101 easy ways of being a man (a lot) healthier

Men can live longer and healthier life with these simple and effective tips.

Just the thought of trying to live a healthier lifestyle can be discouraging, but now more than ever, we have to take our health seriously. You might think that the secret of a longer and more active life is to spend hours every daypractice and endless planningDoctor's appointment, leaving no time for something else. In reality, these are many ways to improve your health. Work a few times a week, balance your dinners with steak with healthy egg breakfasts and consult a doctor only a few times a year, and you will feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. Read it to discover 101 healthy and easiest healthy habits for men to follow. And for more health advice, check these100 simple ways to be a much healthier person, according to science.

Eat more nuts.

Walnuts Healthy Man

Nuts are not just delicious. They are also useful when it comes to yourcardiac health. A 2019 study published in theJournal of the American Heart Association found that when subjects added nuts to a low fat diet, they were able to succeed inreduce their blood pressure. And low blood pressure is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Make new friends.

young black man smiling and chatting on his laptop

You may not be able to meet new people in person right now, but it could virtually have significant health benefits. As it turns out,have a lot of friends could be the key to longevity. A 2005 study on the cited published in theJournal of epidemiology and community health found that among 1,477 people, people with the most friendslived an average of 22% longer that people with the least friends. And for more ways to live longer, discover100 ways of living at 100.

Ask your doctor an EKG test.


It's when you are young and in your first that you should start getting EKG. This provides a healthy base that your doctor can possibly use to compare future EKG results against. And for more areas to be monitored, learn the50 signs of poor health men should never ignore.

Walking or cycling instead of taking the car.

Black Man Looking at his Phone while he Walks to Work Healthy Man

While you probably do not drive as much as you had used it these days, you still have places. Save moneyand Living a healthier life while walking or cycling instead of driving. A 2014 study published in theBritish medical newspaper found that the men who actively committed hadBMI marks an average of 1 lower point that those who have traveled passively, reflecting a difference of nearly 7 pounds.

Watch for your ibuprofen consumption.

ibuprofen painkiller painkillers

Although theOvercoming analgesics Known under the name of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (or NSAIDs) serve their goal when you suffer, they should only be used in moderation. According toNational Foundation of Reinsbetween 3 and 5% of the newChronic renal failure Cases each year are caused by overuse of these drugs, seeing because they can damage kidney tissue and limit blood flow.

And wash the ibuprofen with caffeine.

businessman drinking coffee, office etiquette

When you need to take an analgesic, do it with coffee. Ibuprofen taken with a caffeinated drink canRelieve headaches and other pains more efficiently that the ibuprofen taken with water, according to a 2015 research analysis published in theCochrane database of systematic reviews.

Be more optimistic!

healthy man smiling

Multiple studies, including a 2010 study published inClinical practice and epidemiology in mental health-Have people tend toManage stress more effectively If they can believe that things are improving and maintaining apositive attitude. Taking this old advice to always look at the luminous side of life could be enough to mitigate your anxiety and live a long and happy life.

Cut yourself on your consumption of red meat.

grass fed beef tom brady diet healthy man

Save your favorite steak slab for a special occasion. Important search published in the journalArteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular biology In 1997, healthy men produced60% more dangerous coagulation agentsAfter eating high grease meals loaded with meat and dairy. And for simpler changes to do, try these40 small health adjustments that can change your life after 40.

Maintain a happy marriage.

older couple hugging and smiling in the kitchen

If you fight frequently with your other significant, it's in your interest for a mental and physical perspective of health?Mend your relationship Or move on. A 2005 major study published in theArchives of General Psychiatry found that individuals in unfortunate marriages hadLonger healing timecompared to those who were contained. And for advice on the need to make the most of your wedding, here is the50 best wedding tips from all time, according to related experts.

And do something every day that makes your spouse smile.

happy mexican couple

A 2019 study published in the journalPsychological science found that over an eight-year period, people with happy partners wereless likely to die than those with sad spouses. The researchers think it's because when people are sad, their diet and exercise tends to fall next - and when the partner of a person is unhealthy, he tends to have an effect on them too.


Couple Volunteering Together Valentine's Day

Be disinterested Can you benefit as much as this benefits people or causes that you help. A 2012 study published in the journalPsychology of health found that, while 4.3% of people who did not volunteer were died by the end of the 55-year-old research period, only 1.6% of those who volunteered for disinterested reasons. were.

Slow down your breath when you feel that your heart rate accelerates.

Man holds nostril to stay calm, breathes deeply

Althoughpancakes Can make one feel that a person wants to lose control, there is a way to fight them. To maintain homeostasis when a panic attack went, just breathe through your nose while pinching a closed nostril. This will allow you to breathe more slowly than you can not inhale as much air at a time through a nostril you can through your mouth.

Wash your weekly pillow.

man putting clothes in washing machine laundry folding tips

The research conducted by Amerisleep in 2018 analyzed a pillowcase of the week and found that it contained3 million units of bacteria forming colonies Per thumb inch - it's 17,442 times more than you find on a toilet seat. So, if you want to stay healthy, give this pillow cover a weekly wash.

Take a class of virtual group exercises.

young black man doing a plank in front of his laptop at home

Feel anxious or submerged? Sign up for an online training class. A 2017 study published in theJournal of the American Osteopathic Association found that people who worked in group parameters have been capable ofreduce their levels of stress 26%. You may not be able to take exercise classes in person right now, but there are always ways to work with others.

Plan a nap in your day.

middle-aged man napping on yellow couch, ways to be a healthier man

According to sleep experts interviewed by theWall Street newspaper, if your ultimate goal is a vigilance, theIdeal length is only 20 minutes. However, if what you want is an enhanced memory function, 60 minutes are the best for your middle snooze in the afternoon.

Wear a sunscreen - whatever the season.

Man Putting on Sunscreen at the Golf Course Healthy Man

Whether it's a fresh day in mid-December or a snout Friday burned in August, make sure you do not leave the house withoutApply a sunscreen. Although UVB rays causing sunburns diminish in winter, UVA rays that can lead to wrinkles, aging and evenskin cancer to stay.

Take the stairs.

close up of man's legs walking up stairs

By opting for the stairs on the elevator is not just a single decision of your size. A 2017 study published in the journalPhysiology and behavior found that only 10 minutes of staircase activity resulted inMore energy boost Less than 50 milligrams of caffeine, the equivalent of half a cup of coffee.

Drink cherry juice before going to bed.

cherry juice fresh sleep

Why the cherry juice? Well, tart cherries are aNatural source of melatoninA hormone that attends the regulation of the body's fate cycle. Just make sure not to make transformed cherry juice because the added sugar included in this drink can actually keep you awake rather thanHelp you fall asleep.

And snack on cottage cheese.

Bowl of Cottage Cheese Healthy Man

Most men already know that protein is the perfect nutriment when it comes to adding muscle mass and cut. However, a 2018 study published in theBritish Nutrition Journal found that specifically, eating a snack with 30 grams of protein from 30 to 60 minutes before the bed has been associated withbest muscle quality and a faster metabolism.

Eat good food before going to bed.

grey haired man sleeping, healthier man

Speaking of it, if you want a good night's sleep, the following foods areNatural sources of melatonin And can help you help you, according to the National Sleep Foundation:

  • Almonds and walnuts
  • Fruits like raspberries, bananas, pineapples, oranges, kiwis, prunes, plums and tapped cherries mentioned above
  • Tea of ​​chamomile, ginger and peppermint (without caffeine, of course)
  • A glass of hot milk (yes, it's one thing!)

Practical balance on one leg at a time.

Man Doing Yoga and Balancing on One Leg Healthy Man

Use the seconds you spend brushing your teeth to work on your balance and your nimaterity. According to the Clinic of Cleveland, all you have to do isequilibrium on each leg for 10 seconds at a time While cleaning your pearly whites.

Pass this trip to the tanning bed.

Man in a Tanning Bed Healthy Man

If you have the choice between go to tanning beds and talking a walk in the sun, always opt for the sun (with sunscreen, of course). An analysis of notable 2007 published in theInternational Cancer Journal found that people who started using tanning beds before we were 35 years old were as much as75% more likely to develop melanoma.

Eat a lot of fiber.

Oatmeal and raisins and bananas for low blood pressure look younger oats healthy man

Pay attention to your daily fiber intake. A major study of 2009 published in the journalNutrition Reviews notes that some of theAdvantages of a high fiber diet Include a reduced risk for diabetes, a healthier and more balanced heartarterial pressure.

Spend at least two hours a week outside.

older white man with a face mask crouching down next to his dog outside

Why two hours? This is the minimum amount needed for optimalPhysical and mental well-being, according to a 2019 study published in the journalScientific reports. So, if your choice setting is the park or the beach, make sure to spend at least 120 minutes every week to enjoy the nature to offer.

Give your dog cuddling.

Couple with their dog, to help them strip away stress

TOReduce your risk of cardiac attack and shot, get a dog. Seriously! A 1988 study of the OFT city published in theJournal of Behavioral Medicine found that caressing a dog when you are stressed canKeep your blood pressure.

Incorporate weights into your training routine.

white man lifting weights while sitting on his couch in front of tv

Weights make your biceps beautiful, but they can also protect your heart. In fact, a 2018 study of Iowa State University found that less than one hour of weight lifting one week is enough forReduce your risks for a heart attack or cerebral vascular accident from nearly 40 to 70%.

Drink more joj.

orange juice healthy man

HDL is the "good" cholesterol found in your arteries - in other words, cholesterol you really want. So, how do you get it? Well, a notable 2000 study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition have found that healthy men and women who drank three cups of orange juice successfully successfullyincreased their HDL cholesterol 21% and decreased from their LDL-HDL cholesterol levels of an average of 16% over a four-week period.

Follow your water consumption.

Man with a man bun and glasses drinking water at home

With all the tedious tasks occupying your day, the last thing in your mind is drinking water. However, you want, need drinking at least four to six glasses of water of eight ounces a day, according toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. SomeSide effects of dehydration Include much more frequent headaches, a saggier skin and a slower brain function.

Start every morning with a moment of mindfulness.

man meditating in the lawn

Setting the good tone for each day requires only five to ten minutes of your time. As a social workerBrittani persha, LCSW-S, owner ofBrittani Persha CounselingExplain to exercise 5 to 10 minutes of consciousness in the morning "helps you erase your head and be intentional to be present."Headache andInsight Does his applications go for a bit of morning anxiety relief.

And meditate to have a more restful sleep.

Man Meditating at Home Anti-Aging

It's just just aside a few minutes from your night to breathe deeply and the practice of consciousness can not only help fight insomnia, but it can also help youreceive a more relaxing sleep, according to a 2015 study published in the magazineJAMA internal medicine.

In the study, those who practiced full consciousness and meditation on a regular basis found their sleep to be much more relaxing than their counterparts who simply followed "best sleep practices". By slowing down the rate of Your heart with meditation and mindfulness, you report to the rest of your body - namely your brain, you are ready for a good night's sleep.

Wash your hands the right way.

healthy man washing hands

As you surely know here, there is a good way towash your hands. But in case you need a reminder, the Minnesota Ministry of Health says you should beLathering your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds In a way that is quite vigorous to eliminate dirt and debris. This will better protect you from the harmful germs that you enter in contact daily.

Always moisturize after an intense sweat session.

man drinking water after exercising, healthier man after 40

Every man who has always had a kidney stone can attest to the fact that they are not fun. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent them from happening in the first place. According to the National Kidney Foundation, making sure to rehydrate after particularly sweaty activities like a class of hot yoga or a passage in the sauna, is a means ofAvoid kidney stones.

"The loss of water by perspiration causes a production less urine," explains the organization. "The more you sweat, the less urine you, which allows minerals causing the stone to settle and bind them to the kidneys and the urinary tract."

Replace your go-to beer with a lower cocktail.

Gin and Tonic, cocktails

With regard to alcohol, beer is both one of the most caloric and one of the heavier fuel options. As theUS Department of Health and Human Services Notes, the average portion of the beer contains about 153 calories, while you can enjoy a glass of wine with as little as 75 calories and a glass of straight liquor for only 97.

Keep essential medical information on the hand.

phone and wallet cellphone iphone

In your portfolio, keep a list that includes your medicine sensitivities or allergies, all prescription and non-redistribution medications that you are taking, the name and phone number of your primary care doctor, all medical conditions that You are treated for your blood group, and your emergency contact information. Having some of your most important medical information with you at any time, which might be the difference between life and death in a serious emergency situation, especially if you are dead or without the risk of speaking.

Take a PSA test.


A PSA test is what doctors use on the prostate cancer screen. Both theAmerican Cancer Society and theUS Urology Association Recommend this test every two years from 50 to 55 years old. If you are african american, or if you have a family history of prostate cancer, start this test at 45. Your doctor may not perform PSA tests on the right. Now, but you should be able to plan one.

Stretch after intense workouts.

Stretching lubed joints exercise

As we get older, our muscles become less and less foldable. After intense workouts, it's important that you take a few extra minutes to expand your members so they do not drag and tighten. According to Harvard Medical School, you should aim atflexibility exercises At least two to three times a week. In your routine, try hitting each group of muscle tendon: the neck, shoulders, chest, trunk, lower back, hips, legs and ankles.

Add more UPBAT melodies to your workout playlist.

shirtless white man doing a knee tuck exercise at home

It may be time to transmit all these tunes from casual workout. A 2019 study of the University of British Columbia found that when individuals have undergone training at sprint intervals, they found the most enjoyable and effective when they wereListen to motivational music.

Never forget to brush your teeth.

nurdle small amount of toothpaste on toothbrush names of everyday items

Listen to your dentist When they tell you to brush your teeth twice a day. Not only will it prevent cavities and dental caries, but the 2019 research published in the newspaperAdvance of science shows that it is toodestroys bacteria that can migrate to the brain and cause Alzheimer's.

Stop rinse after brushed your teeth.

Older man brushes teeth in mirror, things that would horrify your dentist

When you make brush, avoid rinsing your mouth to get rid of this toothpaste residue. As the Queensland government in Australia explains on theirhealth department Website, this practice is full of the mouth and teeth of the protective fluoride layer that the toothpaste provides, which in turn invites the bacteria in.

Soak your toothbrush in the mouth bath every night.

healthy man mouthwash listerine

According to dental hygiene, dynamic dynamic dental, using this antiseptic product as a disinfectant agent is a safe means ofPrevent the propagation of germs Via your toothbrush, especially during the cold and the flu season.

Limit your soda intake.

soda, sugar, sweetener, stay lean look younger

In addition to providing you more than your fair share of empty calories, gaseous drinks contain large amounts of fructose, which researchers found Mayweaken your bones and contribute to osteoporosis, according to a 2018 study published in the journalMissouri Medicine.

Keep healthy snacks with you wherever you go.

Apple Cut in Half eco-friendly tips
Ryazantev Dmitriy / Shutterstock

You never know when you are going to find yourself in a situation where you are hungry and the only thing at the disposal is sticky donuts and other treats. One way to avoid succumbing to these sweet offers receive healthier snacks with you. We recommend keeping at least one walnut bag, a protein bar or a fruit on your person at some point.

Dilute your juice.

weight loss motivation

You do not need to give up your favorite fruit juices completely simply to be healthy. Instead, you can halve the number of calories you simply consume by diluting your drink with water. It's the same flavor with half of the sugar!

Eat more peanut butter.


The peanut butter contains enough monosaturated fat, that 2018 search for Harvard T.h. The Chan Public Health School has shownRisk of lower heart disease. In addition, it's filling, which means you can slap on a piece of toast for a satisfactory afternoon snack.

Stop skipping breakfast.

skipping breakfast increases risk of heart disease, study finds

Breakfast is one of the most important meals when it comes to losing weight and maintaining it. A 2002 report on the cited published in the journalObesity research noted that, between nearly 3,000 subjects that may lose at least 30 pounds and keep it at least one year, 78% reportedEat breakfast every day.

Keep a feed review.

journal, over 40 stressed out

Although tedious, keeping a food review, especially at the beginning of aWeight loss trip, can prove to be extremely beneficial in the long term. A significant study of 2008 Kaiser Permane even found that when people wrote what they have eaten, theylost twice as much weight like those who have not maintained archives.

Wait 20 minutes before returning for seconds.

healthy man meal

Before returning to the kitchen to catch a post-dinner snack,Give yourself 20 minutes to digest. It's how long your body has to realize that it is full, according to Harvard Medicine School.

Ask for an empty extra box when ordering to take away.

chinese takeout box, worst things about the suburbs

Restoration portions, particularly in America, have become notoriously larger than necessary. Therefore, you should make it a habit of putting half of your meal in a separate box before starting to dig. This ensures that you do not supervise simply because there is available food. In addition, it saves money by turning a meal in two!

Binge mentally before doing it really.

man thinking or confused, relationship white lies

It might seem weird, but we hear us: a 2010 study published in thenewspaperScience found that the people who imagined judging on their coveted food who then eaten less than those who do not take the time to imagine. The imagination is a powerful thing!

Keep your dinners.

black father helping daughter push cucumbers into a salad bowl

You will not weigh you in a literal way - eating a heavy steak dinner and potatoes just before going to bed. After all, the last thing your body wants to do while it sleeps is to digest food.

Keep your cholesterol at the bay.

quitting smoking gets rid of wrinkles

Since men tend to havehigher cholesterol levels In their bodies, they also tend to be at higher risk of developing coronary artery disease, heart disease that occurs when coronary arteries become narrowed or blocked. In order for your cholesterol levels to remain healthy, try to reduce the amount of fat saturated in your diet, lose weight in excess, to exercise frequently and reduce your smoking habit (if you have one) as a cigarette smokerlowers the amount of good cholesterol In your body, according to the National Library of American Medicine.

Take frequent breaks from the session.

walking is the best exercise

ExpenditureLong periods of sitting time Can be incredibly harmful for every aspect of your overall health. Of the loss of blood flow at your ends that can cause blood clots to a compressed abdomen that can lead to digestive problems, there are many health risks that can be avoided by just taking a few minutes to walk out or even around the block .

Test your lung function with a candle.


Here is a tour of the age forTest your lung function: Hold a lighted candle (or a correspondence) of 6 inches from your face, open the wide mouth and take a deep breath. Try to blow the candle without pursuing your lips. If you can turn off the flame, your lungs probably work normally.

Make an intestinal check.

Man checking belly fat, first heart attack, weird laws

A 2018 study published in theEuropean newspaper of heart failure found that "central obesity" (better known as Pobelly)Increases your risk of heart disease. To check your belly, use a measurement band to play a playback on your mid-term size between your lower coast and your hip bone. Then measure your hips at their widest point. Divide the size of your size by your hip size and you have your hip size report. If this report is 0.90 or less, and your size is less than 40 inches, you have just eliminated a key risk factor for heart disease.

Check your audience.

Black man puts fingers in his ears because he does not want to listen, check hearing to be a healthier man

In a quiet room, prolong your arm on the side and slightly rub your thumb and your index together. Slowly move the fingers rubbing to one ear, taking note how far they are when the sound becomes audible. Repeat on the other side. Within 60 years, a person with a normal hearing should be able to distinguish the sound at 6 to 8 inches. If you are under 60 years old and you have a hard time completing this test, it may be time to see a health professional, according to the 2008 bookLive now, Age later throughIsadore Rosenfeld, MD.

Discover your right age.


This skin elasticity test will beMeasure your functional age (How old is your body acts), as opposed to your chronological: pinch the skin at the back of your hand between your thumb and your index for five seconds, then how long it takes to fulfill completely. For people under 50, the skin should resurrect in about 5 seconds; up to 60 years, 10 to 15 seconds; and up to 70, 35 to 55 seconds.

Cook your meals at home.

mother and kids cooking healthy dinner

If you want to live a longer and healthier life, stop eating so many things to take away. A 2012 study published in theNutrition of public health Journal found that people who cook at home up to five times a week were 47% more likely to be alive 10 years later, compared to those who ate more meals.

Get your vision verified to reduce the eye strain.

Man gets vision exam

If you have more than 40 years and you get headaches or eye strains of reading, you can havepresbyopia: The loss of the ability to abruptly focus on things closely. To say if you do, open a directory and choose some numbers. (If you normally wear glasses, keep them.) Move the book until you can focus on the numbers. If you have to extend your arms completely or bend it only slightly to see clearly, you are probably ready to play glasses or bifocals. If this is the case, see an optometrist or an ophthalmologist for a more accurate test.

Find ways to curb your stress.


If we had to give a single health point to men, it would be "eliminating stress in your life".Chronic stress In men has been linked to all allergies to heart disease. Experts from the American Institute of Stress indicate that up to 90% of doctors' visits can be forStress disorders. Thus, to combat this serious risk for health, start finding ways to actively brake your stress, spend more time chatting with friends and family to reduce your caffeine consumption.

Pass the second cup of coffee.

healthy man two cups of coffee

Caffeine in two cups of coffee adds 16 beats per minute to your heart rate andmakes you more irritable and anxious, according to a 2015 study published in theJournal of Psychopharmacology. If you consume more than 400 milligrams a day (about four cups of coffee), it is very likely that your irritability is tested.

Sleeping naked.

man sleeping face down

According to sleep help, sleepless sleep can improve yourability to sleep resting And, in general, your overall health. Indeed, when you sleep naked, the production of melatonin of your body, which makes you sleepy and decreases the temperature of your body, is not hindered by the presence of layers of clothing. In addition to making sure you have a really relaxing sleep, keep cool at night reduces the level of cortisol of the body, a stress hormone that can lead to too much meal, diabetes and inflammation caused by the disease.

To trykur Maintain a restful sleep.

man washing his face at a sink in the bathroom, be a healthier man
Shutterstock / vgstockstudio

If you wake up exceptionally early - let's say 4 or 5 at the head of the bathroom and humidify a hand towel with fresh water. Spend a few minutes to lightly wipe your arms, legs and torso; Then return to bed. The body is very hotWhen it comes out of the remnant. Once you have cooled it and you go back to bed, your body will heat even more, almost as if it has a slight fever. The result should be a deep and relaxing sleep. This technique is part of akur, a relaxation treatment in many European spas.

Get an extra hour of sleep.

waking up

It provides the energy equivalent of two cups of coffee, but only if you go to bed earlier than usual. Sleep later does not work because it disrupts your circadian rhythm, making you feel a little groggy and short of things for the rest of the day, saysRachel's Salas, an associate professor of neurology that studies sleep disorders at Johns Hopkins University.

Eat more eggs.

two over easy eggs cracked in a frying pan, egg puns

If there is breakfast food that you should never avoid eating more, it's eggs. This morning staple is responsible forVitamin Dand studies - including a 2018 study published inPlos a-AView all people withsufficient amounts of vitamin D in their system are less likely to developType 2 diabetes.

Test the viability of your pillow with a shoe.

Pillow on a Bed Home Hazards

You want to test if your pillow is always in down- tobacco? All you need is a shoe. Just fold your pillow in half, making sure to squeeze the air out and place the shoe on top of it (if you are worried about your dirt transfer shoe, a pocket book is enough too). If the remnants of folded pillow, then the time to get a new one; If she comes back to you with strong, so you know that your neck and back are in good hands.

Ask for help for your sleep apnea.

Woman Covering Her Ears Because Her Husband is snoring, signs you need a new mattress

If you tend to snore loudly especially at night, and breath cut, even for air occasionally, your simple snoring habit could be sleep apnea.Sleep Apnea Occurs when the muscles relax in the back of the throat and the respiratory tract or firm goume that you inspire, which makes it almost impossible for you to receive the air and a sleep enough that your body needs.

And, because your body can not get the right amount of rolling a night, you are more likely to undergo high blood pressure, heart disease, andliver problems. So please, for the benefit of your health, look for medical help to heal your sleep apnea your health depends on it.

Fight against your insomnia.


If you are fighting against insomnia (and it feels like a lost battle in advance), you might need to use smarter tactics to get this valuable sleep you need, according to theNational Sleep Foundation. On the one hand, you should find a way to relax 30 minutes before your head on the pillow. This relaxation time can include anything from reading the soothing music, but it should not involve electronic devices because they only inspire your mind to stay awake.

However, if you have relaxed for 30 minutes and seem can still not find the Sweet Spot Sleeping, then experts at the National Sleep Foundation actually suggest getting out of bed and resume your relaxing activities in another part of your House. "The lie in a waking bed can create an unhealthy link between your sleep environment and awakening. Instead, you want your bed to evoke asleep only thoughts and feelings, "they noted.

Eat a low calorie diet.


A 2017 study published inGirona newspapers found that participants whoglued to a low calorie diet For two years only 0.11 years old in the study, while their counterparts that stuck to a 0.71 year old normal diet each year, thus demonstrating the power of a restricted plan over the aging process.

Keep your tv to a minimum.

save 40 percent of your paycheck

Your affinity for the end of night Recaps ESPN could be detrimental to your health, according to 2012 the research published in theBritish Journal of Sports Medicine. That's right, all the television hours you look after 25 yearsCut your life of about 22 minutes. In addition, the researchers have discovered that people who have spent an average of six hours a day listening to their TVs died nearly five years before those who do not watch the television.

Eat more water melon to protect your prostate.


Like tomatoes, water melon contains lycopene, a phytochemical that canReduce your risk of prostate cancer, According to the analysis of the research conducted by the National Cancer Institute. After combing over decades, the value of research on the association between foods rich in lycopene and the risk of prostate cancer, researchers at the National Cancer Institute have been able to say with certainty that 95 percent of the Points of research at the same conclusion, that the consumption of lycopene on a constant base help can prevent prostate cancer. (Fun made: only one slice of a water melon thumb has as much as four lycopene tomatoes).

Back on the bacon cut.

sausage bacon and pancakes lifestyle habits

Although meats processed as sausages and bacon are decidedly delicious ways to add proteins to your diet, a 2013 study published in the journalBMC Medicine concluded that processed meats are linked to agreater risk of heart disease and cancer. So, like most everything else, it is better to consume these meat transformed with moderation.

Eat more fish.

Raw salmon

Two portions per week of fish rich in omega-3 healthy fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines and album tuna, can have a positive effect on the health of your heart, according to theAmerican Heart Association. By "decreasing the risk of abnormal heart rhythms that can cause sudden death, reduce triglyceride levels and slow down the growth of fat deposits that make up the arteries", can really help you protect your long-term ticker.

Eat blueberries to protect your erection.

Blueberries libido food, brain foods

Mother Nature's original blue power capsule is blueberry. They are packed with compounds that help relax your blood vessels, improve traffic, explainsMary Ellen Camire, PhD, aProfessor of Food Sciences at the University of Maine. In addition, "they are loaded with soluble fibers, which helps to push an excess cholesterol through your digestive system before being decomposed, absorbed and deposited along the walls of your arteries," she explains. Lower cholesterol and better blood flow mean more blood towards the penis to ensure maximum power and performance when you grow up. Eat fresh blueberries or in a smoothie at least three times a week.

Have one or two cocktails a day.


According to significant research of 2001 published in thePostgraduate medical newspaper, have one to two drinks a day cankeep heart disease In two ways - first, by modestly stimulating the blood levels of HDL, cholesterol that erases the arteries of fat deposits; And secondly, by making plates or cells forming clots, less likely to stick together and obstruct the blood flow. The results of more than 30 long-term studies suggest that those who nested in this range reduce theirRisk of cardiac attack 25 to 40% compared to Nountrinkers.

Consume more nuts.

boiled peanuts heart healthy diet

A 2019 study published inTraffic search, an American Heart Association newspaper reveals that people with type 2 diabetes who eat five walnut portions a weekdecreased their risk of cardiovascular disease at least 17%. Eating rich vitamin nut nuts could also prevent heart disease in people without diabetes.

Become a yogi.

older couple in tree pose, better wife after 40
Shutterstock / 4h Production

Sir, it's time to release your yoga mats. This is true - according to the American osteopathic association,yoga class Sometimes a week have advantages of mental and physical health that ranges from improved breathing, cardio and a balanced metabolism to increased self-awareness and improved stress management. And there are many yoga classes online that you can take part in social distancing.

Choose the good popcorn.

healthy man popcorn

Microwave popcorn with low fat has two thirds fewer calories than regular variety. Not only that, but according to a 2012 study published in theNutrition log, thisSnack Snack Alternative Snack was effectively proved to be more satisfied with the more unhealthy snack alternative to potato chips. So, in short, not only would you feel more satisfied after finishing your popcorn bag with low fat, but you will also save calories and long-term fats - all without wanting to reach another snack after you shot down the bag.

Drink skim milk to avoid osteoporosis.


To avoid osteoporosis, make sure you get at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day. This amount of calcium, according to a 2016 study published in the journalCalcified International Fabric, can actively helpPrevent osteoporosis to settle at a youngest age. A glass of 8 ounce skimmed milk provides approximately 300 milligrams.

Take vitamin C twice a day.

healthy man orange juice

Take two vitamin C pills of 500 milligrams - one in the morning and one with dinner. This can provide moreCancer protection and heart disease only one large dose because vitamin passes through your body within 12 hours of ingestion. So, while only one dose taken at breakfast will keep the vitamin C level of your body high up to dinner time, two smaller doses taken at the opposite ends of the day must keep the level of level and level.Provide advantages of the fight against the disease-Art the clock, according to a study of 2010 published in the magazineHealth.

They crack to relieve back pain.

healthy man abs crunches situps

A great percentage ofBottom problems Can be prevented from building your AB muscles. "The muscles around your spine and in your abdomen contribute to the health of the back. Loose or weak abdominal muscles can cause lower back pain by encouraging an advanced posture", "Ronald B. Tolchin, Make the Baptist health of South Florida, saidShareCare. "The abdominals work together with the back muscles when flexing, recovery or lifting. This is why weak, damaged or distinct abdominal muscles can be associated with lower back pain."

Eat more garlic.

Bad bosses, garlic wash hands sick at work

A diet rich in garlic makes your aorta more flexible and can increase circulation. In fact, a fresh garlic clove every day canDecrease your total cholesterol from nearly 10%, according to a 2005 study of the OFT-cited published in the journalAmerican family doctor.

Garlic also has powerful antiviral properties that combat infection. Just a few cloves of garlic, mixed in the food, will beJump-Start your immune system and improve your chances of fighting a virus.

Pick up the chile red.

older man holding a wine glass of red wine

To reduce yourRisk of cancer, drink red wine from Chile. Compared to Cabernet Sauvignon de France, Cabernet Chile contains38% more flavonols, antioxidants that loot cancer-cause free radicals.

Take your vitamin E supplement with whole milk.


The nutrient, which helpsProtect against heart disease, is soluble in the fat. You will improve the absorption if you take it with a drink containing grease. (Skim milk or water will not do.)

Order a thin crust pizza.

healthy man thin crust pizza

No, you do not have to give up a pizza entirely just to live a long life. On the contrary, a 2018 study published in the magazineThe lancet found that poor carbohydrate regimes, which tend to promote protein and fat, canContribute to the shorter life. Of course, this does not mean that you should be sorted on chopsticks between meals; But opt ​​for a simple thin crust pizza is a great way to satiate your cravings of carbohydrates and consume a lot less calories than you would do it with your typical crust pie.

Get rid of hoks with ice cubes.


Rub an ice cube on your Adam apple for a minute. The coldness interrupts the reflex bow of your brain to your diaphragm that causes nocheses, according to biochemist and chiropractorDavid Williams.

Read the paper.

reading newspaper

According to a 2012 study published in theInternational Journal of Public Health, those who have the mostExposure to news and media In general are also the healthiest eaters - a correlation that researchers did not believe an anomaly. Thus, the six-hour setting of six could help you live a few more years.

Break the fever.

healthy man thermometer fever

There are many ways tofever-Ausfi long as it is less than 104 degrees Fahrenheit. (If it's more than 104 degrees, see immediate medical help). For these manageable fevers that you want to break yourself, Harvard Medical School suggests drinking many fluids, resting, taking ibuprofen, naproxene, acetaminophen or aspirin and take a bath Slightly hot.

Tilt your mirror to save your back.


The vast majority of your back-to-lower pain is caused by a collapse. Tilt your rearview mirror a little. In this way, you go perfectly right to see the cars behind you. If you can not see the cars, you register.

Replace your worn running shoes.

feel heel running tying shoes

In addition to choosing to wear support shoes in general, the Mayo clinic suggests throwing your running shoes all from 400 to 500 miles to make sure you get the right amount of support and cushion for your arches. If you will not succeed in throwing your worn shoes, you could put yourself at risk ofDevelop plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the thick strip of fabric that crosses the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes.

Chewing gum without sugar to get rid of stomach burns.

weird laws

Chewing A sugar-free gum stick for half an hour after meals can prevent or reduce stomach burns. Chewing increases saliva, whichNeutralize gastric acid and the lava of your esophagus, according to Harvard Medical School.

Thembrase with aspirin wood buttons.

aspirin healthy man

Popping 125 milligrams of aspirin daily can reduce the duration of a cold wound of an average of eight days to five. How? 'Or' What? Aspirin helpsReduce the inflammation that causes a cold woundThus, the region heals faster, according to the Association of Herpes Viruses.

Always soothe and treat a blow on the region of the groin.

kick to the nuts healthy man

If you take a shot on the groin, it would be advantageous to use a kind of support (like a jock bracelet), with an ice pack, toReduce the inflammation of the affected area, likeHarry Fisch, MD, a urologist, explained in Sharecare. To circulate the blood, lie down and put a t-shirt wrapped under your testicles, with the ends of the roller resting on your thighs. Take Tylenol for pain. After 24 hours, if you always encounter pain and swelling of the region, go to the emergency room.

Process properly a bee sting.

Redness From a Bee Sting

First of all, make sure to remove the stinter from your skin. Then,reduce inflammation with ice, by the American Academy of Dermatology. Then scrub the aspirin or waiting for meat on the site to break down the venom. Relieving the pain and itching by buffering the area with a sodium slope of water and cooking. If you have found the swelling found its way to other parts of your body, like your face or your neck, head immediately to the emergency room, because you could meet an allergic reaction to the bee bite .

Be better.

man smiling

According to a 2012 study at the College of Medicine Albert Einstein at the University of Yeshiva, there is a scientifically proven correlation between treating others with kindness andLonger life longer. A little positivity in your life could make sure you see your 90th anniversary.

Remove your portfolio from your back pocket.


If you have lower back pain, try out your wallet out of your back pocket. In 2018, a study published in the journalCeremony underlines, sitting on your wallet canPress your sciatic nerve, the major nerve that crosses the buttocks.

Use tea bags for your corner buttons.

Tea Bag

When you feel an endurance of channe to come, hold a wet tea bag on it. The tea tannin acts as an astringent, get rid of the wound of chank while simultaneously relieving part of the associated pain, saysDental alpenglow.

And if it does not work, help them regulate them with yoghurt.

greek yogurt food over 40

If you find that the wounds of anguish are a constant presence, your mouth can shout for more acidophilus. This beneficial bacterium can help regulate the natural flora of your mouth, which can also run AMOK and cause wounds and eraser problems. Eat a cup of yoghurt like a snack every day or buy acidophilus as a pill, Alpenglow Dental suggests.

Work for a BOANPOWER boost.

older white man and woman exercising at home

Exercise does not only provide physical benefits. Also increases the flow of blood and oxygen in the brain, which allows you to better protect you mentally and potentially protect yourself againstAlzheimer's disease. A 2018 study published in the magazineNeurology found that seniors noticing the cognitive decline thatsystematically exercised for six months saw a significant change in their executive operating skills.

Stop tightening the teeth.


Tighten your teeth can make your muscles tight andcause jaw pain. For fast relief, Colgate suggests pressing a fist under your chin, then trying to open the mouth, to withstand the jaw with the fist. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat if necessary.

Drink more green tea.

breast cancer prevention

Green tea is good for your allergies. As a 2010 study published in theAgricultural Chemistry and Food Journal explains, a chemical in green tea actuallyblocks the production of an allergy trigger compound called immunoglobulin E, giving you the ability to catch abreak your allergies.

Eating spinach.

foods for brain, Best Foods for Maximizing Your Energy Levels

For your Ticker and your regions to be well healthy in your golden years, segregated on some spinach. Rich in omega-3s and folate, spinach can helpReduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis and sexual problems related to age.

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