added sugar consumption, the higher the risk of heart disease."

Chronic inflammation.

Older Woman with Swollen Ankles {Heart Disease Symptoms}

Chronic inflammation is only causing damage to your joints, internal organs, tissues and cells, indicatesKeenan A. Walker, PhD, researcher at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. In its 2019 study of theAmerican Academy of NeurologyHe also noted that those who feel chronic inflammation in the Middle Ages can develop cognitive problems in the coming years. "The additional change of thought skills and memory associated with chronic inflammation was modest, but it was greater than what has been previously associated with high blood pressure in the Middle Ages," Walker said in adeclaration.

Your eyes.

Eye of a black woman shot large macro - Image

If you do not already go to complete eye exams on a regular basis, it is a must as soon as you have reached 40. In this way, your doctor can handle any change in your eyes and your vision that come as you get older . Another crucial step to keep your eyes healthy also consists of taking care of other aspects of your health, including not smoking, maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly.

"As individuals, our bodies age differently from each other", "Albert Jun, MD, PhD, an ophthalmologist in Baltimore, saysJohns Hopkins University. "However, an abundance of evidence indicates that staying healthy while you are aged the occurrence or the effects of ocular problems associated with age."

Prevention on treatment.

fruit basket with apples, pears, cherries

According to Stockwell, prevention isalwaysbetter than treatment. "Eat healthy foods, to exercise often new experiences and relationships with your loved ones," she says. "If you are already experiencing symptoms, it's almost never too late to improve your nutrition, your emotional well-being and your state of mind. They are the key to a long long and healthy life. If you do best choices now, you will soon feel better! "And to find out what does not do in your 40s, check out the40 worst habits for people over 40.

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