This popular place is too dangerous to visit right now, experts say

Although they can be opened, excessive coronavirus numbers mean it can be too early to come back here for now.

An increasing number of states across the country are continuing their reopening plans and some places are convinced that customers are looking forward to coming back to their lives because they knew them the pandemic. But as the coronavirus numbers show, all public places can not be sufficiently safe to advent it so far. Medical experts told CNBC that in the midst of Covid-19,movie theater are an excellent example of a place that is too dangerous to visit right now-No import how much you may wantcatch a shot.

RecordNumber of new COVID-19 cases Having many worried officials, but medical experts agree that some steps can always be taken to reign in soaring numbers. Unfortunately, many of them also feel thatInterior settings With recirculated air through the A / C systems, make cinemas a particularly risky place to spend time.

Although the California Department of HealthGuidelines published for film theaters Follow - including the capacity of 25%, attributed times and empty-doctors are still skeptical. The experts said thatRecirculation air in cinemas would cancel any attempt at social distancing between participants, especially without any major cinematographic chain announcing the plans ofInstall filtration systems in their air conditioning systems. Studies have shown thatAir conditioning can present a major risk In the propagation of the new coronavirus by carrying particles into a closed space.

Group of people watching movie in the cinema after Coronavirus loosening measures.

"I would honestly say that I amnot comfortable going to the movies Currently, "Carlos del Rio, MD, aInfectious Disease Specialist Atlanta, told CNBC. "I want to see the numbers down, I want to see the cases drop. At this moment, the only place where I am comfortable to go to the cinema is my living room."

Despitehave previously announced Maybe they may not survive the coronavirus national closure, the major AMC cinema chain grabbed titles when they announced that they will reopen their cinemas in mid-July - including, includingwithoutaCompulsory facial mask rule. Finally, they are returned, but medical experts are still concerned. A doctor's sign arranged was invited toassess36 activities As for Covid-19 and going to the cinema, it was among the most risky.

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Always miss the fresh popcorn? Medical experts suggested thatFilm Theaters Drive-In Provide a safer alternative to the traditional film of cinema. But you probably will not see them back to the cinema at any time soon. "In the middle of a pandemic, there are some things you need to do and you do not have to do," said Del Rio. "At some point, you have to say" do that is too much risk. "" And for more things about how things are looking for the night of your eventual movie, stop5 things you will never see again with cinema after coronavirus.

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