20 signs that you are a person too judged

If in doubt, keep these opinions nasty to yourself.

We often try, in our daily life, to expose a "good" judgment and avoids "bad" judgment. We rarely stop and think, however, that we should really make a judgment at all. The fact is that for some people, the issuance of judgments crosses the line of a necessity of life to a sport of leisure. When this happens, you do not just make useful (or useless) opinions, you have become aabusive person. And nobody likes to be around a person too judged.

Fortunately, for those who are so afflicted, there are measures that can be taken to reduce his need to systematically judge others. But before that can not be done, the facts must be confronted that one is indeed simply a person as timing. The following is a list of 20 signs that if you are nodding, you may be guilty of spending too much judgment yourself.

You frequently make moral assessments

older man

A person who tried has difficulty accepting the things they see. Instead of visualizing the reality as it is, they simply prefer to reject these people and things they feel threatened. Thus, such a person will frequently divide the people into categories of "good" or "bad", with the latter being subject to criticism as a result of thisnegative judgment. At the same time, these judgments are quickly made and can change over time - the point does not judge people to help them, it is simply a way to maintain control.

You see the actions of others as emblematic of their person

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All the movements that we may not be able to be emblematic of the person we are the sentence ", sorry, I did not act like me." An excessive person will often have difficulty in separating an action - in particular, they disapprove - of the person who committed it.

Thus, they frequently lock the smallest bad act, using it as an excuse to label the person behind them "bad". In the meantime, a more level-headed approach would understand that no single action can define someone and that a person's character is created through a repeated actions life, not some isolated events.

You justify your criticism as "the truth"

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At a given moment, whether because of self-reflection or the advice of friends - a person who is too judged will probably be aware of their own tendency to criticize frequently.

Although, in some cases, this can be a stepping stone with the underlying problems behind their critical position, if the person has not yet reached the stage of maturity to be able to do so, they will deflect these statements in claiming that they only comment "the truth".

In their minds, their frequently emitted criticisms are not excessive because they do not come from a safe necessity to bring others back, but rather to affirm what is clearly true. Thus, they preserve their understanding of themselves as a person not judged by claiming that it is only the abundance of mistakes in others and not the need to criticize, who forces them to vocalize their negative comments on the things that surround them.

You expect a perfect consistency of others

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Everyone makes mistakes and sometimes fails to respect his own ideals. While most people know it, a person too deemed to have difficulty accepting the failures of others.

Instead of recognizing that people are complex people who are not perfectly compatible in everything they do in life, a person too judged will feel bad about which someone else does not respect expectations.

You regularly have a negative perspective

man on couch next to laptop holding head in hands

Imagine if you aim for a new city and all your guide had to offer wasNegative evaluations things in her. It's a bit like what it's a person who is too judged - instead of seeing things as they are, you see them covered with critics and problems. It should not be surprising that people who are too judged tend to have a negative and pessimistic attitude towards life.

Your judgment of the others is generally explained

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Being too judged is a defense mechanism: by criticizing others, you protect yourself from a negative evaluation. Thus, the judgments made by such a person will often work in their favor by dismissing dissimilar people as less important. A scientist who frequently criticizes the arts, for example, is more likely to be a person who is too judged that, for example, the scientist who criticizes his own profession.

You jump to the conclusions

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In its precipitation to condemn others, an excessive person of judgment will often not stop gatheringall the facts. Once again, this is due to the fact that the act of judgment and classification - is more important than the long-term precision of the judgment itself. Thus, even when you work with Safant evidence, such a person will often rush to a conclusion.

You criticize frequently


As critical as an excessive person of judgment can be others, the sword is often the clearest when they transform it on themselves. Given their wealth of knowledge on themselves, it is also often the most debilitating.

You do not trust others

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At the root of a state of mind that is too judged, it is a desire to keep others at the bay. Thanks to constant criticism and labeling, other people are maintained at arm length, enveloped as classifications such as "bad" or "ugly", unlike to be seen for whom they are. This usually comes from a mistrust towards the others - many judgment individuals assume that, if they leave the others getting closer, they will hurt.

You have trouble tolerating ambiguity

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Because a too critical person is generally threatened by others, they seek to understand those they fear by labeling them. Thus, such a person will often not be unable to tolerate ambiguity because it makes the adaptation of said person more difficult in a small neat box.

You commit yourself in a black or white thought

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In the same way that too much judgment, people have difficulty accepting the variability of their humans, they also struggle to see the mixed consequences of many actions. Instead of recognizing an act like, saying, in some respects and bad in others - like most - they see an act that is "good" or "bad" or if, and or but but.

You focus on specific traits of others

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Although most people are a package of confused and often paradoxical features, a person who has tried will tend to focus on one of those aspects of someone's personality, which will allow him to tread the rest.

Thus, they tend to reduce people to a dimension: the brilliant scholar who often becomes dreamed for them, "this spatial cadet", while his many achievements are swept under this carpet of criticism.

You are a perfectionist

angry woman

Often, the Floip-side to be too judged is a perfectionist. Since then, in their minds, most of the things are subparers - including their own work - so they need constant criticism, a person who is too judged will tend to seek "perfection" as a way to escape this beat of endless judgment. Unfortunately, like any perfectionist knows, the road to perfection is actually a bridge for nowhere.

You lose friends

man alone and sad

The fact is that an excessive person of judgment is not really fun to be around. Despite many other qualities of good quality, being close to so much negativity can be exhausting for anyone. So, if your friends are starting to fall like flies for what does not seem to be a good reason, you may want to ask you if you do something that makes them uncomfortable. And constantly criticizing that others are certainly likely to do that.

People do not share things with you

man comforts friend with head in hands

Even if friends stay, they can become mom on the most significant things. This is because they know that their friend too deemed to be able to listen to their problems with an open mind or to provide answers honestly in the best interest of the friend. Thus, they can abstain from talking about the things they deal with those they consider judgment, knowing that while they can withstand the hearing of negativity when directed against others People - They can not tolerate it when its penetrating glare turns to their own problems and insecurities.

You feel a social anxiety

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Trying too much judgment is a defense mechanism designed to protect the self of what could be a harmful world. Thus, those who engage in frequent judgment often feel an acute sense ofsocial anxiety Around others, developed as a defense mechanism against people voting the same judgments.

You often tell others how to "solve" or "improve" things

a boss angry at an intern

We sometimes offer unsolicited advice - sometimes we can think that we have the appropriate expertise, other times, we simply can not bear to look at others doing what we believe to be a mistake.

However, if you are constantly noticeing to others ways to improve on various aspects of their lives without inculpious, it's a good sign that you are too judged. After all, no one said there was something wrong that had to be repaired - except you, that is to say.

You are intolerant of differences from other people

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Since excessively judgment is a defense mechanism, it often means that those who are different to protect the feeling of superiority of the judge. Thus, a person who is too criticizing will find that their greatest intolerances are with those who are their opposite polar. The act of judgment implicitly contributes to approving the judge, protecting them with harmful criticism.

You have low self-value

pensive, sad, thinking

Even making every effort to putothers low, an excessive person of judgment will probably continue to maintain alow self-esteem and lack of self-esteem. This results from their own consistent self-criticism, as well as their generally negative perspectives. Unfortunately, it is a self-perpetuating cycle because the worst that someone can feel themselves, the more likely they will condemn others to have a boost to their ego.

You believe that others are "getting"

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A too critical person is usually not comfortable with the world. In addition to the underlying fear to propel their state of origin, they are also likely to learn from their own example that others monitors them, as quickly as possible to criticize even the slightest mistake. Thus, they can convince each other that everyone is also judged deemed to be and are to "get them" for even the most tiny offenses.

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