This is the worst thing you do Every Time you enter your home

Make this a common mistake could put you at risk of bringing Covid-19 to your home.

There is a lot of concern to leave our homes right now. Before you go out your door, you must rememberwear your mask, Put gloves, and take disinfectant for the hands. But what are you going home? Although you can feel like you cover all your bases by washing your hands and wipe the grocery store, there isa huge mistake You are probably still doing: wear your shoes inside. The shoes are dirty by nature and tend to follow dirt wherever you go. And these days, your kicks could represent an even more serious threat by wearing the coronavirus in your home.

A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) examined the aerosol andDistribution of the coronavirus surface In the hospitals in Wuhan, China. The researchers found that he was "widely distributed" on floors as the medical staff walks in the rooms. They concluded that it is because the virus droplets can fall down, landing on the floor, where they could then be followed around the plant shoes. Of course, the virus is more important in hospitals, but this same phenomenon could happen at your local grocery store or inTake your daily walk.

Anthony Weinert, DPM, the head ofShoe pantry, Is concerned if the possibility of transport coronavirus by shoes that he has donated thousands of fangs, which are easy to disinfect to medical staff in Michigan. "We talk about masks, protective masks, gloves, blouses and glasses [protection], but they neglect one thing, the important shoes worn by our health professionals on the front lines," says Weinert. It fears that many doctors and nurses "wear tennis shoes, which canallow the coronavirus to fix on the surface From the shoe and transport at home ".

Shoes by the front door

Everyone must be aware of what germs can hide on their shoes, even those in the general community. Weinert emphasizes the importance of cleaning your shoes withDisinfection or spray wipes Before going inside your home, so you do not accidentally contaminate your hands as you detach your laces. This will also allowPrevent the virus from spreading to other surfaces in your home. An easier alternative is to wear shoes to put on and simply leave them outside the door.

Although the transmission of person to no one is still the most viable way for the coronavirus to spread, it is better to prevent than cure during the pandemic. And to find out more about another risky error that you could do, consultWhat you touch an article takes you every day you most at risk of coronavirus.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Coronavirus / Home
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