The only design error of the house that makes your home dangerous

These carpets can be superb, but if you install them badly, a trip to the emergency room could be in your future.

There are many things you are doing around your house on a regular basis forprotect it: You check the pan before coming out the door, you replace the batteries from your smoke detectors and make sure your doors are locked before going to bed. However, there is a lack of design of dangerous houses that you could do, it will not only diminish the aesthetic attraction of your home, but could make it a more perilous place in the long run: do not measure and secure your carpets correctly .

"If a zone mat is not equipped correctly or [does not] the necessary anti-slip support, it can become a hazardous event waiting to occur," says the interior designerJavier Fernandez ofTransition designs.

So, how dangerous something is like seemingly harmless that a carpet to launch?

According to a 2012 study published in theJournal of Blight & Violence Research, about 37,991 adults aged 65 and over areTreated in American emergency rooms each year for rug and carpet-related falls. In a preliminary study presented at the annual meeting of anesthesiology® 2017, on544 patients treated for hip fractures at Central Connecticut Hospital, the more wounded on rugs than ice or snow.

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Fortunately, keep you safe without giving up these flooring is relatively simple. "When you select a zone mat, make sure that it is perfect for space without lifting to the corners and your carpet has a non-patinated carrier or that you secure the carpet to prevent any potential accident," says Fernandez .

stair runner on staircase
Shutterstock / Robophobe

It's not just your living spaces that are made safer with secure textiles. "I always recommend a stair runner, especially for families with small children," says the interior designerBetsy Wentz ofBetsy Wentz Interior Design. "Not only are they isolating and soften the sound, the riders help to avoid slipping the stairs." A 2015 study in theInfantile disease archive confirms that carpet stairs are associated withFewer falls related to the stairs in children Less than five years. Looking for more ways to make your home safer? Check these23 frightening signs that your home is a fire hazard.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Decor / Home
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