How is it the definition of a good boss has changed

A new study supports against the decision of an iron grip.

There is no secret for anyone than theworkplace has changed a lot over the past two decades. Technological advances release people at work everywhere, but also dothe workday 9-5 more and more obsolete. But there have also been interpersonal changes around power in the workplace and what it means to be a good boss. Now we finally have scientific data to safeguard what makes agood manager. According to a new study published in theJournal of Psychology of Labor and Organization, Patterns that focus on the needs of their employees tend to produce higher levels of productivity.

For the new study, researchers examined 130 independent studies and found thatthe bosses who exposed empathy And integrity and putting their employees first favored a sense of belonging, trust and loyalty that has been very beneficial for the workflow and the overall production of their business.

Back in the day, people were waiting for aboss to be strict And authoritarian, and constantly recall the employees they were there to serve. But in today's day and age, our concept of what it means to be agood manager is more consistent with what it means to begood parent. Yes, there should be rules, but theThe main objective of manager Should be to serve the interests of its employees and make sure they really get to work at work instead of fearing all Mondays.

"A" servant manager "style of management, which is ethical, trustworthy, and has a real interest in the well-being and development of staff, brings real positives in the workplace", principal author of the study,Dr. Allan Lee, Lecturer in Organization and Management Studies at Exeter Business School University, stated inA university newsletter. "Employees are more positive about their work and therefore often feel the power to become more creative. The result is an increase in productivity. »

The results contradict the long-standing belief that being ruthless is the key to success. And the study confirms other recent research that shows that some of the personality traits were once considered too "soft" for a person in a position to actually get the best results. research firmDevelopment Dimensions International, Inc (DDI) found that "empathy at the top of the list as the most critical pilot of overall performance" between managers. He is followedBy being clear with instructions, Encouraging participation, strengtheningloving, Help people develop their ideas, and support employees without removing responsibility.

Although these skills may seem obvious to a manager, DDI's research revealed that only 40 percent of business leaders appeared to exhibit them in reality. Change can not occur overnight, but it is a commendable goal of tending towards. And for more business tips for the modern era, seeIt's unique worst thing you can do during the negotiation.

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