5 shocking things that could change for the best after coronavirus

These are the money lines that you may be able to wait after the end of this Pandemic of Covid-19.

There is sugarcoatung not the fact that so muchthings have changed for the worst since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. Collectively, we are in mourning the loss of countless lives, mourning the end of life as we knew it, and juggle our disorders new calendars and priorities. Even worse, a second wave of the virus could strike, or the economy to collapse. That is whyFind just a little good in all this May feel a very necessary breath of fresh air.

However these small silver fittings may seem in front of our current situation, to see how things could change for the best after coronavirus gives us something we all need right now: the hope we can get out of this crisis stronger and better. New medical technologies that could stimulatepierced in modern medicine To the policies that could revolutionize education, here are the five things that could change for the best when all this is said and done. And to minimize the risk when you head out of your home, check outThis CDC Council will do the operation of your faster and safer errands.

Student loans can be forgiven.

Cash, and a post-it that says

Many Americans fight with overwhelming study debt, and withunemployment rate skyrocketedThe payment of these debts is back become more difficult than ever during the coronavirus crisis.

Fortunately, there are some good news. AsForbes reports, it currently existsFive plans for loan forgiveness On the table that could provide important financial assistance. Some of them contain specific provisions for essential health workers, while other proposals extend their loan discount to all undergraduate students. This could be very good news for millions of student loan borrowers, who have long struggled against their debts.

Work-life conciliation could be transformed.

Woman working on her couch

Remote work and flexible schedules used to be considered as rare benefits granted to the few American workers, but after adaptation to the coronavirus crisis, many of us now find us working at home.

A recent Gallup survey revealed that 62 percent of the Americans usedThe transition to remote work In response to Covid-19 a number of doubled since mid-March this year. During a survey, three of the five peopleRemote workers They said they would like to continue working at home "as much as possible" when the restrictions are lifted. Many employers are likely to lend themselves to this new provision, which will save overhead and help them maintain asafer environment of work For those who return to the office. And to learn more about life in your post-coronaviruses office, consult5 things you will never see in your office again after coronavirus.

The size of the school classes could become smaller.

Kids in reduced size classroom

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, theThe average class size in American public schools The instruction is departmentalized between 24 and 26 students, depending on age. Determine how to reduce this number has become a sustainable discussion between educators and policy makers, who recognize that learning and padded classes allow inhibiting many students to pass through the mesh of the net.

It could change, like usreopen schools and re-imagining the classroom through the social distancing lens. Although we do not yet know how it will be achieved, it is likely that we will see smaller classes in the fall. According to NPR, the President of the United Federation of Teachers,Michael Mulgrew, Suggested thatClasses of no more than 12 students would be optimal to maintain the requirements of social distancing. And for more ways Coronavirus will turn life into class, see these7 things you will never see in schools again after coronavirus.

Medicine could be revolutionized.

Gloved hand with RNA

At this moment, theRace for a Covid-19 vaccineis in progress, and in case of success, it can pave the way for a whole new border of medicine. The urgency of the pandemic has compressed the deadlines and pushed researchers to explore new strategies, including the development of mRNA genes-based vaccines.

According to Phg Foundation, a Think Tank of Health Policy at the University of Cambridge,Progress in the field of mRNA treatments could exceed their current potential ascoronavirus vaccine To have a significant impact on other infectious diseases (including influenza and HIV), as well as cancer vaccines. Researchers in both areas of medicine have struggled to combat these threats with more conventional treatments, therefore, if proven effective treatments, mRNA could revolutionize medicine itself. And for more than one potential coronavirus vaccine, here is7 questions about the coronavirus vaccine, replied by doctors .

The environment could improve.

Hands holding plant

With the triggering of many industries and the abrupt break in our daily lives and our travel projects, coronavirus has triggered a significant slowdown in carbon emissions. The administration of information on US energy believes that Our global co2 Levels could fall With more than seven percent this year, a reduction that marks the most dramatic fall in the fossil fuel industry.

Sure Long-term improvements Must be the result of policy changes and a change to renewable energy sources, it has just shown that change is possible - and with concentrated effort, a greener future is at hand.

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