Doctors say that coronavirus "clinically does not exist" in this former hotspot

Here are some encouraging news in the global struggle against coronavirus.

Day after day, there are more and more dark news on the coronavirus pandemic. But finally, there is good news on an old hotspot. A Senior Italian doctor says theCoronavirus loses its power And has become much less lethal, according to a Reuters report. Dr.Albert ZangrilloThe head of San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, proposed rare encouraging news in the world battle against Covid-19 mortal contagion. "In reality, the virus exists clinically in Italy," he said.

TheLombardy Region of Northern Italy, of which Milan is the capital, was a hotspot for coronavirus. The country has undergone theThird Largest Number of Related Deaths COVID-19-The 35,000 in the world. But new cases and deaths have declined lately, hence the comments of Zangrillo. "The swabs that have been made in the last 10 days have shown a viral load in quantitative terms that were absolutely infinitesimal compared to those carried out a month or two months ago," said Zangrillo. Translation? Coronavirus becomes much less powerful.

Zangrillo was not alone in presenting encouraging news. Dr.Matteo Bassetti, the leader of the Infectious Disease Clinic of the San Martino Hospital of the City of Genoa, told the Ansa News Agency: "The strength of the virus two months ago is not the same thing as it has today." He added, "It's clear that todayCovid-19 disease is different. "

The comments of the doctors were received with a caution of the foreseeable government.Sandra Zampa, a sub-secretary to the Italian Government's Ministry of Health, said: "While waiting for scientific evidence to support the thesis that the virus has disappeared ... I would invite those who say they are sure of not confusing the Italians." She added: "We should instead invite Italians to maintain maximum prudence, to maintainphysical distancing, to avoidLarge groups, to wash your hands frequently and formasks. "

Although the comments of two doctors in Italy are no reason to throw masks aside and stop following the directives of social distancing, they present encouraging news at a time when we might all use all. And for more positive, check5 shocking things that could change for the best after coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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