7 questions about the coronavirus vaccine, replied by doctors
Will the coronavirus vaccine be mandatory? Here is what experts have to say.

The race to find acoronavirus vaccine is on. Several vaccine possibilities are currently being tested to prevent CVIV-19 propagation stop. But as we get closer to the potential of a coronavirus vaccine being accomplished to the public, many people have questions and concerns. Will a coronavirus vaccine even work and will it be safe? Will a vaccine be mandatory for everyone? We talked to the experts to answer some of the most pressing questions about the coronavirus vaccine. And for more about why a vaccine could be needed, read our story:Will coronaviruses disappear without vaccine? Here's what experts say.
1 "How do we know if a coronavirus vaccine will work?"

For the health of all, vaccines are going through long rigorous tests before being accessible to the public, saysReuben Elovitz, MD, founder andinternal medicine doctor to private health Dallas. That's why we do not yet have coronavirus vaccine, as he indicates that the test process usually takes several years - although this has been somewhat accelerated due to the impact of COVID-19.
According to a licensed doctorLeann Poston, MD, amedical expert For Ikon Health, this test means that "Vaccents Cross an animal test for safety and efficiency, then four phases of clinical trials on humans to evaluate dosage and security. "It is monitored by people with" different genetic profiles, different pre-existing conditions and different metabolism "to understand how this will affect a large population. And to learn more about potential production pitfalls, discoveringThe shocking problem that could prevent you from getting the coronavirus vaccine.
2 "How many people need to take the coronavirus vaccine?"

No vaccine is 100% effective for everyone, saysKhawar Siddique, MD, aNeurosurgeon at Docs in Los Angeles. The purpose of the coronavirus vaccine is not to doeveryone Immune, but to create a majority of people capable of fighting the virus, resulting in "flock immunity" for those who can not develop immunity or take the vaccine themselves.
Chris Xu, PhD, President and CEO ofThermogenesis andImmunistiesays that the coronavirus vaccine may be similar to the hepatitis B vaccine, in which about 10% of recipients "never develop antibody immunity". This means that, in order to work effectively, most people will have to get the vaccine to produce a population immunity of nearly 90% for the immunity of herds, according toAlex M. McDonald, MD, a family doctor in San Bernardino, California.
3 "Will a coronavirus vaccine be mandatory?"

Doctors can only speculate on whether a vaccine will be mandatory or not. According to Siddique, hope that this is the case. The coronavirus vaccine could be very strongly recommended, such as influenza vaccine, or mandatory, such as meningitis and measles vaccines, depending onJanette Nesheiwat, MD, aFamily and emergency doctor.
But even meningitis and measles vaccines have exceptions forExemptions based on medical reasons, despite the mandatory being. And it will probably be the case of the coronavirus vaccine, also says Elovitz. With any vaccine, it is possible that this is not safe for people against contraindications, such as infants, pregnant women, immunocompened individuals or people with allergic reactions to vaccine components, he says. He says. The contraindications that come with the coronavirus vaccine will become more evident at the trial stage, so that these exemptions will occur in light before it is made available. And to learn more about what it's like to have COVID-19, discoverHow coronavirus affects your body, your head to the toes.
4 "Will a coronavirus vaccine give you the coronavirus?"

There is afalse ideaMany vaccines actually give you the virus, especially when it comes to a living vaccine and is therefore dangerous to get vaccines. A live vaccine is the one that uses a weakened version of the live virus, explains XU, but there are different vaccine formats tested at this time that do not include live viruses. In addition, a living vaccine will not cause any questions in the vast majority of people.
"If it's not a live virus vaccine, the answer is no," he explains. "If it's a direct virus, and you are not compromised at the immune, the answer is no. If you are a person with a compromised immune system, then a livingvaccine could potentially cause a problem. You should seek to use a monoclonal antibody or polyclonal antibody such as prophylactic use or therapeutic use to protect yourself. Consult your doctor for more information when thevaccineis released. "
Siddic says that with any vaccine, you may encounter light symptoms or side effects of the vaccine, such as a fever, but that does not mean that you are really sick with coronavirus.
5 "Would you need to get the coronavirus vaccine once a year, like the influenza vaccine?"

The amount of time you will need to get the coronavirus vaccine depends on a multitude of factors. Poston says that Biotech Company Modera is currently testing a messenger RNA vaccine for coronavirus-now, in its first clinical phase of tests, where volunteers receive two shots of 28 days, but it's too early to say what a planning of vaccine could look like the entire population.
Greg Maguire, PhD, founder ofBioregenerative Sciences, Inc., says the number of times you will need the vaccine has a lot to do with the SARS-COV-2 virus mutation rate. The influenza virus has a rapid transfer rate, which is why a new version of the influenza vaccine must be available each year. However, according to Maguire, the "SARS-COV-2 virus has been judged mutated at a slower rate than the influenza virus", it can therefore provide longer-term immunity than the influenza vaccine, which will not require necessarily a new vaccine each year. And for more on the future of coronavirus, learnHow the second wave of coronavirus could be even worse.
6 "Will there have different versions of the coronavirus vaccine available?"

The influenza vaccine is available at a time as a nasal spray and as an injection (influenza). According to XU, various vaccine formats are under development for the moment, but it is too early in the test phase to find out if different versions similar to nasal and injection, will be available for the coronavirus vaccine.
7 "Will you need to get the vaccine if you've ever had coronaviruses?"

Xu says it is possible that people who already havehad the coronavirus Can still need to get the vaccine, similar to those who have influenza but still need to get an influenza vaccine each year.
"It's not everyone who had the coronavirus generating a protective antibody response," he says. "Even if someone is exposed to COVID-19, the current studies show that 70 to 80% of people exposed to the virus generate a strong antibody response, 10 to 15% generate a low antibody response and more than 10% of people. Never generate any antibodies against the virus. "Those in low or non-antibody response groups, which can be determined after aAntibody screening, will always need to take the vaccine, according to XU. And for more information on antibody tests, it'sThe only reason you should not get an antibody test.