More than half of the states do not follow this CDC directive

With at least 28 states that do not respect these practices, the CDC figures could happen.

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, people watched disease control and prevention centers (CDC) for correct and updated information on the number of cases in the United States. The CDC compiles compilations on COVID-19 points submitted by each state, so the information they diffuse are only as good as what they receive. At the moment, more than half of the states do not follow a critical directive during the case statement to the CDC, which could radically change theirNew daily cases TOTALS.

Although the guidelines on CDC coronavirus reports are voluntary, states are strongly invited to adhere to these to obtain a number as close as possible. The guidelines are asking States to report probable cases of coronaviruses as well as those who have been confirmed.Probable Are defined by the Council of States and territorial epidemiologists (CTSS) as of the two cases that show proof of coronavirus infection without laboratory test or case in which the coronavirus is supposed to be a cause of death without laboratory test. However, CNN reports that "at least28 states do not follow " These recommendations "of them saw the trend of new cases increased last week".

Doctor writing down data

States that do not include the probable cases in the Count which they submit to the CDC, they could be roughly underestimated the number of cases in their state, which would make it difficult to enhance the officials to assess the position. from America. According to CNN, some of the probable case reports include California, Florida, New York and Texas, all of which have important populations, and already report the largest number of new cases, even without probable. The officials of Montana, Rhode Island and the District of Columbia saidThe Washington Post they areno declaration of probable cases Because they do not believe that they had no, because of the small number of cases and the accessibility of tests in their states.

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Including probable cases in disease tables is a common practice and has been made during theH1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009. CSTE Executive DirectorJanet HamiltonRecountThe Washington Post that the failure of many States to document the cases of probable coronaviruses is "historical in many ways, because there are many classifications of probable cases and probable are regularly and normally reported", adding that the institution was "definitively concerned about the Deputy Chief ". The cases of undernombery could ultimately lead to inaccurate data and amisunderstanding of the real impact of the disease on the population of the country. For more facts about propagation,That's exactly when coronavirus cases started climbing.

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