It's the worst place where you can go on July 4 weekend, says doctor
When you do your holidays projects, make sure to consider this expert opinion.

The long-awaited weekend of July 4th is here - a party typically celebrated with big backyard barbecues, massiveFireworks displays, andGatherings with family and friends. But with many parts of the country dealing with dramatic peaks in cases of coronaviruses and concerns that the last holiday weekend of the country, the commemorative day, triggered this disturbing trajectory, this July 4 will probably be a little different from this that we are used to. While some states and cities are actively trying to mitigate the future propagation potential by closing (or reclosser) businesses, people in other areas are left at this summer holiday weekend. So, what is the worst place to go on July 4th? According toThomas Russo, MD,Head of Infectious Disease Division at the University of Buffalo, it'sAny indoor environment where people gather without masks, such as bars and restaurants.
Russo says that a gathering like this is the "worst scenario", especially if there is alcohol involved, because it decreases people resolution to maintain the distance and practicing other protective behaviors.
"If you are going to have a party and some of the guests you invite will be antichars, this poses a problem," he says interior gatherings. "The desire to wear masks is quite variable. There is a better mask culture that is underway in [some] parts of the world."
The reality is, there is probably theresome Amount of the inherent risks concerned if you are going to leave your home throughout this holiday weekend or invite people on. But some choices come with much larger risks than others.

The hosting or the participation of outdoor events are preferable, but you must not enter such scenarios with the illusion of complete coronavirus protection. "The outside is safer, but you are not going to be bullets if you do not follow the rules," says Russo, especially "if you are in close quarters without distance and mask for an extended period."
According to Russo, yes, "bad behavior outside is safer than bad behavior inside, but you can always be easily infected outside."
So, to recap, here you want to be this holiday weekend: outside,Drink with moderation, with adequate distance from others and with everyone wearing masks. If your July 4 schemes do not meet these standards, you may need to bring alternatives to stay safe.
To stay safe this summer,This is the worst thing you can do on July 4 weekend, official warned.