When will it be safe to cut the hair? Experts weigh in

It will be a while before the salons and the hair salons reopen and the experience will not be the same.

If the thought ofhave your partner cut your hair-n still worse, taking things in hands sends chills in the spine, you are not alone. In the light of the coronavirus pandemic, countless people, suddenly hirsute with hair and split to non-limited composition, are wondering: "When can I get a haircut again"

While many retail food service industries have changed their workplace practices to enable appropriatesocial distancingThe same is simply not possible for companies like hairdressing salons, where human touch is an integral part of the experience.

According to pediatricianCara Natterson, MD, founder ofProof of WORRY COUNCIL, Ideally, people do not cut hair outside of their home until a vaccine is widely available, and a large part of the population is safe from Covid-19. "The vaccines go to the immunity of herds much faster because they accelerated immune systems to recognize and coronaviruses of combat," explains.

However, with thefirst mass product vaccine Unlikely to hit the market until September, Natterson says the best bet to keep the lounge owners and customers safely for the moment is very widespread Covid-19 test.

"Once the test is accessible to all and we can use this extensive test to document that the cases are on the decline, companies that need people to be nearby will begin to operate with caution, respect the established guidelines By epidemiologists and other health professionals, not just politicians, "says Natterson. And when the shows do not reopen, she says that hairdressers and customers mustmasks andgloves at risk to mitigate coronavirus transmission.

Unfortunately, with regard to the security of touching another person's hair after the worst of the pandemic has decreased, some experts think that there is ceasing to worry.

In an interview withToday, Epidemiology of infectious diseasesSaad Omer, MBBS, Director of the Yale Institute for Global Health, says theCoronavirus could probably live on the hairBut not for a long period of time. "Viruses survive for less durations on porous surfaces, such as hair, smooth surfaces, such as stainless steel," that canHost the virus for three days, he says.

What is even less clear at this stage is, where appropriate, the risk of using hot air dryers could have in terms of propagation of the virus in a confined space. "We know thatcoronavirus is in the form of aerosol And can persist in the air, but the studies to date suggest that it is not very effective mode of transmission "explains Natterson. That said, if you have a living room full of guests, all exhaling and cough coronavirus, the risk of becoming sick could go up ".

With regard to salon employees and the owners, whose businesses have been hit hard by the judgment, there is a little hope.

"What most people do not realize is that part of our in-depth training, which must become sanitation and professional disinfection, under license," saysMichelle Cleveland, Owner ofHair Addict Living Room, Which notes that even obtaining a license to open a hairdresser requires the passage of cleaning and the strict disinfection of the requirements.

Ideally, Cleveland says that to keep professionals and customers out of danger, stylists must be able to ask customers if they have had a contact, ask with sick person theywash one's hands By entering the living room, and even take their temperature at the door.

Until companies are starting to reopen safely and the immunity of the flock is reached, however, there is a small lining of money to be late for a haircut: "the only people who see us other than those who live under our roof are the people we connect with byVideo chat or zoom, "Natterson says. "They are very indulgent mediums your gray do not pass by almost as well as it does it in real life! And to answer another question by pressing COVID, consultCan you get coronavirus more than once? Who said yes.

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