13 cleaning myths you need to stop believing
They may seem like useful life hacks, but these cleaning myths could harm your home.

If there is a task most people would like to have removed their plate, it is cleaning. In fact, in an effort to do that, often, chore ungrateful feeling that takes longer than ever, thanks to thePandemic of Covid-19- Little easier, people are looking for virtually all shortcuts that will help them cover a larger area quickly. The only problem? Many of those we callHacks of cleaning You have heard is unlikely to get the results you hope to reach. Before making a critical error, read to discover the expert cleansing myths say you have to stop believing now.
1 Vinegar is an effective antibacterial cleaner.

Although you are eager toDisinfect your house In the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, the vinegar just not do the trick.
"Vinegar is not an effective anti-bacterial or anti-virus agent," saysPete he, Ph.D.,scientific director and co-founder of Sales Labs. It notes that the EPA does not recognize vinegar as an antimicrobial agent for surface disinfection or disinfectant. As an effective alternative, it recommends instead of using hydrogen peroxide, which is recorded as a surface disinfectant and disinfectant.
2 Vinegar is a suitable cleaner for all surfaces.

The vinegar can be very good to remove the dirt from certain areas of your home, but it is not suitable for all surfaces.
Acetic acid, the active ingredient of vinegar, has a low pH and the high level of acidity, it explains. As such, "acetic acid has the potential to damage or cause corrosion to many types of hard surfaces, including metal, glass and certain ceramic tiles and stone, as well as coulis. »
3 The newspaper is effective for cleaning windows and mirrors.

If you are looking to get the sparkling glass surfaces, standard emission cleaning products will serve you a lot better than a piece of newsprint.
According toBrad RobersonPresident ofglass doctor, aNEIGHBOURLYThe newspapers were formerly much thicker than they are today, which makes them inefficient for cleaning the glass. However, the thinnest newspaper today will "quickly degrade when the wet newspaper stains and leave your mirror frames and window supports," he warns. Instead, Roberson recommends using a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth instead. And if you want to avoid damaging your space, discover these23 common cleaning errors that experts actually say ruin your home.
4 Baking soda is the best way to eliminate carpet odors.

The baking soda has many uses, but if you count on it to remove the stubborn odors of your carpets, do not hold your breath.
"While spiring soda bicarbonate directly on your carpet can help absorb unwanted odors, it does not completely remove the actual source of smell, and therefore only mask the smell for a short period of time", ExplainJoshua Miller,Director of Technical Training Rainbow International, a Neighborly company. To actually remove the odor of good, Miller says it is important to mop the stain as quickly as possible and your carpets cleaned at least once a year.
5 self-cleaning ovens clean completely.

The term "self-cleaning of the oven" is a little abuse of language, unfortunately.
"While they reduce small ash food particles, self-cleaning ovens demand after the entrance of their owner," saysCyrus Bedwyr, A professional kitchen andFurnace Cleaning Specialist with fantastic services. "If you do not clean your oven from time to time and only count on the self-cleaning function, it is inside starts looking for a coal mine in a short time. Can not go to the store for new cleaning products? then check these33 bright second uses for cleaning products you have never tried it before.
6 Disinfectant spray surfaces are sufficient for viruses and bacteria.

SimplySpraying disinfectants on surfaces Do not get them clean enough.
"The surfaces must first be cleaned with soap and water or other alcohol or bleach product to remove 'biofilms, the cellular material left by human contact that blocks the disinfectant to reach and penetrate effectively the virus, "explainsCory Chalmers, Steri-Clean and head of executive officerexpert and host on A & EBrine.
7 Lemons can disinfect waste disposal.

While adding a lemon to your waste disposal can make it feel better, it does nothing to reduce the bacteria there.
Instead, "to properly disinfect your disposition, you must spray a cleaning solution [like] a soft soap in the drain. Let the sitting sit, rub your disposal with a brush and flush with warm water », DECLAREPaul Abrams, aplumbing expert With Roto-Rooter. And if you are eager to do a deep cleaning,This spring cleaning checklist will hold you well organized.
8 The Ketchup will turn Terni money.

If you try cleaning Terni money, break the silver varnish, not the condiments.
According toSean Parry, a cleaning expert with U.K.Home cleaning company Careful services, while Ketchup vinegar theoretically eliminates Tarnish, in practice, it is far from effective. "Although it can work very lightly, the reality is that you need much more focused vinegar to efficiently eliminate these spots," says Parry.
9 Car wax facilitates cleaning your cooktop.

Cooking shelves are notoriously difficult to clean, but many people claim that there is an easy solution: coating the cooktop with car wax to eliminate damage. The only problem? It's extremely dangerous.
The application of the car wax at your cooktop "presents a very real fire risk, so it is not necessary to be used," says Parry. If you want to avoid being stuck on food and dirt, DRIE recommends wiping spills as they occur and frequently clean up with a microfiber cloth and a specialized cooking cleaner.
10 The mouth bath can clean your washing machine.

If you wantGet your own washing machine, you will have to put in a grease of elbow - not a capular of mouth bath. Although the antibacterial properties of mouthwash allegedly disinfect the machine, "you would need a huge amount of mouthwash and much more concentrated, as well as to make some kind of impact," says Parry. In addition to manual cleaning, the parade recommends running a white load with bleach or a blanket load empty every few months to disinfect it instead.
11 The ice cubes help sharpen garbage disposal blades.

The ice cooking keep your cold drink, but they will do little to help keep your garbage removal in working order.
"Garbage eliminations do not actually have blades and have two kills resembling teeth that work to grind solids in a liquid," saysDoyle JamesPresident ofMr. Rooter Plumbing, a neighboring company. If you want to clean your disposition, James recommends pouring a half-cup of baking soda, a cup of vinegar and a saucepan of boiling water at your disposal.
12 The use of more detergent help get your clothing cleaner.

Less it's more when it comes to your laundry detergent.
"Not only does the excessive sudes damage the pump and the drain of the washing machine, but it can also create excessive suds that redone the ground on our clothes", explainsChris Blanchette, owner of franchiseThe Appliance From the Valley of Merrimack, a neighboring company. In fact, over time, the accumulation of residue detergent can even cause mold in your machine.
13 Cleaning solutions work instantly.

If you spray cleaning solutions and wipe them out immediately, your home is just not as clean as you want.
"When you spray your countertops and surfaces, you will really have to wait a little time for the solution to settle and go to work," explains cleaning expert Jon Gibbons Smart vacuum cleaners. I do not know how long leave the cleaning product on? Most cleaning supplies bottles have instructions on the point of view of the time required to sit on a surface to be effective.

Dr. Fauci just said that you will not have to wear a mask when you do it soon