5 things you do not see in classes after coronavirus
Expert says that these COVID-19 stimulated class changes are needed to stop propagation.
With coronaviruspropagation still in some regions From the country, schools across the United States closed shop until the end of the semester and probably beyond. AndWhen children return to schoolHe will probably be a little different than she has pre-pandemic.
In an effort to maintain student safety, teachers and administrators will have to make some major changes, including the removal of a handful of Schoolroom common elements. Continue reading for five things you will not see in classrooms after coronavirus. And for more COVID-19 means will change education, see these7 things you will never see in schools again after coronavirus.
1 Pump activated by hand disinfectant dispensers
While some schools have already addedhand disinfectant Distributors of classrooms and bathrooms to help stop the spread of germs, they are about to get a lot more high-tech that the pump activated distributors, which can transfer coronaviruses and other pathogens between students.
"[Motion activated distributors] will be installed inside and outside each entry in class and at the entrance of the school itself," saysKaren Aronian, EDD, founder ofAronian Education Design. It also pointed out that many schools are likely to adopt before and after the clean-up hand-class for all students to limit the risk of coronavirus propagation and other diseases.
2 Sharpener
This Mars at the front of the classroom to sharpen a blunt pencilcan be a thing of the past, Thanks to COVID-19.
"In Cycons Class will be replaced by pencils that are personally worn in the case of a pencil of a student," says Aronian, who anticipates that mechanical pencils also generalize in schools. And if you want to keep your own space safer, make sure these18 things you need to disinfect every day but are not.
3 reading corners
Despite being the places where innumerable children have developed theirlove of readingThese comfortable corners filled with bags of beans and books could be the coronavirus hotspot of a classroom.
"[They] are negotiated on and revised downward to suppress flexible elements that are difficult to disinfect and maintain as free from germs," says Aronian. Want to protect your well-being? Start by avoiding these7 things you will never want to touch again after the coronavirus.
4 Communal sports equipment
The good news? Your child will no longer besprouting Covering a shared baseball glove that is still hot with the previous player's hand.
The bad news? "Children will be required to buy and bring their own baseball mittens from the equipment, sticks, and Lacrosse-racquets so as not to spread through shared personal items," says Aronian.
5 Door handles
Although this can mean a recast and design rather much needed a substantial Aronian budget says that every time possible, schools would be wise to make the door handles disappear for good.
«Hands free unlocking and automatic doors and open the doors of nearby schools so less handsTouch hard surfaces and propagation germs" She says. And if you wonder where the virus could hide in your home, check out these7 Home Surfaces most likely to be contaminated by coronavirus.