13 states where coronavirus cases come down

More than a dozen states will see cases of declared coronaviruses decrease. See where there is good news.

It has been about seven weeks since the White House Coronavirus Working Group unveiled the guidelines for social and home distancing designed to reduce theCovid-19 Mortel Contagion. While many parts of the country are still returning, there are more than a dozen states where the number of coronavirus cases descends. It's still too early to get the champagne out and celebrate with a task-tatty parade, but it's good news for these 13 states whereCoronavirus is on the decline. And for more coronavirus information you need, check25 coronavir facts that you should know now.

New Jersey

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As of April 29, New Jersey reported a little over 116 00.Total coronavirus cases and more than 6,770 deaths. Newly reported cases culminated in mid-April to nearly 4,300 per day, but now, the state of the garden sees about half of this number of new cases daily (about 2,400). And if you want to know when your state can come out of the quarantine, checkHere is when locking your condition should start lifting.


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Florida saw more than 33,000Total coronavirus cases and more than 1,200 deaths. Newly reported cases culminated early April to 1,400 per day, but this number was considerably reduced to 350 to 29 April. And if you want to know what the world of Florida Disney will look like post-coronavirus, check8 main ways Disney World will be different after coronavirus.


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Louisiana reported a total of 27,000case of coronavirus and more than 1,800 deaths from April 29th. The new daily cases culminated early April to 2,700, but this number is now descended. The state notes less than 400 new cases a day by the end of April.


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Connecticut reported 27,000case of coronavirus and more than 2 100 people. On April 22, the number of new daily cases culminated at 2,100 years, but this number fell by two-thirds to 730-from the end of the month. And if you are a commissioner looking for responses about life after Covid-19, here's8 things you can never see on the public transport of coronavirus.


georgia geographical map state natural wonders

Georgia saw about 24,300Total coronavirus cases and more than 1,100 deaths from April 29th. The summit of new daily cases was early April to 1,600. Georgia is now reduced to 50% of the new coronavirus cases each day.


ohio geographical map state natural wonders

Ohio reported about 17,300Total coronavirus cases and more than 900 dead. The summit of new daily cases was April 19th at 1,380, but this number was down until 540 on April 29th.

South Dakota

south dakota geographical map state natural wonders

South Dakota saw a total of 2,400case of coronavirus, which has so far led to 13 deaths. The summit of new daily cases was April 15th with 180, but this number fell to about 60 April.


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Idaho saw 2,000Total coronavirus cases and about 60 dead. The state's summit was April 2, when there were 222 new reported cases. But on April 29th, this number fell to 32.

Western Virginia

west virginia geographical map state natural wonders

West Virginia knew about 1,100Total cases of coronavirus and 40 deaths. The summit for them was on April 18th, while there were 74 new cases of Covid-19. On April 29, the state saw only two new cases.


vermont geographical map state natural wonders

Vermont reported 890Total coronavirus cases and about 50 dead. The summit of this state was on April 4th, while there were 72 new cases of coronavirus. On April 29, there waszero new reported cases.


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On the Islands of Hawaii, there was a little more than 600Total cases of coronavirus and nearly 20 dead. The peak of this state was early April with 34 new cases of COVID-19. But this number has gone up to four on April 29th.


montana geographical map state natural wonders

In Montana, there were more than 450TOTAL COVID-19 CASE and 16 deaths. The number of new daily cases was at its peak at the end of March with 35 reported patients. But on April 29, two new cases were reported.


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In Alaska, there was a little more than 350Total cases of coronavirus and seven deaths. The peak of this state was April 9, when there were 22 new cases of CVIV-19 reported. Twenty days later, on April 29, this number fell to four new cases.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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